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Richard Penna

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Richard Penna last won the day on October 23 2022

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About Richard Penna


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    Dance the night
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    Surrey, UK

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  1. May be a good thing Herrmann's not around to approve an expansion. He'd probably put a program together and shout or burst into tears of general frustration at the mere suggestion of changing something. If you've heard the extended interview with him from the 70s, the idea that he's working for a director who might have an opinion on his music seems completely foreign to him. I don't think he'd get a scoring job nowadays.
  2. I might be alone but I've come to the conclusion that I don't like the new Jurassic covers at all. Not enough colour for one thing, but also he went for a grainy, papery look which just looks very odd to me. I thought the covers from the box were absolutely fine - a slightly tidied and updated version of the original. At the risk of provoking angry villagers further, I also don't like the expanded Potter covers for several reasons (the border, the font) but it's the music that's important. I also agree with Roger that if there is a well known poster or imagery associated with the film, that should be used for a score, OST or otherwise. There have been occasions where LLL has gone in a totally different direction and it works, but I don't agree with changing things just for the sake of there being a different cover. The cleaned up Shrunk cover is a nice alternative - certainly more vibrant, although I'm not sure I agree with the revised text - Horner's credit looks a bit strange to me being highlighted the same way as the title. Having said that, there could be a case that the muted colours of the original lend it a more classic look, and the colours are a tad more natural to me - I like certain aspects of Intrada's one and I like certain aspects of crumbs' version.
  3. I'd hoped that cue would contain something notable and I agree, it's a good one. I get particularly drawn to the theme at 1:49 and of course the minor key alpha statement to close the track. I'm a bit surprised Powell didn't feel the inclination to put this on the original album - even if he had put it somewhere non-chrono.
  4. This is a score where I'd be casually interested in noting the stylistic differences between the scores, i,e. checking out the samples. I can't remember all the circumstances around the rejection, but iirc Hitchcock wanted a more modern 'pop' score and Herrmann disagreed and just wrote what he wanted to, and found out the hard way that film scoring needs collaboration.
  5. I'm far more vested in whether Gold is going to bother releasing anything from this series. I've been hoping for a specials release, timed (if they must) to start with the new series in a bit.
  6. The artist on Spotify is actually Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra Sif.309. Someone somewhere could've done with some help providing the details, clearly. I listened to some bits of this when it came out and it didn't really do a whole lot for me, but sometimes you have to be in the mood for these things.
  7. E-mail Intrada asking for your free copy (stating your case for why you should get one), then share Roger's reply with us - which I'm sure you will have no issue doing unless his response is to point out that you are wrong....
  8. Turns out that when Horner made his album and removed those cues, I just added them back in to the original Intrada program. Hence the only actual new content I'd get from this new set are the 'extras' bits. I'd really hoped there would be more additional material, in the vein of the Species set. I might hold fire and wait to see what else emerges from Intrada in the next few months.
  9. My 17 year old self couldn't possibly have been less interested in seeing this - my Dad asked if I wanted to go see it for my birthday. I stand by my reaction to this day. From a technical sense I'm sure it's great - effects, visuals, design, etc. I still remain of the opinion though that Williams' score, while completely functional, is an extremely uninspired effort outside of a handful of sequences. It's just so boring.
  10. I like that Crusade cover - it makes far better use of available space than the OST, which is basically just putting a poster on an album cover. Could use track times on the back covers though - that is lazy. What I don't think is lazy or 'Intrada level' is changing the Williams credit or keeping fonts as they were when originally designed. That's just looking for flaws in a set you don't think should exist. (and I agree, there's little reason for this to exist)
  11. How can it be #1 best seller in soundtracks if they're no longer selling any, and haven't been for several weeks now?
  12. Yep, that's a fair possibility. Although given they had a songtrack as well, it would surprise me a bit if they wanted to have the score album out at the same time - the regular joes just want all the 'normal' stuff.
  13. The Mummy is one of the first DVDs I ever bought, and it was in a shop somewhere that had a load very cheap so I bought it blind. Guess I found the cover more exciting than scary! Although I now have two copies because I had to own the region 1 version with the isolated score. As far as Alien goes, I have Prometheus, Covenant and Resurrection on Blu-ray - the latter about 95% due to the iso score.
  14. I'm not convinced the naming means anything specific, but I agree that especially given they did the first one, it's a very good indication that the secone one's coming. I gave the sessions a very quick skim on YouTube and actually there's a lot more here than I remember, particularly in the alternates. The movie's 2 hours (excluding credits) and the album has only got 44 minutes (!!) of score... either fees got in the way or Elfman was in a really conceptual mindset when he made it. It means that catering for alternate versions (and hopefully other composers' work) there's absolutely tons of missing music. I am so up for an expansion.
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