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  2. He was one of our most beloved members, I will always remember his valuable contributions to the forum since the very early days, and his wonderful personality. He'll be truly missed by those who knew him on JWFan, he's part of our history and will always be. Thank you, Joe, from the bottom of my heart.
  3. I have a custom version which reinstates all the vocals (including TN's humming) in their original instrumental cues. I guess you guys remember the (SFX) bootleg that's been floating around for years that I made, consider this the upgraded version but without all the SFX.
  4. Today
  5. Kudos to your grandmother's taste!
  6. I had that LP as well? Inherrited from my older Grand Mother.
  7. I watched Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes yesterday, as mentioned in the thread dedicated to the score for this film. It was good, definitely not an embarrassment to the previous three films in the series. I have not much negative to say about this other than that, on narrative level, there is very little it has to say that hasn't been said already. The plot itself didn't really interest me as such because it's more of the same - historical parallels, inverted roles, moral duality, coming of age etc. What I did like very much, though, is exploring the world in which it takes place. I like seeing how the different ape societies evolved and how they live. I also enjoyed seeing all eerie the relics of the past, thankfully not telegraphed too heavily. Like the two Avatar movies, the appeal lies in the verisimilitude of the setting, not the plot. Karol
  8. The Doctor is absolutely opposed to these things, but the way he went about it isn't something 15 would do. Remember that this is a version of The Doctor who is much more in tune with his emotions and 'post-rehab' so to speak. This is written from the perspective of the previous version of The Doctor who is so incredibly weary and cynical with an air of superiority. I don't think it's a deliberate 'break in the facade' either, I just think this kind of Doctor is the only one Moffat knows how to write. I think I know why people are saying that here 15 'finally feels like The Doctor' because this is how he used to be in past incarnations, but it just doesn't make sense at this point
  9. He was heavily active during my earlier days here and we had some lively and interesting discussions. Rest in peace.
  10. I remember when the first Maze Runner come out the press release for the soundtrack mentioned that Paesano did some work under both Jerry Goldsmith and John Williams earlier in his career. I wonder what these jobs would be. Oh, he also did that Dragons: Riders of Berk show, in which he used John Powell's music. Karol
  11. I watched Silent Running last night. It wasn't a great movie, perhaps not even a good one, but at least it was original. And, especially these days, there's something admirable about that. I quite liked the music, both score and songs. Karol
  12. Office Space - 25 years on, Mike Judge's corporate satire still feels funny and relevant. Mind you, I guess people doing jobs they can just about tolerate in order to pay the bills will probably always be a thing. With Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston and Gary Cole.
  13. Well, for me after the 2 iffy opening episodes 'Boom' was a cracking return to form ... suspenseful, funny (genuinely laughed out loud at the tattoo location line) and sad. Digs at war-for-profit and blind faith were fine by me. Next week's looks like it'll have a 'folk horror' vibe (hard to believe it'll be the series halfway mark already).
  14. Yeah, would perhaps have been more fruitful to poll non-Goldsmith options only?
  15. I got this LP as a Christmas gift from my uncle in 1990, and as such is the only Jarre album I have both on CD and LP. While the "Calypso" tracks are fun, the real takeway is the ambient, exploratory title track of 22 minutes (47 on the CD) -- an approach he didn't really take again until the brilliant AMAZONIA album a couple of years ago. On to.... I'm really glad my dad gave me this iconic LP (he also owns the CLOCKWORK ORANGE soundtrack, but decided to keep it for himself). Moog for the win!
  16. You're quite right. I've amended the above cover while making an improvement to TCIG.
  17. I also just noticed that Noa's theme at 3:09 of Eagle Clan also contains the B Section as counterpoint, just like it does in the Together Strong track! Love revisiting the score and finding out more of these kind of details. And indeed, Noa's theme is awesome. Such a shame it appears so little, but hopefully will be more important in the sequels. And it does remind me a bit of JNH's fantasy writing!
  18. At least Finn and Poe have well-drawn, self-contained story arcs in TLJ. People can disagree on the direction Rian chose, but there's a very clear progression from where both characters begin in Act I and where they end up. It's TROS that throws all that in the bin and starts from scratch, before losing all interest in both characters somewhere during Act II. But not before making it excruciatingly clear both characters have a severe case of the "not gays."
  19. @#SnowyVernalSpringsEternal Circumstances not withstanding, it's good to see you back, Stefan.
  20. True, but his character didn't have as interesting of a premise anyway. Hot-head pilot in s-f is bit tired, no? Karol
  21. But Oscar Isaak suffered from the same problem. In every movie a completely new story arc leading nowhere.
  22. Love it! Thank you! One final little nitpick: If “Solo Piano” is capitalized (and elsewhere “Composed” is capitalized), it looks weird/inconsistent IMO for “performed” to be lower case at the beginning. Of course when you use all caps as in your cool Night Passage cover art, such issues don’t even arise. Yavar
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