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    Gurkensalat reacted to Taikomochi in Obi-Wan Theme debuts at Star Wars Celebration, conducted by John Williams   
    I actually hear a lot of similarity between this theme, Holdo, and Anthem of Evil, in that opening gesture on the horn. What I love about Williams is that he is able to take these relatively simple constructs and imbue them with such dramatic depth, and, while all three have a basic structural similarity to my ears, they are all completely different in emotional meaning. Williams’ work is always so much richer than any of us has ever deserved. I am so grateful for this man.
  2. Like
    Gurkensalat reacted to BrotherSound in Obi-Wan Theme debuts at Star Wars Celebration, conducted by John Williams   
    Strong Bruckner influence here, eh, @Falstaft? (A composer I hadn’t really thought of in connection with JW before, until Frank pointed out the influence on some other more recent Star Wars music.)
  3. Thanks
    Gurkensalat reacted to Yavar Moradi in Rian Johnson developing a fourth Star Wars trilogy... Oh my..   
    No argument here when it comes to Christie, Dern, Serkis... and yeah even Boyega and Isaac (though at least his role was bigger than in the first film). But I thought Ridley, Driver, and Hamill had a LOT to do in this film, and they all did it very well. I'm amazed to see even a TLJ-hater lump those three in with the rest.
  4. Like
    Gurkensalat reacted to Romão in Rian Johnson developing a fourth Star Wars trilogy... Oh my..   
    TLJ, for its flaws and the first 40 minutes of TFA are the only Star Wars content done by Disney I have enjoyed thus far, TV shows included. But it's preferable for Rian to focus on things he probably will enjoy more and let Star Wars just die on its own
  5. Like
    Gurkensalat reacted to Yavar Moradi in Rian Johnson developing a fourth Star Wars trilogy... Oh my..   
    Despite some faults (the Finn/Poe/Rose side quest) I thought The Last Jedi was easily the best of the sequel trilogy, and I think Rian Johnson doing all three sequel films would have turned out much better than, say, JJ Abrams doing all three sequel films. But really they clearly just needed to plan them all out and have a unified vision/plan from the beginning. (Say, how come Maz Kanata ended up with Luke's lightsaber again? That "story for another time"? LOL...)
    That said, I'm not sad that Rian Johnson is moving on to focus on follow-ups to his amazing Knives Out, which was way better than, well (to be honest), ANY Star Wars film with the possible exception of The Empire Strikes Back. Oh, and though Daniel Craig is my favorite Bond (largely due to Casino Royale; none of his other films were nearly as good) I love his detective character in Knives Out far more. To be honest, I think Knives Out might be one of my favorite films, period.
  6. Like
    Gurkensalat reacted to Lukas T in Howard Shore's THE LORD OF THE RINGS   
    I love the "Lighting of the Beacons" from RotK. The orchestration is just phenomenal. Super interesting how the melody is traded between instruments. Howard Shore said this is one of the pieces he is most proud of.   I made a cover for pipe organ and performed it live to the film. There are quite a few people here who know the soundtrack very well - so I am curious to get feedback.  I have transcribed the entire first hour of RotK, might upload more pieces later.
  7. Haha
    Gurkensalat reacted to BB-8 in John Williams "didn't collaborate" with Holt for Obi-Wan show, wrote the theme and a suite in 2 weeks   
    You mean the store where Hans Zimmer finds inspiration?
  8. Haha
    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Andy in John Williams "didn't collaborate" with Holt for Obi-Wan show, wrote the theme and a suite in 2 weeks   
    I am so happy, that my favorite hardware store in Germany finally gets a theme by John Williams: https://www.obi.de
  9. Haha
    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Brando in John Williams "didn't collaborate" with Holt for Obi-Wan show, wrote the theme and a suite in 2 weeks   
    I am so happy, that my favorite hardware store in Germany finally gets a theme by John Williams: https://www.obi.de
  10. Haha
    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Ricard in John Williams "didn't collaborate" with Holt for Obi-Wan show, wrote the theme and a suite in 2 weeks   
    I am so happy, that my favorite hardware store in Germany finally gets a theme by John Williams: https://www.obi.de
  11. Haha
    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Sunshine Reger in John Williams "didn't collaborate" with Holt for Obi-Wan show, wrote the theme and a suite in 2 weeks   
    I am so happy, that my favorite hardware store in Germany finally gets a theme by John Williams: https://www.obi.de
  12. Haha
    Gurkensalat got a reaction from MaxTheHouseelf in John Williams "didn't collaborate" with Holt for Obi-Wan show, wrote the theme and a suite in 2 weeks   
    I am so happy, that my favorite hardware store in Germany finally gets a theme by John Williams: https://www.obi.de
  13. Like
    Gurkensalat reacted to Potter Scoring Project in New Project: John Williams Potter Scoring   
    This is not a DH update, but we were able to meet the maestro himself yesterday! He came to Juilliard for a conducting session where we played Superman March, theme from Jurassic Park, and Adventures on Earth. I was lucky enough to play piano/celesta, and Molly (who was in town to see his Carnegie concert the night before) was turning pages for me. So the short version is: both of us were in the room with JW and it was thrilling! And yes we did give him a flash drive with GOF, OOTP, and HBP on it.

    Basically we wrote him a thank-you letter for everything his music means to us, and presented highlights from the project as a fan gift (along with the knit JW). The project content was in an envelope so we don't know what he thinks or if he's heard it but we're just happy to have expressed our appreciation in some way!


  14. Like
    Gurkensalat reacted to Davis in Martin Scorsese says Marvel movies are 'not cinema'   
    I agree, EMPIRE OF THE SUN is a great movie, although I feel that it was Spielberg’s vehicle for winning an Oscar. And in a way I think SCHINDLER was, too. But these two movies, and especially the latter are so good that if there was indeed a deliberate intention on Spielberg’s part to get awards for them, it doesn’t matter. I love EMPIRE, but I see its flaws. But SCHINDLER’S LIST is something truly special. It’s almost like it wasn’t directed by Spielberg. He never since even tried to become that director again, I guess because it would be so hard on him as a human being. So SL remains his single greatest achievement that will live on as one of the most important pieces of cinema. While EMPIRE OF THE SUN, imho was the direct step towards becoming the great director who made SCHINDLER’S LIST. 
  15. Like
    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Once in New article on JW on Variety: 'The Fabelmans' confirmed, recording next month   
    This would be perfect of course. My personal dream would be that to be a second Tintin movie, assuming that Jackson has no interested in it any more. It would allow Williams IMO best qualities to shine once more and the production would allow for a lot of time for composing and revising. Start filming Mocap in Autumn, composing during rendering/postproduction in 2023 and releasing Spring 2024. one can dream...
  16. Love
    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Raiders of the SoundtrArk in New article on JW on Variety: 'The Fabelmans' confirmed, recording next month   
    This would be perfect of course. My personal dream would be that to be a second Tintin movie, assuming that Jackson has no interested in it any more. It would allow Williams IMO best qualities to shine once more and the production would allow for a lot of time for composing and revising. Start filming Mocap in Autumn, composing during rendering/postproduction in 2023 and releasing Spring 2024. one can dream...
  17. Like
    Gurkensalat got a reaction from eitam in New article on JW on Variety: 'The Fabelmans' confirmed, recording next month   
    This would be perfect of course. My personal dream would be that to be a second Tintin movie, assuming that Jackson has no interested in it any more. It would allow Williams IMO best qualities to shine once more and the production would allow for a lot of time for composing and revising. Start filming Mocap in Autumn, composing during rendering/postproduction in 2023 and releasing Spring 2024. one can dream...
  18. Like
    Gurkensalat reacted to Jay in New article on JW on Variety: 'The Fabelmans' confirmed, recording next month   
    If Spielberg makes a film that comes out in 2024 that John scores, their 30th feature film collaboration will happen on the 50th anniversary of their first one
  19. Like
    Gurkensalat reacted to bollemanneke in John Williams returns to Vienna! March 12/13 2022   
    In anticipation of not being able to go myself and having to rely on your accounts, i'm listening to the 2020 concert and I must say I'm finally warming up to it! It took two years, a normaliser, a half-recovered eardrum and 6 channel FLAC files, but I'm liking it a lot today.
  20. Like
    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Federico in Jurassic Park Theme. . . but it's a fugue!   
    Brilliant idea, very nice!
  21. Thanks
    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Lord Montague in John Williams & Berliner Philharmoniker 14th/15th/16th Oct 2021   
    Watched the concert on Blu-ray in 5.1 surround. Nice companion to the Vienna concert. Highlights for me are Far and Away, Scherzo for Motorcycle and Elegy. Playing is very good, as is expected from the Berliner. I especially like the woodwinds in Nimbus 2000. Video quality is surprisingly bad: massive detail loss in wider shots, probably due to aggressive data reduction. I can only speculate that they took the same low Bitrate encoding as for streaming. It is a pity, since Blu-ray offeres so much higher bitrate and potential quality. Video in the Vienna concert is much better, but unfortunately there they only offered 1080i (interlaced) video which leads to combing artefacts. So no video recording is perfect. Surround sound is good, clear and serviceable, but nothing special. In terms of immersive audio quality it does not hold a candle to the spectacular Vienna surround mix which really replicates the live atmosphere. 
  22. Like
    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Taikomochi in John Williams & Berliner Philharmoniker 14th/15th/16th Oct 2021   
    Watched the concert on Blu-ray in 5.1 surround. Nice companion to the Vienna concert. Highlights for me are Far and Away, Scherzo for Motorcycle and Elegy. Playing is very good, as is expected from the Berliner. I especially like the woodwinds in Nimbus 2000. Video quality is surprisingly bad: massive detail loss in wider shots, probably due to aggressive data reduction. I can only speculate that they took the same low Bitrate encoding as for streaming. It is a pity, since Blu-ray offeres so much higher bitrate and potential quality. Video in the Vienna concert is much better, but unfortunately there they only offered 1080i (interlaced) video which leads to combing artefacts. So no video recording is perfect. Surround sound is good, clear and serviceable, but nothing special. In terms of immersive audio quality it does not hold a candle to the spectacular Vienna surround mix which really replicates the live atmosphere. 
  23. Like
    Gurkensalat got a reaction from rough cut in John Williams & Berliner Philharmoniker 14th/15th/16th Oct 2021   
    Watched the concert on Blu-ray in 5.1 surround. Nice companion to the Vienna concert. Highlights for me are Far and Away, Scherzo for Motorcycle and Elegy. Playing is very good, as is expected from the Berliner. I especially like the woodwinds in Nimbus 2000. Video quality is surprisingly bad: massive detail loss in wider shots, probably due to aggressive data reduction. I can only speculate that they took the same low Bitrate encoding as for streaming. It is a pity, since Blu-ray offeres so much higher bitrate and potential quality. Video in the Vienna concert is much better, but unfortunately there they only offered 1080i (interlaced) video which leads to combing artefacts. So no video recording is perfect. Surround sound is good, clear and serviceable, but nothing special. In terms of immersive audio quality it does not hold a candle to the spectacular Vienna surround mix which really replicates the live atmosphere. 
  24. Like
    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Once in New article in The New York Times on John Williams - says he will soon step away from film projects   
    Wouldn't that be Ready Player Two??
    If I could wish for one more score from Williams after those 2, I would like to order Tintin 2, please. But I fear, that project will not be continued, since nothing is being heard about it. 
  25. Like
    Gurkensalat got a reaction from Raiders of the SoundtrArk in New article in The New York Times on John Williams - says he will soon step away from film projects   
    Wouldn't that be Ready Player Two??
    If I could wish for one more score from Williams after those 2, I would like to order Tintin 2, please. But I fear, that project will not be continued, since nothing is being heard about it. 
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