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Are there no JW fans in Asia and why so many in Holland?


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With Memoirs just released it kind of made me realize that all the members here are from Holland (and some from other European countries, the US, Australia and some more minor countries), but none from the Asian countries.

Why is that? And why are so many members here from The Netherlands anyway? I mean; what do we have, like only 16 million people or something?

Why is that?

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I'm in Asia. Though Asia is in denial of that fact.

*ssssttt* you're kind of invalidating this thread...

But seriously; I'm talking more Japan, China, Korea or India...

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Its never surprised me that there aren’t as many fans from Asia - their cultures are a little more

insulated, less Westernized. Israel, Western Europe, Northern Europe tend to be much more

interlinked culturally with the US for obvious reasons. Plus, even if there were lots of JW fans in

Asia, they’d be less likely to speak English so you wouldn’t necessarily discover them here anyway.

But that still leaves the question of why are there so many Dutch posters, above and beyond the

rest of Europe it seems. Somebody please explain that one to me, assuming its not just a fluke of

some sort. Is there more focus on Hollywood as an outlet for films, as opposed to other countries in Europe which have a stronger film industry of their own, France, England, etc.? I have no idea, just thinking out loud.

- Adam

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But that still leaves the question of why are there so many Dutch posters, above and beyond the

rest of Europe it seems. Somebody please explain that one to me, assuming its not just a fluke of

some sort.

I really don't understand it either. And Holland is not known for it's love of film music believe me. We like Frans Bauer and stuff. If you now think: "Who's Frans Bauer?" I will say: "You lucky bastard! Hope you never ever have to find out!"

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I don't think I've announced this on this MB before, but I'm Japanese; my great-grandfather was American, but aside from that I own a Japanese passport. But since I was born in Vienna, Austria, my way of thinking is more Western-oriented, I guess. But all my relatives (and my mother) live in Japan and I feel very close to that country.


As to why there are so many people from Holland -- I guess that's just coincidence. I'm actually more surprised that there aren't more American fans -- JW is an American, after all, and you'd think there would be more American than Dutch fans.

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Well, how many dutch people are here, anyway?



You have any special interest in Asian people Roald?
Stefancos- hoping that his girlfriend who was born and raised in Bangkok will never read this post...

Could the high amount of love for JW have anything to do with the obvious preference of Asian women? *deep in thought*

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Could the high amount of love for JW have anything to do with the obvious preference of Asian women? *deep in thought*

Contrary to Roald or Chrushercomix I definatly do not have a preference for asian women. the women I fell in love with just happens to be from that part of the world. Nor have I fallen for the ridiculous stereotypical ideas that asian women are more sophisticated or angelic then "western" women.

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Nor have I fallen for the ridiculous stereotypical ideas that asian women are more sophisticated or angelic then "western" women.

Yeah, neither have I. Although I may have posted some euphoric things in the past which you undoubtly remember. :|

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I clearly remember you and Chris sharing a moment together bashing every western women out there because the both of you struck struck gold in far away lands.

I too once briefly believed in the stereotype, untill I had a slight...disagreement with my GF.

There's a lot going on behind that enigmatic oriental smile. :|

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With Memoirs just released it kind of made me realize that all the members here are from Holland (and some from other European countries, the US, Australia and some more minor countries), but none from the Asian countries.

Why is that? And why are so many members here from The Netherlands anyway? I mean; what do we have, like only 16 million people or something?  

Why is that?

John Williams following in Japan is huge, but they have their own forums in their own language that's why you very rarely if ever see any asian people here.

One of the biggest Williams sites from Japan:


This is possibly the only "official" John Williams club in the world, having being acknowledged by Williams himself, not to mention he wrote a theme for the club:


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I'm in Asia. Though Asia is in denial of that fact.

Isn't Israel in Europe?

I know you guys won Eurovision once.

Thrice, actually. Technically speaking, Israel is in Asia. I think Israel is in the Eurovision because Europe felt sorry for us when Asia didn't want to let us in to their club (Europe once liked Israel, you know).

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I'm in Asia. Though Asia is in denial of that fact.

Isn't Israel in Europe?

I know you guys won Eurovision once.

So did Turkey...FFS...there's a joke.

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The member "pete" is from, as his 'location' puts it, "Seoul!"



Yep..actually I moved...Daegu now. (I'm Australian by the way)

When I was teaching a school camp last summer I had one journal writing class. the kids just sit there and write diaries...at least thats what they were meant to do... I decided to give them some relaxing music to listen to while writing.. some Joe Hisaishi and some Williams..

They all recognised Harry Potter music instantly, as well as the Hisaishi animation stuff: Totoro and Princess Mononoke especialy

Any lack of Asian posters here isn't due to a lack of awareness of Williams and his music, probably more a lack of awareness of this site and the language barrier.

thanks for noticing sturgess!

PS I have heard Williams music in some pretty random places... a trumpeter practising in a Japanese highschool suddenly started playing Summon the Hreoes.. and on Korean TV I heard Olympic Spirit in the background of some TV show..forget what it was.

Plus AFN Korea...The US Military's channel for the troops here often has little.... argh ....I'll use the word "inspirational" little ads highlighting past military victories....these often have Williams' music in the background.. JFK usually, plus I think I heard Born 4th once

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I have a midi version of the Fan Club theme. It's kinda catchy. If anyone wants it, PM me your email adress and I'll send it over.

Justin - Who wants it to play whenever he comes to JWFan. :)

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Interesting...not just on JWFan, but all the film music boards I frequent, there are a large amount of Dutchies. (Or maybe it just seems that way because they are pretty vocal :))

My boyfriend is Dutch, we met because of film music (he runs the JNH and Silvestri sites) and now I'm moving to Holland to be with him and finish school.

We have often wondered why there are so many Dutchies on the boards and couldn't come up with a definite reason... But the Dutch seem to be very arts-conscious as a people, and like to debate and discuss, so maybe that combination accounts for it. :)


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We have often wondered why there are so many Dutchies on the boards and couldn't come up with a definite reason...

You can go to the middle of the Sahara and still you'll find a bar where Dutchies are drinking Heineken. They are everywhere, just like the Germans!

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I know there's several great museums, and two top notch orchestras I'm looking forward to seeing...

Don't forget to attend a Frans Bauer concert (NOT!) and eat frikadellen...

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It's obviously because asian people suck and Dutch people don't.

Stefancos- hoping that his girlfriend who was born and raised in Bangkok will never read this post...

Well, I did and I am a little confused...according to you how should I feel? I am a Dutchman of Chinese origin (my grandparents emigrated from China).

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Don't forget to attend a Frans Bauer concert (NOT!) and eat frikadellen...

Frans Bauer is good, but you should really see Marco Borsato live.

Not to mention buy the collected works of Andre Hazes on CD.

All the great food you are going to taste, Frikadellen, kroketten, kaas soufles, pikanto's, berenhappen and of course that old standby of Dutch cooking, the Donner Kebab.

I'm gonna see to it that Hitch will be fattened up.

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Well if one thing seems to be clear [especially on this board], its the universal appeal of John Williams' music. Adding to the the nationality soup that is already here, I can be categorized as an American of Indian origin (as in India) who was born in England and who is now living in Scotland! So judging by the different number of countries that are represented here, we can easily observe how John Williams music touches people right across the spectrum.

Personally I think we should be proud, all.....with our unique listening tastes we're a select few pearls in the sheer ocean of mediocrity that surrounds us.

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this is a pretty interesting thread as it shows an inherent stereotyping by the author of the thread as he wrongly assumes that Asian means Oriental, as Morlock points out Israel is in Asia, as is all the Middle East, Afaganistan, Pakistan, India, and most of Russia, there is no look for the typical Asian.

As I recall we've had posters from all over Asia, maybe not prime time regulars, but they pop in from time to time.

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this is a pretty interesting thread as it shows an inherent stereotyping by the author of the thread as he wrongly assumes that Asian means Oriental, as Morlock points out Israel is in Asia, as is all the Middle East, Afaganistan, Pakistan, India, and most of Russia, there is no look for the typical Asian.

Don't put words in my mouth with that Holier Than Thou attitude! I even mentioned INDIA! READ first ok, before you try to be a grumpy old man every chance you get.

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there is no look for the typical Asian

That is very true.

But Roald did correct himself in the next few posts after the original, saying that what he really had in mind when he created the topic, were countries in East Asia like Japan, Korea etc, and South Asian regions like India. So i don't see him as "intentionally" stereotyping 'per se'. He just neglected to write down in words, the specific countries he had in mind.

Is that so bad? 8O

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Oh, and don't be alarmed when everyone dresses up in orange and goes nuts whenever there's a big soccer competition. That's normal around here.

They do that all the time here, even without a football game. They're called garbage collectors, and they're normal around here, too.

Marian - LOL

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READ first ok, before you try to be a grumpy old man every chance you get.

But he does it so well.

Every place needs a grumpy old codger, why do you think Sesamstraat has Meneer Aart?

Stefancos- who wonders why so many of Roald's thread get locked eventually. ;)

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Stefancos- who wonders why so many of Roald's thread get locked eventually.

Because Neil hates me for some reason?

I mean the Prequel thread: just delete the messages that were insulting, but to lock down the entire thread... man that's just messing with me. I never ever insulted anyone and even asked for positive feedback in that thread.

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Roald, your intent was a very good one, and i'm sorry other people ruined it.

But you should not take it personal, after you create a thread there's no way of knowing what others people may do with it.

Trust me, I know, look were my circumcision thread has went too?

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