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John Williams scoring all three new Star Wars films!!


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Did anyone manage to make it to the YMF Debut concert last night? Nice to report Maestro looked great and was in top form. No signs of slowing down I’m happy to say. He did make this one tantalizing comment before playing the Star Wars theme:

“We’re about to play Star Wars [audience interrupts with cheers] and each time we play it, I’m reminded of the first time we played it decades ago. Neither I, nor George, nor anyone else involved thought this would go far or in a few years there would be a sequel and I’d have to revisit the themes…and years later another trilogy. Now we’re hearing of a new set of movies coming in 2015, 2016…so I need to make sure I’m still ready to go in a few years for what I hope would be continued work with George…[more cheers].”

It seems from the comment he made, he has stated interest in scoring the new films (assuming his stamina and health continues (fingers crossed)). And second, he might not realize the new films are not directly controlled by Lucas but now in the hands of JJ Abrams. Do we need to start a letter writing campaign to vocally have JJ Abrams at least give right of first refusal to Williams? I think it might make a nice passing of the “baton” if JW did the first with Giacchino as understudy to boost some of his skills and really take the place as the heir to JW. Something Giacchino seems willing but untrained to do. It is like that whole padawan/master thing in Star Wars.

The sold out concert program was:

The Cowboys Overture

Close Encounters suite

Harry Potter Suite

* Hedwig's Theme

* Nimbus 2000

* Harry's Wondrous World

ET "Adventures on Earth"

- Intermission -

Hollywood Movie Tribute

Hook selections

* The Face of Pan

* Flight to Neverland

Violin suites with Bing Wang, soloist

* Fiddler on the Roof

* Schindler's List

Tintin "The Duel"

Lincoln "With Malice Toward None"

Star Wars Main Title


Elegy for cello and strings

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Imperial March


March 30th, 2013 update: Michael Giacchino says "I'm a huge Star Wars Fan, but one of the things that excites me most about it coming back is the chance to hear new John Williams music, not new Michael Giacchino music based on John Williams music. I'm excited to hear what he would do, so however it shakes out, it would be great."

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April 13th, 2013 update: Michael Giacchino makes similar comments at a Star Trek concert in Switzerland

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April 19th, 2013 update: JJ Abrams says at a Star Trek premiere that John Williams will score Episode 7

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May 20th, 2013 update: Kaya Savas interviewed John Williams at BMI Film/TV Awards, and he stated "I certainly plan to, and fully expect I'll be there and to be able to do it."

Jump to that point in the thread (includes video!): click


June 10th, 2013 update: John Williams confirms at Boston concerts that he will be scoring Episode 7

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July 27th, 2013 update: At Star Wars Celebration VI, the announcement is officially made that John Williams was formally asked to score all 3 new Star Wars films (Episodes 7, 8, and 9). And an official video was uploaded to youtube featuring John talking about working with JJ and Kathleen Kennedy on the new films

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Wow! That is quite unexpected for him to say that!

Very interesting indeed!

BTW, which Hook pieces did he play? I have only ever heard "Flight To Neverland" played live by him in person.

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Of course he made similar comments about continuing on Harry Potter too and we all know how that turned out.

We're getting ready to be oversaturated with Star Wars and need to get used to the idea music can be done by someone other than Williams, it's happened before, Shadows, The Clone Wars.......

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That he still thinks the new movies are in George's hands tells me all I need to know about how in the loop he is with this new trilogy.

Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

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Pathetic naysayers, karelm posts a very positive news and all you do after Jasons post is to destroy the thread. Good job!

Do you really believe JW's good friend Steven Spielberg didn't mention any of this in their regular meetings. Are you so narrow minded to think that Steven Spielberg who is a good friend with George Lucas, Kathleen Kennedy and JW and also was instrumental in the JJ Abrams pick wouldn't talk with JW about these issues? You seem to have no idea what friendship means and thats really sad...

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I have no objection (quite the contrary!) to Williams scoring another Star Wars film or films. Who knows, maybe it would even be possible and most likely they would offer the film to him out of courtesy. But I consider it a bit unlikely.

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I would LOVE to hear what he could do in a non Spielberg/Lucas sci-fi adventure film while paying tribute to the established vocabulary. Sort of like a reboot of his own material. How cool would that be to hear if he knew then what he knows now, how he would approach this material. I would be surprised if he ends up scoring it but am keeping my fingers crossed.

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Williams stated he'd like to continue his work WITH George, not FOR George.

Anyone thinking Lucas will have zero involvement in the development of Episode VII: wake up. Please.

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It's endearing and just plain nice to hear John speak of this. If he wishes to write for the new movies then I hope he gets to.

Who knows, maybe Star Wars is the one film series he feels quite protective of, considers his own.

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Williams stated he'd like to continue his work WITH George, not FOR George.

Anyone thinking Lucas will have zero involvement in the development of Episode VII: wake up. Please.

I guess you're right. I love this music so much that I probably read too much into his comments. His involvement might be as minimal as Lucas and he watch a rough cut of the film and bless it and I read his comment as he's clearing his schedule to work on these.

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On the other hand, if Williams expresses interest in doing at least the 7th one, neither Disney nor Abrams would deny him first choice. I can only imagine the internet shitstorm when the news leaks that the holy John Williams wanted to do a new STAR WARS film very much and is denied this last hurrah just to accomodate some minor executive or director.

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Egos are big in Hollywood, but, in this case, Respect is even bigger. Abrams and Gia are both fans of Williams and respect him. If Williams wants the job, it is his. Quite frankly, I would suppose both Abrams and Gia are rooting for him to do it.

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I still maintain JJ's contract includes a Giacchino clause.

But you all are welcome to be as bubbly as you like. You know...maybe after 5 Harry Potter films and a Star Wars one you'll finally learn your lessons.

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Williams stated he'd like to continue his work WITH George, not FOR George.

Anyone thinking Lucas will have zero involvement in the development of Episode VII: wake up. Please.

Sandor, don't be so pathetic.

You know Karelm was paraphrasing a comment he heard last night, so you can't pick WITH or FOR in your argument.

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Come 2015, as with HP, I predict a bunch of upset people here because their interpretations of reality will be crushed.

I think Williams was just being polite as he was with HP.

I doubt Dsiney is going to bring JJ Abrams aboard and expect him to have little say over who he hires.

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Yeah, the fucking JWFan oracle has spoken.

There's no oracleness to it. It's just logic. JJ is one of the most powerful producers and directors in Hollywood right now. He was Disney's first choice for this project. He doesn't need a Star Wars (after all he has Star Trek now), but Disney needs him for Star Wars. He's also very much an "end to end" producer. Control freak.

He signed a contract that has Bad Robot displacing much of Lucasfilm's creative role in the Star Wars franchise, and people think he'd forget to add his go to composer for 12 years as a stipulation of that contract? ;)

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I bet Gia will be secretly gutted when he finds out.

I think so too, but whether or not Williams ends up taking this first one, I imagine Giacchino will get his chance eventually. Especially if Star Wars really does go on indefinitely, I can see him being asked for a future sequel or spin-off. Amongst his generation, he's currently the biggest game in town when it comes to this kind of thing.

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Yeah, the fucking JWFan oracle has spoken.

There's no oracleness to it. It's just logic. JJ is one of the most powerful producers and directors in Hollywood right now. He was Disney's first choice for this project. He doesn't need a Star Wars (after all he has Star Trek now), but Disney needs him for Star Wars. He's also very much an "end to end" producer. Control freak.

He signed a contract that has Bad Robot displacing much of Lucasfilm's creative role in the Star Wars franchise, and people think he'd forget to add his go to composer for 12 years as a stipulation of that contract? ;)

I'm pretty much done with Star Wars and its music anyway nowadays, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna be quick-drawing and shooting down the hopes and dreams of fanboys on here just because I like to dress up as Marshall Justice of the Bureau of Internet Truth and wink at myself in the car window reflection before getting in and driving away to the next call out like you do, Blume.

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Yeah, the fucking JWFan oracle has spoken.

There's no oracleness to it. It's just logic. JJ is one of the most powerful producers and directors in Hollywood right now. He was Disney's first choice for this project. He doesn't need a Star Wars (after all he has Star Trek now), but Disney needs him for Star Wars. He's also very much an "end to end" producer. Control freak.

He signed a contract that has Bad Robot displacing much of Lucasfilm's creative role in the Star Wars franchise, and people think he'd forget to add his go to composer for 12 years as a stipulation of that contract? ;)

I'm pretty much done with Star Wars and its music anyway nowadays, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna be quick-drawing and shooting down the hopes and dreams of fanboys on here just because I like to dress up as Marshall Justice of the Bureau of Internet Truth and wink at myself in the car window reflection before getting in and driving away to the next call out like you do, Blume.

Is that why you're so loveable friendly and dull lately? ;)

Also you forgot my douchey sunglasses that I tilt down to wink at myself.

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He said this stuff for Harry Potter, but that's when he was asked. He never brought it up on his own, and it was never in front of a crowded audience. I'm not holding my breath, but it could happen.

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Did anyone manage to make it to the YMF Debut concert last night? Nice to report Maestro looked great and was in top form. No signs of slowing down I’m happy to say. He did make this one tantalizing comment before playing the Star Wars theme:

“We’re about to play Star Wars [audience interrupts with cheers] and each time we play it, I’m reminded of the first time we played it decades ago. Neither I, nor George, nor anyone else involved thought this would go far or in a few years there would be a sequel and I’d have to revisit the themes…and years later another trilogy. Now we’re hearing of a new set of movies coming in 2015, 2016…so I need to make sure I’m still ready to go in a few years for what I hope would be continued work with George…[more cheers].”

It seems from the comment he made, he has stated interest in scoring the new films (assuming his stamina and health continues (fingers crossed)). And second, he might not realize the new films are not directly controlled by Lucas but now in the hands of JJ Abrams. Do we need to start a letter writing campaign to vocally have JJ Abrams at least give right of first refusal to Williams? I think it might make a nice passing of the “baton” if JW did the first with Giacchino as understudy to boost some of his skills and really take the place as the heir to JW. Something Giacchino seems willing but untrained to do. It is like that whole padawan/master thing in Star Wars.

The sold out concert program included two pieces from Hook

ET suite

Close Encounters suite

Harry Potter Suite

Hollywood Movie Score selections

Violin suites (Fiddler on the Roof, Schindler's List) with Bing Wang, soloist

Hook (two pieces)


Lincoln elegy

Star Wars


Elegy for cello and strings

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Imperial March

Did the Lincoln elegy seem to be the same as the album cue, or was it an extended version? Either way, that is not the piece I would expect him to perform from the movie. I would like to think that this is evidence that he is going to have a suite of reworked pieces from the movie. Maybe not quite the reworking as with Memoirs, but I am hoping for something along those lines.
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It probably was all just in good fun, perhaps even along the lines of "I'll be retired by then anyway". But I'm still convinced that if Williams is in good health and *wants* to do the score, he'll do it.

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Yeah, the fucking JWFan oracle has spoken.

There's no oracleness to it. It's just logic. JJ is one of the most powerful producers and directors in Hollywood right now. He was Disney's first choice for this project. He doesn't need a Star Wars (after all he has Star Trek now), but Disney needs him for Star Wars. He's also very much an "end to end" producer. Control freak.

He signed a contract that has Bad Robot displacing much of Lucasfilm's creative role in the Star Wars franchise, and people think he'd forget to add his go to composer for 12 years as a stipulation of that contract? ;)

Have you seen this contract? Or are you just assuming?

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Yeah, the fucking JWFan oracle has spoken.

There's no oracleness to it. It's just logic. JJ is one of the most powerful producers and directors in Hollywood right now. He was Disney's first choice for this project. He doesn't need a Star Wars (after all he has Star Trek now), but Disney needs him for Star Wars. He's also very much an "end to end" producer. Control freak.

He signed a contract that has Bad Robot displacing much of Lucasfilm's creative role in the Star Wars franchise, and people think he'd forget to add his go to composer for 12 years as a stipulation of that contract? ;)

Have you seen this contract? Or are you just assuming?

There's a third alternative. I am JJ Abrams.

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And I want to apologize to karlem for getting this thread out of hand.

I just feel we're going to revisit the HP he is or he isn't silliness.

When it was obvious to the sane he wasn't.

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The big difference between SW and HP is that the director Yates just did not seem like a fan of Williams. Abrams, and his usual go to guy Gia, are. That being said, given Williams's age and, I would add, decreased interest in the blockbuster movie genre, there is no better than a 50% chance he does it even if asked.

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Well Yates did say something along the lines of how he would like it if Williams returned for the last film but not sure ow true that was.

It's nice to hear Williams express interest in the franchise. But like Mark, I believe this is HP all over again.

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And I want to apologize to karlem for getting this thread out of hand.

I just feel we're going to revisit the HP he is or he isn't silliness.

When it was obvious to the sane he wasn't.

The way I heard it, they did actually want him to do it, but he didn't want to travel to Europe

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Yates and the producers said they wanted Williams to return, and he said he would if they asked, or something like that. Then in the liner notes for Part 2 Yates said he knew he wanted Desplat for Part 2 during the Part 1 sessions.

So everyone lies. Williams won't score Episode VII, get over it and move on.

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And I want to apologize to karlem for getting this thread out of hand.

I just feel we're going to revisit the HP he is or he isn't silliness.

When it was obvious to the sane he wasn't.

No apologizes necessary as long as it stays civil which it has been. I think I am guilty of wishful thinking and I think HP is a good example of what might actually happen. Based on what I've read (and I'm no expert on this), it could be Disney intends to have multiple directors over time so it would be something like how John Barry cast a very large shadow over the James Bond franchise and though there are multiple directors and composers (and even Bonds), there is an inevitable tip of the hat to the style Barry established in that franchise so it could be something similar with JW in Star Wars. Similarly, my understanding is that the James Bond franchise has always had at least a passing involvement from a single family that maintained control in some aspects though delegated to various directors and creative teams over the years to bring their touch on the franchise (so Lucas in the case of Star Wars). John Barry got tired of the Bond franchise but it seems that JW at least indicated vocally some interest in being involved in some capacity. I hope that means direct involvement but it might just mean a courtesy screening of the film.

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I do want to express my direct reaction to Williams' comments, unpopular as it might be:

It completely rubs me the wrong way.

The entire focus of the new Star Wars trilogy is to transition the franchise into the hands of a new generation. Even George "IT'S MINE, ALL MINE, I CAN DO WITH IT WHAT I CHOOSE" Lucas has stepped back and is handing it off to relatively younger people.

And here is John going "OH I CAN'T WAIT TO WORK ON IT!"

It just doesn't strike me as particularly classy, on several levels. Chiefly, he's not elegantly handing off a torch to future generations, he's not saying "I've done my bit for king and country, I'll let rising talent take a shot at it." He's basically muscling his way into screwing over anyone that may or may not be selected to score the film after him. Because now we know the old lovely man wanted to score it, and some youngin stole it from him.

Second the assumption that he will be involved comes off as arrogant. Yes, you are Star Wars John, but being a little modest about it would be so much more likable. Feign it, say "I'd love to work on it if I am invited to do so, but I'm also interested in hearing what fresh talent could do with Star Wars."

All in all It's a bit cringe worthy. It's like that stalker ex that just doesn't know when to quit. Everyone else is looking forward to the fresh direction, and he's still like "I'm gonna score it!"

You greedy son of a gun Johnny. I can see how you cleverly manipulated your way into screwing over Patrick Doyle with the whole Stepmom fiasco.

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Heh heh, get over yourself!

John was humouring his audience, he's entitled to say what the fuck he wants, and especially at his age. Lacking in class you say? Lol, do you always read sensational meaning into everything people say, and even when it may have been issued offhand? Do you always analyse everything to be muttered through a person's lips to within an inch of its life?

Heh heh, "classy", he said...

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I do want to express my direct reaction to Williams' comments, unpopular as it might be:

It completely rubs me the wrong way.

The entire focus of the new Star Wars trilogy is to transition the franchise into the hands of a new generation. Even George "IT'S MINE, ALL MINE, I CAN DO WITH IT WHAT I CHOOSE" Lucas has stepped back and is handing it off to relatively younger people.

And here is John going "OH I CAN'T WAIT TO WORK ON IT!"

It just doesn't strike me as particularly classy, on several levels. Chiefly, he's not elegantly handing off a torch to future generations, he's not saying "I've done my bit for king and country, I'll let rising talent take a shot at it." He's basically muscling his way into screwing over anyone that may or may not be selected to score the film after him. Because now we know the old lovely man wanted to score it, and some youngin stole it from him.

Second the assumption that he will be involved comes off as arrogant. Yes, you are Star Wars John, but being a little modest about it would be so much more likable. Feign it, say "I'd love to work on it if I am invited to do so."

All in all It's a bit cringe worthy. It's like that stalker ex that just doesn't know when to quit. Everyone else is looking forward to the fresh direction, and he's still like "I'm gonna score it!"

You greedy son of a gun Johnny. I can see how you cleverly manipulated your way into screwing over Patrick Doyle with the whole Stepmom fiasco.

Let me respond by saying if this is your characterization from the quote I had from him, I misrepresented it because that is not at all the case. If anything, JW is a class act. He's shown very, very many times how willing he is to let it go and have others do there take on it and each time he's been classy. When young people make mistakes in their interpretations of his works, he could say: "do NOT touch my stuff" and I've heard people say this about their works in the film industry but he's always been very kind and generous and give people the benefit of the doubt.

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