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yes,I asked what theme it is and what is it for?

It comes back in some cues in every season

it's in the "Eyeland" bTW

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What we've been calling the mystery theme is indeed heard in the end credits - it's heard on the high register of the piano or marimba or something. Hard to tell. It doesn't seem to be a leitmotif for anything in particular. It just generally signifies that something weird is going on. There's a white tennis shoe in the tree...the Island has disappeared...Locke's in the coffin...anything, really. :P It was also included in the DHARMA Initiative's theme song on their orientation videos. :eek:

As for the end credits...basically, they took an unreleased percussion groove that comes from "Pilot, Part 1" and overlaid the mystery theme on top of it. The groove in question plays right after the turbine explodes on the beach, after the end of "World's Worst Beach Party," which contains some similar percussion stuff.

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I think you're talking about the Mystery theme, like Data said.

And yes "Through the Looking Glass" is IMO one of the best episodes of the whole series.

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I'm a fan of "Through The Looking Glass," but its far from the best finale. While the Desmond & Charlie material is phenomenal, and the Flash-Forward reveal made me crap my pants upon first airing, the rest of the episode is fairly run of the mill in my opinion. I'd put the Season 5 finale at the top of my list too, though I'm possibly biased since it aired less than a week ago.

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You're not biased. It's that good. I've never been so engrossed in a finale, perhaps even an episode. So much so that I lost track of time and didn't even realize the episode was about to end when Juliet was banging on the bomb.

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I don't understand all the love for "The Incident," either. :eek: I mean, I liked it, for sure...but I've definitely enjoyed other episodes significantly more. Maybe I just had my hopes too high.

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Joe, THANK YOU SO MUCH for that break down of the themes on the Season 4 OST!!!!!!!!!! I noticed a few of the themes were missing exact timings, though, was there a reason for that?

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EDIT: Re-watching "Follow the Leader" before it vanishes from the 'net, I am now realizing just how directly the monster or whoever was involved in Locke dying. It took Locke's form after his death and then took Richard to tell the real Locke that he would need to die. This was how the whole idea got planted in real Locke's head. Of course, that turned out to be moot because Ben took care of it for him, but the monster had a hand in that, too, since it was the one that led Ben to initially meet Richard as a kid anyway.


"This must be quite the out-of-body experience."

"Something like that."

:D They just love throwing in the little hints so you can smack yourself in the head afterwards.

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EDIT: Re-watching "Follow the Leader" before it vanishes from the 'net, I am now realizing just how directly the monster or whoever was involved in Locke dying. It took Locke's form after his death and then took Richard to tell the real Locke that he would need to die. This was how the whole idea got planted in real Locke's head. Of course, that turned out to be moot because Ben took care of it for him, but the monster had a hand in that, too, since it was the one that led Ben to initially meet Richard as a kid anyway.


"This must be quite the out-of-body experience."

"Something like that."

:D They just love throwing in the little hints so you can smack yourself in the head afterwards.

I was thinking about the exact same thing yesterday. Jacob's nemesis has pretty convoluted plots indeed.

And thanks for the track-by-track thematic analysis Joe! It really helps to appreciate the music more. After just having watched the 1st season again I can say that I like Giacchino's music much more now. I can spot the themes now! Yay! :D

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"This must be quite the out-of-body experience."

"Something like that."

;) They just love throwing in the little hints so you can smack yourself in the head afterwards.

:P Yes, they plan things out.

I don't remember when but it was early Season 1 when Walt asked Locke if he had a cool dad, to which he quietly replied "No."

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Yeah, I always enjoy watching that.

While we're talking moments from the first season that seem wildly different in retrospect...consider the scene from the pilot in which Locke talks to Walt. "Backgammon is the oldest game in the world. Archeologists found sets when they excavated the ruins of ancient Mesopotamia. Five thousand years old. That's older than Jesus Christ....Two players. Two sides. One is light…one is dark."

Of course, the black and white motif has been going ever since then...but I have a feeling that the events in "The Incident" only hint at just how important that dichotomy is and will become in the show.

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There's always been a dichotomy in the show. Mostly between Jack and Locke. Man of science, man of faith. :lol:

I listened to the official podcast before the finale, and there was a portion where Damon said character names and Carlton said whether they were good, bad or undecided.

That was interesting to me because I too don't know who is good or bad. Aside from the obvious,

he said Jacob was good and Richard was undecided.

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By the way, I think I missed two very minor thematic moments in my breakdowns. Part of the Others' action theme can be heard briefly while Richard and his companion ambush Jack and Kate, and Kate's theme can be heard VERY subtly near the beginning of "Keamy Away From Him."

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Does Jacob's theme remind anyone else of the Ark theme from Raiders?

Yeah, I've been thinking that too. They both have a foreboding, almost religious feel, which I thought was quite a departure for Giacchino's Lost music.

Yes. I thought it was reminiscent as well.

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Okay, I thought of something MASSIVELY wrong with "The Incident." All of the Losties in '77 knew that Daniel went with Jack and Kate. Now he's mysteriously not with them anymore...and no one talks about it. Sawyer or Juliet or someone should have asked where he was, or Jack or Kate should have said that he was dead from the get-go. It's quite an important bit of information!

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eek.gif They just love throwing in the little hints so you can smack yourself in the head afterwards.

Speaking of little hints, all the way back in early season 2, there was a scene with Hurley and Sayid around a camp fire with the radio and they find music.

Sayid says the signal would be reflecting off the Earth's atmosphere and could be from thousands of miles away...and Hurley mentions "Or from another time..."

Completely random throaway line it seemd like!

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Okay, I thought of something MASSIVELY wrong with "The Incident." All of the Losties in '77 knew that Daniel went with Jack and Kate. Now he's mysteriously not with them anymore...and no one talks about it. Sawyer or Juliet or someone should have asked where he was, or Jack or Kate should have said that he was dead from the get-go. It's quite an important bit of information!

Yeah, that's one thing I have a problem with sometimes. Characters on the show often don't seem to care about someone who's died. Pretty much no one except Hurley and Claire reacted at all to Charlie's death (and Claire seemed to get over it really quickly), Shannon shacked up with Sayid a few days after Boone died, no one who wasn't there when Eko died ever asked about him, from what I recall, etc. I guess you could just assume that we just didn't see those reactions, sort of like how all of a sudden, after no mention of Rose and Bernard since the beginning of the season, they talk in the finale about having searched for them for months. But it is a little irksome at times.

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Creative license. It gets irritating being bogged down in reminiscence. The show has 40 minutes to propel the story forward.

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Definitely, Ray. I love this show, but it's not without flaws, and I'd say this is one of 'em. All the examples you mentioned were similarly bothersome. I've also been thinking about the fact that there are...what, nine survivors of 815 now? I think that number is correct. There were originally forty-odd survivors. A LOT of people have died. While Jack and Hurley and others have occasionally mentioned that...it really has been mostly ignored. I mean, as far as I can tell, every single one of those random extras that used to live on the beach is now dead. Shot by the freighter people, blown up on the freighter, killed by the Others, killed by the U.S. Army's mines...and then there are, of course, all the main characters who've died. It's added up to a lot of people being dead. And the show mostly ignores that fact.

EDIT: And while it makes sense that they need to move the story forward...I mean, having Claire acting like everything's hunky-dory within a few days of her quasi-boyfriend's death is really, really pushing it. It's not like she had any major role to fill for season 4...they really could have made her seem sad the whole time. But she just...got over it. One somewhat awkward crying scene, and that's that.

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And what does it matter? We never cared about them before, all of the sudden the casualty count matters?

While we're doing that, why hasn't Hurley lost weight?

And while it makes sense that they need to move the story forward...I mean, having Claire acting like everything's hunky-dory within a few days of her quasi-boyfriend's death is really, really pushing it. It's not like she had any major role to fill for season 4...they really could have made her seem sad the whole time. But she just...got over it. One somewhat awkward crying scene, and that's that.

...She knew him for what...two months?

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eek.gif They just love throwing in the little hints so you can smack yourself in the head afterwards.

Speaking of little hints, all the way back in early season 2, there was a scene with Hurley and Sayid around a camp fire with the radio and they find music.

Sayid says the signal would be reflecting off the Earth's atmosphere and could be from thousands of miles away...and Hurley mentions "Or from another time..."

Completely random throaway line it seemd like!

They've mentioned this moment several times. Hell, it was even in the last recap where they said they added these sorts of things to hint at where they were going with the show.

I guess you could just assume that we just didn't see those reactions, sort of like how all of a sudden, after no mention of Rose and Bernard since the beginning of the season, they talk in the finale about having searched for them for months. But it is a little irksome at times.

They searched for Rose and Bernard. It wasn't just mentioned when they found them in the finale. Sawyer was talking to Horace the first time they came in and was asking him for more time to search for his people.

While we're doing that, why hasn't Hurley lost weight?

It's been addressed a couple times, most notably in "Dave." And like you pointed out, they spent like 2 months on the island in "survivor" mode.

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I was reading on Lostpedia and came across an interesting point. Someone suggested that we take the term "loophole" literally, as in an actual hole in a loop. The ring of ash around the cabin, anyone?

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I don't understand all the love for "The Incident," either. :thumbup: I mean, I liked it, for sure...but I've definitely enjoyed other episodes significantly more. Maybe I just had my hopes too high.

It was the best of all the other finales rolled into one. Just as epic as season 4, as game changing (and heart breaking) as season 3, as explosive as season 2, and as teasing as season 1.

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I forgot to mention this back when the finale first aired. I can't believe I didn't remember until know. Was anyone else reminded of Jaws by the very last moment?

Come on you son of a bi-BOOM!

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The countdown to the Hatch blowing up in season 2,the whole helicopter sequence in Season 4 finale...that's epic Lost moments.

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Well...you asked. :huh:

[EDIT: If a theme is listed without a track time, that means it just starts at the beginning. Easier than typing 0:00 every time. :lol:]


I received the disc this morning and am now playing it. This will be very helpful.

Thanks again, "Lost-Themes-Meister Joe" !

Like others have noted here, I can't recognize many themes; your cue breakdowns will help enjoy the music more on CD, and spot the themes during the episodes next year (I'll do my best to be ready by then).


I'll have to copy all this and find the opportunity to listen to the music with the list and do nothing else.

I listened to the official podcast before the finale, and there was a portion where Damon said character names and Carlton said whether they were good, bad or undecided.

That was interesting to me because I too don't know who is good or bad. Aside from the obvious,

he said Jacob was good and Richard was undecided.

Most valuable information; thanks, Koray!

Watching the whole series over once it's ended will be extremely interesting.

The fact that "Good" and "Bad" are not that clear cut naturally enhances it deeply; as mentionned before in this thread, their ambiguity and humanity (plus the actors) have made exceptional villains that you can't simply hate of Alias' Arvin Sloane and Lost's Benjamin Linus.

"The Constant" ending: beautiful music.


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Listening to the CD again, on headphones (it's 00:34 now)...

Little could we imagine, back at the end of Season 3, how important Locke's death would turn out to be. Beloved, (sub?)main characters had died before, but Locke's demise was even more crucial than Charlie's.

It's great when an author treats his characters in such an objective, "realistic" way, and does not hesitate to do away with even the most endearing characters-- or, rather, from a (screen)writer's perspective, it's great when he manages to create such an attachment and keep surprising the reader (audience) with such drastic events.

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Boy, there really are some pretty statements of Sun and Jin's theme in the S2 episode "...and Found." Particularly near the end. Pity those didn't make it onto the soundtrack, although what we got is certainly lovely.

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Something about Ben in the finale isn't adding up for me. There's more to it. He's STILL lying...this time to Fakob.

Remember kids, Snape kills Dumbledore!

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I've just seen the finale - wow!

Pretty much everything has been said here already - but as I'm always some time behind, could you just take a few less pages to do so please next time? ;)

Some really random thoughts:

I like the free will vs determinism idea, I also like Ender's analysis. The slow motion and happy moments scenes in season 1 also suggests that they had not been corrupted then yet, that they could still live together. There's also a huge amount of Jack and Locke in Jacob and Mr Black respectively I thought... Perhaps this adds to the circular concept that Mr Man 2 seems to adhere to; everything is the same, it's the same dichotomy... Perhaps the series finale will have Walt and Aaron strand on the island, becoming the new dichotomous main players... Thanks, Datameister, for the music analysis! Meanwhile my signed new Lost CD is underway I hope. I thought it was quite obvious - at least I saw it as implied - that Mr Black is the Smoke monster and all its other incarnations. It DOES seem a rather elaborate plot just to get to this moment - although I trust the Lost writers not to pull a BSG finale. I thought that final line from Jacob was somewhat weird: 'What about you?' I couldn't quite 'read' his intonation, what he exactly meant by it... Anybody? Oh, somehow I was thinking that perhaps that new party (Ilana's) harks back to the 1800s, descendants of the people from the Black Rock, so, assuming Richard came from that boat, that's why they shared that sort of code talk? That Latin thing they share with the US Army, too, though, don't they?

They are NOT going to be able to resolve everything in a mere 18 episodes - especially as I, too, think that they will keep focusing on the characters - hoping, though, that they will give much attention to the mythology and go back into history.

Anyway, I've seen everything only once unfortunately (unfortunately time is not something I have much of), so I'm debating whether to buy everything now and see it before the final season, or to wait until the whole series is available...

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I thought that final line from Jacob was somewhat weird: 'What about you?' I couldn't quite 'read' his intonation, what he exactly meant by it... Anybody?

It sounded to me like he was purposely antagonizing Ben, that he anticipated his enemy's plan to kill him via Ben and was using that in his own counter scheme to ensure that he would not win. Basically pulling an Obi-Wan Kenobi.

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Anyway, I've seen everything only once unfortunately (unfortunately time is not something I have much of), so I'm debating whether to buy everything now and see it before the final season, or to wait until the whole series is available...

Ain't that the question.

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Check out this new promo for ABC's fall shows which features Courtney Cox (Cougar Town), Ed O’Neill (Modern Family), Patrick Dempsey (Grey’s Anatomy) and...... Dominick Monaghan (?????)


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I read about this earlier. I hate that everyone is automatically assuming he's back on LOST. Can't the guy actually make money doing another show? Besides, this is the Fall promo, and as we all know, LOST comes back in 2010.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see him again in LOST, but it's not like he's gonna be a main character, or alive. Or he could be, after all it is dealing with time travel.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For some reason, the last few S5 episodes have reappeared on abc.com. Watch 'em now, in case they disappear again!

In retrospect, I find it very interesting that "the Island" cured young Ben. In light of what happened later in the season, it seems appropriate to assume that Smokey healed him in the Temple because it would need him to kill Jacob thirty years later...

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We don't know if Smokey can heal people, only Jacob has been seen with that power.

Something that I've been thinking about that doesn't really add up is how kind of a person Jacob comes off as. He goes around helping people in way or another and generally seems like a force of good, but at the same time the Others, his followers, are seen as villains doing things like kidnapping children and of course the Purge. I think this can be explained that Ben being the leader of the Others was not the Job-like faithful servant that he proclaimed to be. He took Jacob's word (since that's all he had) and manipulated it to fit his desires. I don't think he ever did what he did for the island, it was always for himself. This is why he got cancer in season three, as punishment for corrupting Jacob's will. People always seem to get sick on the island when they're doing something wrong. Just a theory.

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Also, Jacob's theme is fun to play on piano. But that's the case with a lot of music from this show.

Now to figure out how best to transcribe that angklung clatter near the end of "Bobbing for Freighters" for piano...

EDIT: Also, I'm planning on expanding my Lost soundtracks with DVD rips very soon. For the first season one DVD, I think I'll be adding the following tracks:

* World's Worst Beach Part (Alternate)

* World's Second Worst Beach Party

* End-of-the-World-Type Weather

* The End of the Pilot

* Hollywood and Vines (Alternate Mix)

* Check the Transmission

* Piggin' Out

* Locke Stands Up For Himself

Gonna try to keep the track titles Giacchino-like, if possible...

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