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  1. https://www.filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?pageID=32&forumID=1&threadID=95764&archive=0
  2. I think I read somewhere that it was the young daughter of a musician who exclaimed "uh oh" during a session and they kept it.
  3. I don't know the original so I can't judge... The people playing and singing look like they're having fun, but those standing around look pretty dubitative
  4. I thought the first episodes were fine, but this one (no. 5) is supposed to be a big mid-season climax and it was lacking in intensity and emotion. Not as limp as Ashoka but getting close. The confrontation between the sisters has no tension. I can tell they are trying something with the villain, and it half succeeds thanks to the performance, but it's marred by the obscure motivations and dialogues. And sadly,
  5. Worst case, it should at least be a nice nostalgia trip. The quality of the music will be a big factor in how much I buy into this. I'd love it if it gave new life to Williams' themes; but not expecting it.
  6. Yeah, best episode of the season so far... which is a surprise because I totally thought that title would go to the Moffat episode, like in the old days of seasons 1-4. And this despite an ending that makes (I think) very little sense, logically or poetically. Is it me or were those people at the pub absolutely horrible ? Doing everything they can to convince Ruby she is a racist patronizing urbanite who probably came to Wales to torture some people in a castle...
  7. I thought Furiosa wasn't quite as impressive as Fury Road, given that it retreads the same grounds, and because it doesn't have the same unity of action (lots of fades to black in the 15 year story line), but still a very impressive movie in its own right. Many beautiful shots. Anya Taylor Joy is one of the most charismatic actresses, so I don't feel short-changed by her replacing Theron. And Tom Burke was a nice Max surrogate. So fingers crossed for the box office !
  8. That's great ! I'll absolutely try to get tickets. It's really perplexing that there is still no news of a concert in London and/or with the LSO. Maybe John Williams is superstitious and doesn't want to try again after the 2018 miss
  9. Can't wait to read this ! Ordered ! Strange that this escaped my notice.
  10. Great news ! Given what he had said, I didn't dare hope he would return so fast.
  11. I love his work too, thank you @Thorfor the tip about his new album ! To the ones you've already mentionned, I'll add Silence Night and Dream, and 10 Pieces for orchestra (both non film).
  12. Great video, but is it me or does John look incredibly bored during the performance ?
  13. I like a lot of his scores, but here are my favourite non-Tolkien : Silence of the Lambs Looking for Richard Esther Kahn The Cell The Yards The Aviator Eastern Promises
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