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Star Wars Prequel Music Resource

Henry B

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I have the transition between them in two different tracks. All I need to figure out it how to do a reverb or similarly usable effect to make the ending of "Continue" not-so-abrupt.

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You guys are talking about the last part of Disc 2 - Track 6 on the RotS Expanded, right? There is no file named "The Boys Continue" on the download site, correct?

I just want to make sure I'm on the same page.

Tim, who hasn't gotten to that cue yet, but is looking at the editing instructions with a certain degree of trepidation....

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No, there's no file, it's just part of the instructions for the duel. The editing isn't really that hard. Well, of course, I've done it a million times trying to get it right, but most of the time you can tell the music is meant to go together because it's easy to edit. But there are one or two edits that are buggers.

EDIT: Once again, I guess the TPM edit is dead?

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Just to up the thread, and add a thought:

Reel Deconstruction 4 shouldn't be divided up the way it is. Maybe this was already covered, but if you just let it play out that's exactly how it flows, instead of cutting out 35.5-1:09. Speaking of which, is there a better quality Reel 4 Deconstruction out there?

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Speaking of which, is there a better quality Reel 4 Deconstruction out there?

I would imagine, given the obsessed nature of those who populate this thread (myself included), if there WAS a better sounding version out there, we would have it, don't you think? :)

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Reel Deconstruction 4 shouldn't be divided up the way it is. Maybe this was already covered, but if you just let it play out that's exactly how it flows, instead of cutting out 35.5-1:09. Speaking of which, is there a better quality Reel 4 Deconstruction out there?

The music from 0:32.5-1:09 is tracked from "Grievous Travels to Palpatine."

Probably sounding like a broken record, but.... TPM?

If anyone wants to have a go at it, feel free. I can incorporate others' track lists into the main post. That said, I may work on TPM some more soon.

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What are those clips of music playing during Endlessly Compelling when McCallum is talking about how they always know Williams will make something great, so they never worry about what they're going to hear? Sounds like something from AOTC and ROTS, but I can't place it. I don't think it's released, but my ears may be playing tricks on me.

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Just out of curiosity, is the first post up to date... the one with editing instructions and what different tracks are from and all?

The track lists (editing) are up to date, but the unreleased music list for RotS is not (I may just delete it). AotC's is up-to-date. But, I always make sure to keep the track lists up-to-date.

New on the FTP: Star Wars Anthology, Disc 1. This does not have greater sound quality than the SE release, but is useful if you want some clean endings/beginnings to cues. It also includes the "concert version" of the Main Theme, which, as far as I know, is an edit between "Main Title/Blockade Runner Attack" and "The Throne Room/End Title." I am currently uploading ESB.

EDIT: ESB is up. RotJ and Disc 4 are coming soon.

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Does the main theme "concert version" use different takes? The tempo sounds different...

It IS an edit of Main Title/Rebel Blockade Runner and The Throne Room/End Title. The Anthology CD 1 is made up of different takes than the film mix. The SE edition used the film mix, so they're obviously different takes.

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I am going through working on the AotC expanded edit, but kind of at a loss on Confrontation with Dooku. Are there no agreed upon mixing instructions for that one? Just curious. Any help would be appreciated.

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I am going through working on the AotC expanded edit, but kind of at a loss on Confrontation with Dooku. Are there no agreed upon mixing instructions for that one? Just curious. Any help would be appreciated.

I posted one a few pages back. It's tricky, but it works.

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I have a random question.When you load a 128k MP3 you got off the internet(like the RotS files) into a music editor so you can edit it in wave form,then re-compress the edited file into a 128k MP3,do you lose any quality from the original file?


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I have a similar question...sometimes, when I have finished editing a long cue and I play back the saved file, it seems to ..."crackle" when the volume or pitch gets too high. This is especially a problem with the first battle and the Mustafar music.

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THe only thing I can think of is maybe bring the volume down a decibel or two? I've experienced the same problem when the...whatever you call it that shows the flow of the music....hits too close to the top of the bar. I just reduced the volume slightly so the highest points don't get so high and it stops crackling.

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I have a random question.When you load a 128k MP3 you got off the internet(like the RotS files) into a music editor so you can edit it in wave form,then re-compress the edited file into a 128k MP3,do you lose any quality from the original file?  


I think so. Then you're degrading the quality of a 128 kbps even more, thus 128 of a 128kpbs file.

I have a similar question...sometimes, when I have finished editing a long cue and I play back the saved file, it seems to ..."crackle" when the volume or pitch gets too high. This is especially a problem with the first battle and the Mustafar music.

If you turn up the volume you shouldn't go beyond the top of the bar indeed, it even says so in Audacity, don't go beyond the lower zero. In audacity however, you can't turn up the volume as much as you'd want to sometimes, in Goldwave you can. Oh, and once it cracks, you can't solve it by turning it down again, the cracks stay.

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I have a random question.When you load a 128k MP3 you got off the internet(like the RotS files) into a music editor so you can edit it in wave form,then re-compress the edited file into a 128k MP3,do you lose any quality from the original file?  


I think so. Then you're degrading the quality of a 128 kbps even more, thus 128 of a 128kpbs file.


That would sound too horrible,wouldn't it?


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All the Anthology material has been uploaded to the FTP, except for unnecessary Star Wars tracks. Disc 4 (bonus tracks) is divided among the three films. Now would be an excellent time to use robthehand's editing lists.

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Lotman, you can increase the volume in Audacity as much as you want, using the envelope tool. The trick is to use the zoom tool and shift-click the bar with the numbers (0, 1, etc.). This zooms out from the waveform vertically rather than horizontally, allowing you to increase the volume as much as you like with the envelope tool.

On a totally different topic--I don't know why, but I'm very moved by those two statements of the Force theme while Obi-Wan is leaving for Utapau. They seem like they shouldn't be that moving, but they are. Especially the first one. He's just said goodbye to his old friend (for the last time, if you think about it) and that cue just...gets to me. Weird. It's criminal that the cue was never "officially" released.

That string (viola, maybe?) statement of the theme while he's landing on Utapau is good, too. Probably the most unusual statement of the Force theme we've heard so far (it's those darn bass clarinets!), but I enjoy it. I like how it segues directly into that chromatic theme that seems to represent Utapau. Also "officially" unreleased. Grrr.

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I have a random question.When you load a 128k MP3 you got off the internet(like the RotS files) into a music editor so you can edit it in wave form,then re-compress the edited file into a 128k MP3,do you lose any quality from the original file?


I am not really sure, but I think you do. If you are only cutting and pasting and changing the sound level (I think?) you can use something like mp3 direct cut (freeware) though, which does not uncompress and recompress the files.

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MP3 only cuts out certain frequencies right? So if you decompress an MP3 and recompress it,those frequencies that were initially removed can't be removed again,so the quality stays the same(?)


K.M.who thinks the files sound the same after editing,but still confused.

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Yeah, if you take a 128 mp3, convert it to wave, then recompress it back to 128, you are introducing a whole new pass of compression on the material. Look at it this way - converting it to wave is not adding anything back to the file, it's simply altering it t oa format that is more easily editable. Once edited and converted back to 128, the entire wave is analyzed and compressed back down. So the academic answer is yes, you are introducing more compression and theoritcally, the second 128 is more compressed than the first. However, in practicality, I'm not sure the difference is all that detectable between the two files.

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ok,thanks.I don't really hear any sound difference the first time I edit a file,but I think it starts degrading if you edit an MP3 repeatedly to add new elements or fix stuff you don't like(I noticed it while fooling around with Going to Utapau and reloading the same edit many time into the editor and recompressing it...maybe I should save my projects in the editor) .So the best would be to just edit it once from the original files,and re-encode it at a higher bitrate to lessen quality loss.And everytime you want to alter an edit then start from scratch from all the original files that were compressed only once.


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Oh no...don't tell me those two or three seconds of the trumpet fanfare in "It Can't Be" are unavailable. When it cuts from the slain bodies of Trade Federation leaders to the shot of Anakin on the collecting arm, you know? Just two or three seconds of great material! Oy. That's criminal. Anyone want to rip that from the DVD?

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Oh no...don't tell me those two or three seconds of the trumpet fanfare in "It Can't Be" are unavailable. When it cuts from the slain bodies of Trade Federation leaders to the shot of Anakin on the collecting arm, you know? Just two or three seconds of great material! Oy. That's criminal. Anyone want to rip that from the DVD?

King Mark already made a great edit of that sequence. It's on the server.

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Anyone know where to find a clean ending for "The Hangar Battle"? Elvisjones uses sqsuccess1, which isn't on the server, and I haven't found it on any other tracks.

Actually, for that matter, is there a good list of the clean endings and beginnings out there?

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Anyone know where to find a clean ending for "The Hangar Battle"? Elvisjones uses sqsuccess1, which isn't on the server, and I haven't found it on any other tracks.

Galactic Battlegrounds/won2.mp3. I don't think that cue is part of "The Hangar Battle," though.

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I bought the RotS soundtrack from Target and I found nothing about a bonus download. Is there something I'm missing or I'm supposed to do that I don't know about? Where am I supposed to get it from?

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The Target bonus download is the Battle of the Heroes dialogue version. It's pretty much like the "A Hero Falls" music video, only without the video.

The Wal*Mart bonus download was an interview with John Williams, of which you can read a transcript here.

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Oh well. I'm working on the Expanded Edition from Cerrabore's edit list and just got to that one and couldn't find it anywhere. I guess it's not a huge loss. Thanks for the help.

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why does that cuenot work correctly. I can only open it in my music editor. And then there are a ton o skips in it? is there something wrong with that file? (won2.mp3)

Sorry. It's been corrected.

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Is the "Padme's visit" mp3 DVD-rip file faulty? The audio actually stops a few times (right in the middle of the Lament motif, too.)

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