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ChrisAfonso last won the day on October 12 2013

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About ChrisAfonso

  • Birthday 08/10/1981

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    mostly lurkin'
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    Stuttgart, Germany

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  1. Just got the CD - on first listen, very fine performances of both pieces! Indeed there seem to be revisions to the concerto, and overall to me it sounded a bit more restrained than I remember earlier recordings to be. Have to dig deeper on repeat listens.
  2. I visited the Schott Music store in London this week - nice to see that they stock some of the Omni books on location Bought Wrath of Khan, and made sure to express my interest in them carrying more Omni editions in the future!
  3. Yeah, the viola concerto is in dire need of a good-quality recording.
  4. Great news! Love this piece That will be the 4th recording of it, right? I wonder if it will have any reworked passages, like the cello concerto...
  5. Sad news. As for as I know, my only CD of his was a recording of Pini di Roma (with other assorted pieces), but that one I listened to quite a lot back then.
  6. It's been a long time since I've listened to the OST, and for all the years I've had the 2012 LLL, I can't remember listening to it more than once or twice, so I can't really make any informed comparisons right now... suffice to say, over the last few days I've listened to this set several times already, and it is simply marvelous. In the past I've found the score a bit overwhelming in its wealth of themes and setpieces, but somehow this new presentation makes it a varied and satisfying listen throughout. Not to mention the songs on the last disc giving so much more context to the theme usage in the film! (The only critical observation I could make would be that for my ears, the music and lyrics of the songs sometimes don't mesh very well on a micro-level - the stresses/accents of the text differ from those of the melody...)
  7. This score hits one of my Horner nostalgia soft spots, as it was one of the first Horner scores I discovered (back in the browsing-in-shelves way of things), and clichéd as it may be (hello Carmen!), it's just so much fun to listen to . Even though I pretty much consider the album already very comprehensive, this is an immediate order for me.
  8. Unless there were multiple versions back when they came out, I believe that's inaccurate - they're normal DVDs (the 3rd one double-sided) with stereo and 5.1 audio tracks, and animated menus showing arted-up images from the corresponding scenes during playback.
  9. yay: it arrived today! yay: no further taxes collected (so I just paid the $4.75 they charged when ordering) meh: a crack in the front of the jewel case... oh well
  10. Got one! Let's see how quickly they'll be restocked... Also got 4$ tax slapped on, waiting how that plays with import tariffs to Germany
  11. I'd totally buy King Kong, but The Village or Signs would also be nice (guessing it's something completely different ;))
  12. Very interesting - that totally gives the impression of being the setup for an "...and his adventures in space" series
  13. A very arcane detail, but something about the sound of the Archimedes theme at 1:24 in "Centuries join hands" intrigues me - it appears to be a horn(s) line with added flute octave and harp accents, but something about it sounds more noble/open/round than other comparable passages... I'm curious if that might be wagner tuba instead, or just quietly doubled by trombone (?) (Generally after more repeated listens this score reveals more and more intricate details, especially in the less "obvious" places... a real gem)
  14. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that, I had a knee-jerk response and didn't get the joke.
  15. I'm sorry, that was just a reaction to the idea of buying limited editions explicitly to resell them for a profit, which I can't stand.
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