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Star Wars - The Clone Wars

Joe Brausam

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I think he meant non-JW Star Wars.

I'll second everything about the Clone Wars: generic, forgettable, overrun with ethnic and rock influences. Makes me pine for The Force Unleashed that much more.

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Mcneely, Giacchino, Griskey...

Sometimes i feel they dont do things right because they are too lazy to ask or think the other people are not interested. And the people interested may be shy and not offer themselves...

I think giacchino said to erik that he would love to do an Indy or Star Wars score for a videogame but was never been asked.

Clone wars was perfect for him. It was a movie, he does movies now...

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I think Lucas wanted a different sound from the start

and I always thought that Williams was uhmm somehow dissapointed that he wasnt asked to compose the soundtrack for SOTE.. McNeely had to write it in about 10 days I think he said in an interview .. in the sparetime between two other projects

and I think that Episode I has a heart.. and Williams had a great time writing the score.. you can hear it.

I can only imagine that he was personally rather uninspired by Episode II and he wasn't very exited about it .. on Episode III he absolutely got hooked up again.. not as strong as with Episode I but it is a much better and much more inspired score

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Then maybe I should ask John what's the secret for getting hooked up on Episode III ...


just listening to anakins betrayal or anakins dark deeds.. or the battle over corouscant (complete version) or fighting grievous or the complete 10 minutes of the final battle

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Listening to Revenge of the Sith is like hanging out with that overbearing friend who talks too much and constantly bothers you with her stupid, angsty problems and self pitying attitude, but sometimes has a sense of humor and is really nice. I mean, you kind of have to like her. But at the same time you don't have much respect for her.

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Wouldn't it be the other way around?

Wouldn't a guilty pleasure be a friend who's really fun to hang out with, but is a real jerk? Because then despite the fact that you know that he/she is a bad person, you still enjoy spending time with him/her, the same way you know RotS is a bad score but you still enjoy listening to it?

As opposed to the nice friend who you hate spending time with, but you know is a good person, which is like a poorly written score that you know is a bad one, but you still enjoy listening to it?

Or am I over analyzing this a bit? :thumbup:

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Wouldn't it be the other way around?

Wouldn't a guilty pleasure be a friend who's really fun to hang out with, but is a real jerk? Because then despite the fact that you know that he/she is a bad person, you still enjoy spending time with him/her, the same way you know RotS is a bad score but you still enjoy listening to it?

As opposed to the nice friend who you hate spending time with, but you know is a good person, which is like a poorly written score that you know is a bad one, but you still enjoy listening to it?

Or am I over analyzing this a bit? :thumbup:

Actually, you're right.

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I always thought that Williams was uhmm somehow dissapointed that he wasnt asked to compose the soundtrack for SOTE..

I think that is a common false rumour.

More like fanboy wishful thinking.

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I think it is a debunked rumour.

On another matter:


Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Opens Friday, August 15, 2008 | Runtime:1 hr. 30 min.

As I said, typical cartoon film runtime.

It's also roughly the runtime of four half-hour TV episodes . . . which is what this is.

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It's also roughly the runtime of four half-hour TV episodes . . . which is what this is.

3 episodes....

mmm they said it was four..then maybe its 2 hour afterall.

No, no . . . once you remove the commercials from a half-hour tv show, you're left with about 22 minutes. Multiply that by four, and you get roughly an hour and a half.

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Aren't you the guy who worships everything made by George Lucas? I guess you'll have to love the opening credits.

That could also describe me.

And now look at Steef's signature.

It's also roughly the runtime of four half-hour TV episodes . . . which is what this is.

3 episodes....

mmm they said it was four..then maybe its 2 hour afterall.

No, no . . . once you remove the commercials from a half-hour tv show, you're left with about 22 minutes. Multiply that by four, and you get roughly an hour and a half.

Ah ok.

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I listened to the music. It sounds more like Silvestri's Beowulf than Star Wars, but it's not as bad and flat as I expected. Definitely not like some of the MV scores, even though there is a small rip of Hans's Black Hawk Down (since I like that one, I don't mind it too much). Still, it's a mediocre score, like most of what is on the market thesedays.

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I have just seen the movie, and while I've got a few things to complain about (see below), I mostly loved it.


(1) The score doesn't play very well in the movie. As it turns out, it doesn't much matter (not to me, at least), but it's still a disappointment. There IS substantial use of the electric guitar, by the way. It's mostly in the background of battle scenes, and Kiner manages to make it even more inappropriate than Williams did. I didn't mind it too much in Attack of the Clones, but here it's not very good at all. It's not foregrounded, though, so let's be thankful for that.

(2) Some -- some -- of the dialogue is infantile. Asoka calling Anakin "Skyguy" and R2 "Artooie" is the worst of it. And that sucks. On the other hand, it only happens a few times, and is a very minor element of the movie. A lot of people will go nuts with bichery over this. One of my friends did. I would tell these people to chill out and pay attention to (most of) the rest of the movie.

(3) There is a gangster character who pops up near the end who is almost as bad as Boss Nass. He really and truly sucks. At least, the decisions made with the character's voice-over suck. The character himself is okay, and (again, and thankfully) minor, so it doesn't really hurt the movie.

(4) The replacement for the traditional title crawl is horrible.

It's a voice-over in the style of WWII-era newsreels, and it does not work AT ALL. In fact, it's embarassing. It's fairly brief, and there is some cool stuff happening underneath it, but it's a big misstep, and hopefully not one that is going to be a permanent fixture of the series.

I don't mind there not being a crawl, but surely somebody could have thought of something better than this.


(1) The animation is terrific. You may or may not like the character designs, but either way, I think you'll get used to them fairly quickly; they move very convincingly, but not too convincingly. This is what good "realistic" animation ought to be: it doesn't go too far into Uncanny Valley, but has enough realism that it allows the eye to accept what it's seeing. Considering that this was animated with television in mind, it's a pretty awesome achievement.

(2) The battle scenes are plentiful, and they're good, and they're extremely well-animated. Happily, there is very little of the tendency the previous Clone Wars series had to go into weird flights of superhuman fancy. The Jedi are still superheros, but they've got their limits, and there's nothing here that wouldn't have fit into the prequels, storywise.

(3) The story works for me. It's kinda slam-bang action, with a dash of political intrigue, but it works. And it doesn't particularly feel like it's just four episodes strung haphazardly together. It follows a single plot -- the kidnapping of Jabba the Hutt's son, and the attempts by the Jedi to rescue him -- and feels pretty seamless.

(4) Battle droids. Lots of dumb-ass battle droids. They're usually good for a chuckle, and they get several good ones in this movie.

(5) Asoka. A lot of people are going to hate this character, but I grew to like her quite a bit during the course of the movie.

(6) Ventress. She's a bad-ass. And she's kinda hot, in that weird way that animated characters can be hot. Or is that just me that that happens to? Heh heh, um...

This is probably not for people who hated the prequels, but some of you who were at least somewhat lenient on that subject might want to check it out if you've got nothing better to do this weekend. Who knows, you might have a good time.

For the people who liked the prequels, it's a no-brainer. I can't think of any reason why you wouldn't like this movie.

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For the people who liked the prequels, it's a no-brainer. I can't think of any reason why you wouldn't like this movie.

The score...

Nevertheless I think I wil like it, if I can exorcise the score in mi mind...

I knew the opening was not going to work, and i think its going to be the same in the TV series.

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Hey.. I just got back from the Premiere.. and again I have to say:

I enjoyed this much more than Indy IV!

and why? because again, I didn't expect a movie of epic scale. I am not dissapointed atall (well exept for the score on some occasions and one characters voiceover... funny idea but after 5 sentences just annoying!)

I enjoyed it because I stopped taking Star Wars serious since Episode II .. this is clearly meant to be for a younger audience.. 9-14 maybe and some jokes in there are just hilarious over the top funny.. I enjoyed theBattle droids

Bryant Burnette really summed it up perfectly..

but I can hear people saying. "it's going downhill with star wars"..and then someone will add a clever remark.." it started going downhill with Return of the Jedi"

anyone who goes in that movie with a high Star Wars movie expectation..should rethink his philosophy and focus on what this is.. a nice 90 minutes experience that is kinda cool and has well not sooo much to do with that Star Wars sparkle sprit

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this is clearly meant to be for a younger audience.. 9-14 maybe and some jokes in there are just hilarious over the top funny.. I enjoyed theBattle droids

anyone who goes in that movie with a high Star Wars movie expectation..should rethink his philosophy and focus on what this is..

I'm 40 and Star Wars and Empire set the bar rather high as far as quality goes.

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this is clearly meant to be for a younger audience.. 9-14 maybe and some jokes in there are just hilarious over the top funny.. I enjoyed theBattle droids

anyone who goes in that movie with a high Star Wars movie expectation..should rethink his philosophy and focus on what this is..

I'm 40 and Star Wars and Empire set the bar rather high as far as quality goes.

If thats the case..and you want to watch it.. just be prepared ;-)

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The critics are tearing it a new one.
The new feature-length Star Wars cartoon is so cute that I want to hug it. Tightly. Until it stops breathing.


Still, I'm sure I'll enjoy it well enough when it comes to DVD. The micro-series was fun and I'll definitely be watching the new series when it launches in the fall. That is, if it doesn't totally suck...

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Just saw it...it was terrible. And I LOVE the prequels.

The story was good, the animation was good, and the action was fine (especially the one that took place up the cliff), but that was some of the only good bits.

The dialouge sucked, moreso than the previous SW films (which had some good lines, some bad, and some suitable ones). It was cheesy, it was poorly voice acted, and it was boring as hell. I hate the use of "Skyguy," among others. And Yoda's voice sounded out of place and wrong.

I hated the comical twist that was added to all the battle droids, it made them seem like blundering idiots. They were no longer mindless machines intent on killing, they were clowns from a circus.

I hate the replacement of the title crawl, it sounded like a spoof of a commercial you might find on SNL or some other purposefully corny sketch. And the redone SW march was awful.

Dooku cackles at one point, in a moment that rivals Vader's "Noooooooooooooooo," so often quoted by Henry (it was one of the few moments I disliked in RotS).

All of this would have been almost excusable if the film was interesting or exciting, but I was bored to death by it. It is by far the worst film of the summer, and the worst SW film that I've seen.


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Just saw it...it was terrible. And I LOVE the prequels.

The story was good, the animation was good, and the action was fine (especially the one that took place up the cliff), but that was some of the only good bits.

The dialouge sucked, moreso than the previous SW films (which had some good lines, some bad, and some suitable ones). It was cheesy, it was poorly voice acted, and it was boring as hell. I hate the use of "Skyguy," among others. And Yoda's voice sounded out of place and wrong.

I hated the comical twist that was added to all the battle droids, it made them seem like blundering idiots. They were no longer mindless machines intent on killing, they were clowns from a circus.

I hate the replacement of the title crawl, it sounded like a spoof of a commercial you might find on SNL or some other purposefully corny sketch. And the redone SW march was awful.

Dooku cackles at one point, in a moment that rivals Vader's "Noooooooooooooooo," so often quoted by Henry (it was one of the few moments I disliked in RotS).

All of this would have been almost excusable if the film was interesting or exciting, but I was bored to death by it. It is by far the worst film of the summer, and the worst SW film that I've seen.


That's good, indy4. You've taken your first step into a larger world.


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