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About pete

  • Birthday 16/10/1972

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    Seoul, South Korea

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  1. It's still there, and the link looks the same, but I also get an error from the posted URL. If you go to his homepage, the material is still there - click on the photo of Williams conducting: https://timgreiving.com/ One change in the text is "Coming Soon" instead of "Due Spring 2025". I guess that means we'll have to wait a little longer
  2. Yes. I was lucky enough to be living in London on a working holiday at the time. Otherwise, being an Aussie now living in Korea -not many chances to see Williams live. So I made the most of it and attended all four nights and the free open rehearsal. And unfortunately my visa expired about a week or two before the Jerry Goldsmith concert the following year.
  3. I had a beach vacation last month and I went for a few evening beach walks - Nha Trang in Vietnam where the beach is kilometers long. Really hot during the day, but perfect walking weather around dawn and sunset and throughout the evening/night. I thought I'd choose some relaxing beachy vibe music to listen to on some of those walks, and Soul Surfer came straight to mind (also some music from Lost and Joe Hisaishi's Sunny and the Elehant set in Thailand). I remember being captivated by the main theme from Soul Surfer on its first listen, and that doesn't always happen for me. Many themes I've grown to love over the years have taken several listens to really appreciate. I'm not that familiar with Beltrami in general although I also gave I Robot a listen the same day I revisited Soul Surfer and enjoyed it a lot. I certainly need to explore further- he's certainly a composer that's on my radar despite not really exploring in depth his music as I have others. I also remember enjoying Knowing - I might listen to that again today.
  4. I saw that performed twice at Williams 1998 concerts when he performed over four nights with two different set lists. I remember The Motorcade just sounded so intense - it wasn't a piece I had listened to much from the OST, and of course Arlington was very moving. And there was a mistake in the Arlington opening solo.. bum note. Oach, that hurt my ears and I can never unhear it. But apart from that, it's a great suite. I wish Williams would record it. There's that fraction of extra music linking The Prologue to The Motorcade, which I just realized is also a little different from the OST.
  5. Has that been confirmed? The list of interviewees I saw above just said "include" which means it's not complete
  6. I'm actually currently reading the Discworld (City Watch subseries) novel Thud! Really enjoying it, and since I'm on vacation with not much else to do, I should be finishing it tonight or tomorrow. I took the advice of many (including Terry himself I believe) and skipped the first Discworld novel - and the second. I started with Mort and then with a couple of exceptions, the City Watch novels. I guess since you're reading his very first book, you've read some Discworld?
  7. Wow, that sounds really interesting. I read a lot, but I haven't read any non-fiction yet this year. I'll read that sometime within the next month and let you know my thoughts. Browsing the author's Wikipedia, I'm interested in some of his historical fiction novels as well. And there's also some film score connections: he wrote the novel The Legend of Bagger Vance - the film's score was written by Rachel Portman. I've heard of the film, but haven't seen it. And now I'm suddenly curious about its score. I'm not too familiar with the music of Rachel Portman. And he also wrote the sceenplay for King Kong Lives - scored by John Scott, Freejack - scored by Trevor Jones, and Joshua Tree - scored by Joel Goldsmith. Interesting!
  8. The Russo Brothers replied with "Let's get started" so I think that confirms it!
  9. He's just using his daughter's knowledge as an example. I think it just stands to reason. The most memorable of melodies that transend their films, and those films have been viewed by - in some cases billions. Williams basically said the same thing when he talks of how gratifying it is to have his music heard all around the world so soon after the music was written and performed, something obviously not possible in the past.
  10. There's quite a lot of film music related videos on his channel. He did a long interview with Thomas Newman, and there is an ET analysis on there somewhere as well as as some Bernard Herrmann analysis. I'd love for Williams to agree to an interview... or do did what Sting did: ask Rick if he would like to interview him.
  11. Thanks.. Sounds good. And sorry to be disappointed, but I assumed a "coming soon" post in the Williams section related to Williams music.
  12. Where's everyone's optimisim? I'm choosing 2025-2030
  13. Ignoring all the parallel universe dilemas and mysteries, probably James Horner. Amongst those still with us, I think Joe Hisaishi.
  14. Oh wait. The version performed in the concert is a newer version. Oops I didn’t listen carefully enough. It does share the revised beginning with the 2016 version, but beyond that, there are pretty significant differences.
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