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2012 Oscar Discussion Thread (Tintin and War Horse nominated for Best Original Score!)


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And Star Wars/CE3K and Schindler's List/JP. ;) But yes, I guess his chances are rather slim.

Jurassic Park was not nominated for an oscar.

It should have been, though.

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Congrats to Williams! His War Horse is 100% deserving of the win. I saw it over the weekend and the score was classic Williams. But I'm not familiar with the politics of Hollywood so I won't try to predict the outcome.

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And Star Wars/CE3K and Schindler's List/JP. ;) But yes, I guess his chances are rather slim.

Jurassic Park was not nominated for an oscar.

I wonder if he still would have won the Oscar that year if he had been?

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it's really a shame that the Oscars chose to nominate Woody Allen's film. The man has no respect for the Oscars so in turn they should ignore his existance sort of like audiences at large do.

They give Oscars to people who don't bother to show up. It doesn't matter what a person thinks, if they make great films, they make great films and deserve to be recognized.

The Tree Of Life at Best Director, Best Picture, and Best Cinematography. That's what I'm talking about! Also nice to see Midnight In Paris gather so many noms.

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This year is more like 2002 than any of his other double nominations, that year we had HPSS and AI, both fantastic scores, but LOTR was going to win either way. Of course, for me anyway, I think The Artist is just winning because it's the gimmick of the year whilst LOTR was a worthy winner. Even though I think Tintin and War Horse are miles ahead of the The Artist I think it's really good an orchestral score will win this year :) And who knows we've been wrong before... there is still a tiny hope for War Horse.

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Not much I can add really... The Artist has absolutely got it in the bag and Williams is screwed with double nominations (although he isn't the only composer to achieve that - Thomas Newman got Shawshank and Little Women in 1994).

Really surprised at the lack of Dragon Tatoo. At least it means that 5 proper scores are being recognised.

I still don't like The Artist, musically. Waaayyy too golden age for me. And I don't like the fact that probably anyone could've scored it, and because of the mega-popularity of the film, would've wooed voters.

But Hugo was good music and really effective in the film. Tinker Tailor is a curious choice, and I haven't seen or heard it, so maybe it's actually damn good.

Indeed, I thought Coeur Volant from Hugo really deserved a nomination. It's a fantastic song and my favorite film song of the year!

Was that an original song? I thought I read it was adapted from a french melody. Either way, I agree - it's a great, memorable song.

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I'm obviously delighted that JW has received two nominations, but it is bittersweet as it almost certainly rules out a possibility of a win. We all know the Oscars are meaningless but it would have been nice to see him on the stage again.

Getting to first position for the number of nominations for a composer is a nice 80th birthday present!

I'm overjoyed that that sorry excuse for a score wasn't nominated (we all know which one)! Given Oscar politics, I really thought it would have been nominated.

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I haven't heard Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy yet, but I'm sure I won't like that score as much as Super 8, Mission Impossible 4, Priest, The Greatest Miracle, or Captain America. Oh well, what can you do?

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It's quite an interesting score. Probably not the greatest listening experience, but I think it was partially inspired by the Russia House (another Le Carré movie)

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Jurassic Park was not nominated for an oscar.red Newman. Gratulations!

Damn... somehow I thought it was.

Anyway, War Horse definitely deserves the nomination. It's not my favourite Williams score, but it's sublimely crafted music on a level hardly anyone writes at anymore for a film. And while Tintin is highly unoriginal (on the level of some of the more refreshing Horner scores, though Williams' reuse of older ideas is much more organic and unobstrusive), it also is first rate quality writing - plus a lot of fun.

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Not that I care, but this is surprisingly strong lineup. And every single score in this category is "old fashioned".


Great selections and congratulations to Williams, who deserves to be nominated for nearly every score he writes.

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Wonder if Hans Zimmer would have been nominated if he hadn't withdrawn from the Oscars race.

highly unlikely, all 5 of these scores are miles ahead of him.

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But then when they listen to the free War Horse "For Your Consideration" CD they got and the entire thing is backwards, they will go "What was the old codger thinking!"

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I'm truly surprised the academy gave that score the 5th slot over something by Desplat or one of those other guys with a foreign name

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Indeed, I thought Coeur Volant from Hugo really deserved a nomination. It's a fantastic song and my favorite film song of the year!

Was that an original song? I thought I read it was adapted from a french melody. Either way, I agree - it's a great, memorable song.

That wasn't a french melody, its the main theme and its secondary material packaged into a great song with Zaz's voice!

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And Star Wars/CE3K...

And JW won for Star Wars! So it is possible! :)

The only reason Star Wars won is because of the ginormous success of the film and the huge memorability of the score. If it wasn't for the "instant classic" hype of Williams work along with the franchise, Williams probably would have lost that year too.

Star Wars was just too good to ignore. If he didn't get it, there would have been a revolt ;)

I like what you are saying KM..!

So let's move on with that discussion: Do you think Lincoln will be Williams' 7th Oscar?

Ahh...the wonder of positive thinking, building yourself up with hope and confidence only to be crushed with despair on judgement day.

The Artist is going to win people, whether we like it or not... :D

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i was also surprised it wasn't nominated for animated feature, but then after thinking about it, I understand it being excluded ... the film was so plot driven; there weren't any places where we focused on Tintin's character, etc. But excited about the nominations, even if he loses.

I don't know why I should be excited about this.

Williams delivered two of the Top 5 scores of 2011 (if not of the Top 3, but I see why people wouldn't agree with that), a nomination was inevitable. Hell, Williams would have been nominated had he blown his nose with a piece of stave paper and have it recorded (it's good enough for Reznor, no?).

The only thing I want to be excited about is the anticipation whether he will win or not, and that was pretty much killed with these two noms.

We don't really know if Williams won't win. So-called "sure bets" failed before.

Oh but we do know. What do you think the Oscars are about? Quality?

It was unlikely Williams would win in the first place, but now it's pretty much an abortion before the show even starts.

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I really don't get the hatred for Reznor on this board.

But anyway, it's nice to see that unlike Spielberg, Williams still hasn't lost the Academy's respect. Any note he puts to paper gets nominated.

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i was also surprised it wasn't nominated for animated feature, but then after thinking about it, I understand it being excluded ... the film was so plot driven; there weren't any places where we focused on Tintin's character, etc. But excited about the nominations, even if he loses.

I don't know why I should be excited about this.

Williams delivered two of the Top 5 scores of 2011 (if not of the Top 3, but I see why people wouldn't agree with that), a nomination was inevitable. Hell, Williams would have been nominated had he blown his nose with a piece of stave paper and have it recorded (it's good enough for Reznor, no?).

Tintin was not a guaranteed nomination. THe only other music nomination it has is from an awards show that only celebrates animated films. And in 2008 KotCS wasn't nominated, which IMO is superior to Tintin. Regardless, it's certainly superior to Williams blowing his nose.

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We get it, your precious Reznor didn't get nominated but your bashing of Williams was uncalled for and absolutely ridiculous. And the irony of this article is laughable! If Williams' music is interchangeable, then what does that make TGWTDT?! And how the hell can slap on a score like one for War Horse onto a picture like Tintin?! One of the few years that the oscars hit it close with the noms and we get idiots like these guys...

Absolute rubbish.,.

i was also surprised it wasn't nominated for animated feature, but then after thinking about it, I understand it being excluded ... the film was so plot driven; there weren't any places where we focused on Tintin's character, etc. But excited about the nominations, even if he loses.

I don't know why I should be excited about this.

Williams delivered two of the Top 5 scores of 2011 (if not of the Top 3, but I see why people wouldn't agree with that), a nomination was inevitable. Hell, Williams would have been nominated had he blown his nose with a piece of stave paper and have it recorded (it's good enough for Reznor, no?).

Tintin was not a guaranteed nomination. THe only other music nomination it has is from an awards show that only celebrates animated films. And in 2008 KotCS wasn't nominated, which IMO is superior to Tintin. Regardless, it's certainly superior to Williams blowing his nose.

Alas, the fact that he got nominated for Tintin is what blew his chances out of the water... :(

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i was also surprised it wasn't nominated for animated feature, but then after thinking about it, I understand it being excluded ... the film was so plot driven; there weren't any places where we focused on Tintin's character, etc. But excited about the nominations, even if he loses.

I don't know why I should be excited about this.

Williams delivered two of the Top 5 scores of 2011 (if not of the Top 3, but I see why people wouldn't agree with that), a nomination was inevitable. Hell, Williams would have been nominated had he blown his nose with a piece of stave paper and have it recorded (it's good enough for Reznor, no?).

Tintin was not a guaranteed nomination. THe only other music nomination it has is from an awards show that only celebrates animated films. And in 2008 KotCS wasn't nominated, which IMO is superior to Tintin. Regardless, it's certainly superior to Williams blowing his nose.


Man, KOTCS was released in 2008 and wasn't nominated in 2009!

KOTCS didn't receive a single nomination in 2009 because it was a trainwreck of a movie and Williams was probably unfortunate for belonging to the magic circle of Lucas-Spielberg.

JW isn't capable of writing truly bad music, but KOTCS is certainly inferior to Tintin in any, every, way.

And JW heavily used material from the early Indys (Flight From Peru direct quote multiple times, Ark Theme, Marion's Theme), making the nomination even less likely.

Of course Tintin wasn't a sure nomination, I didn't imply that it should be. I said that either WH or Tintin should have gotten the nomination, making it at least realistic for JW to win.

But I guess you could copy-paste any conversation on here that was going on in 2006, when the first Santaolalla disaster happened.

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I really don't get the hatred for Reznor on this board.

But anyway, it's nice to see that unlike Spielberg, Williams still hasn't lost the Academy's respect. Any note he puts to paper gets nominated.

I suppose Hans Zimmer is much more superior than these two?

Which makes me curious, how old was this site?

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At least in Tintin, Williams didn't re-record the temp track for the main theme note for note.

KOTCS offers some of the blandest action music since Attack of The Clones.

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At least in Tintin, Williams didn't re-record the temp track for the main theme note for note.

KOTCS offers some of the blandest action music since Attack of The Clones.

Atleast in KOTCS, you can actually remember the score after you listen to it, CHA!

KOTCS is a great score but Tintin is waay better :D

KOTCS in expanded form, beats Tintin to a pulp.

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At least in Tintin, Williams didn't re-record the temp track for the main theme note for note.

KOTCS offers some of the blandest action music since Attack of The Clones.

Atleast in KOTCS, you can actually remember the score after you listen to it, CHA!

Yeah, for all the painful flashbacks to Raiders you had while listening to it.

KOTCS in expanded form, beats Tintin to a pulp.

Tintin in complete form is a tighter and more coherent listening experience than the OST of KOTCS.

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KOTCS offers some of the blandest action music since Attack of The Clones.

Since Attack of the Clones? That score has some great action.

At least in Tintin, Williams didn't re-record the temp track for the main theme note for note.

KOTCS offers some of the blandest action music since Attack of The Clones.

Atleast in KOTCS, you can actually remember the score after you listen to it, CHA!

I can remember Tintin VERY well. Some truly memorable themes in there!

KOTCS is a great score but Tintin is waay better :D

KOTCS in expanded form, beats Tintin to a pulp.

Tintin still wins in my book :P

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The list of nominees is an absolute joke. It's nice to see Williams still being acknowledged by the Academy, even if he doesn't win. Ditto for Kristen Wiig (who doesn't like her?), Annie Mulmolo and Melissa McCarthy.

But Extremely Loud and Jonah Hill getting nominated? Really? And to top it off, Tate Taylor didn't even get a Best Director or Best Adapted Screenplay nod for The Help. What a slap in the face.

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KotCS is more cohesive than Tintin. Tintin is certainly more thematically complex, but I'm not sure it really needs it. Does the Unicorn theme and Snowy's theme have to be linked to Tintin's theme? It doesn't hurt the score, but I'm not sure it helps it that much. KotCS, on the other hand, picks a few themes and spends more time developing each one. The relationships make more sense. A bigger problem is the emotional one - Tintin has just a little too much ADD, at least during some of the action cues. KotCS feel more natural and organic.

They're both great scores, mind you. But I prefer KotCS, although not by much.

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