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    Gurkensalat reacted to Unlucky Bastard in What is the last Television series you watched?   
    Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The complete series.
    My biggest impression of this show is that it has variety. Although every season has a serialised arc, so many episodes have their own identity, but aren't afraid of balancing so much in 44 minutes.
    For example the episode "Hush" plays at horror through one of the most effective one-shot villains, The Gentlemen. And yet it balances that horror with powerful comedic writing and acting through pure mime because through the villains' diabolocal plan to silence the town so that people couldn's scream when they remove their hearts, the characters can no longer speak.
    And other episodes are downright grim like "The Body" or beautifully complex and ambiguous like "Once More, With Feeling". I had to buy the CD of this because the music was so good.
    I really crashed through this series because it was like an entertaining novel that you can't put down. I was completely hooked on Buffy's seven-year journey of self-discovery, unremitting torment and self-doubt. Every season that went along, the odds were stacked against her even more and I loved seeing how she could utilise the very few resources she had in order to defeat whatever the "Big Bad" threw at her. It even got ridiculous at times, but this is a fantasy show that embraces its own silliness.
    And Sarah Michelle Gellar looks great wielding a stake.
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    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Bespin in Pre-Jaws OST albums: Make your top 10   
    Of course. I made a suite of the orchestral tracks in chronological order which takes about 20 min; its one of my most often listened to selections.
    More Theft
    Xerox Crisis
    Make me Rainbows, instrumental
    Juliets discovery
    Lefty Louis Love Life
    Gimbels Robbery
    End Titels
    It´s developing the two themes in a logical fashion and presenting the highlights of the score. Very entertaining.
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    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Bespin in Pre-Jaws OST albums: Make your top 10   
    Jane Eyre
    Towering Inferno
    The Cowboys
    Not with my Wife
    Eiger Sanction
    The Reivers
    How to steal a million
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    Gurkensalat got a reaction from John Dutton in Jurassic Park 20th Anniversary OST (Digital only release)   
    OK, reviving this thread for 2 things:
    First, I finally listened to the extended version with the untouched tracks in chronological order (see Post #31) and find it a much better listening experience than the OST. This way the first half is very entertaining with much variety and a lot of intersting thematical material, among others due to Stalling around. In contrast, the first half of the OST was very repetitive with the main Theme over and over due to "Theme from JP" and the early appearance of the end titles in "Welcom toJP". This was a major reason I never really warmed to this soundtrack. Now, I find it a masterpiece comparable to Raiders and Jaws.
    Second, I just found one place where one can buy the 4 new tracks separately in high resolution: the new pono music portal.
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    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Incanus in "Scherzo for Piano and Orchestra" - new Williams concert work debuting July 1 2014   
    One should mention BIS here, an exceptional recording Company that is producing a Lot of high quality classical Studio recordings, of familiar and unusual Repertoire. The new ones are all hirez SACDs and Downloads. They Even have Great recordings of Williams, the Tuba concerto and the Saxophone pieces of catch me if you can, which I bought for a few bucks on eclassical.com.
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    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Once in Expanded Harry Potter albums in the works?   
    Whenever there is an official release for a leaked complete score, I feel morally obligated to purchase it, else I would feel being a thief. There is being put a lot of work into official expanded release by Lalala and others, which should be rewarded regardless of any Recording Sessions availability. These are just an additional bonus.
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    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Craig Evans in Electronic music in E.T?   
    I have played on an electronic organ since 1974, so I guess, Hollywood will have had access to one, too, at the time. The organ on the CD even sounds a bit similar like the one I had.
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