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Maestro last won the day on July 29 2023

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About Maestro

  • Birthday 07/12/1984

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    Los Angeles, CA

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  1. Maestro


    Now THIS is primo JWFan content!
  2. JWfan has never come up. Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to ask him about it...
  3. I'm so grateful to you, Thor, and to several other members of this community for help with research, rare recordings and ephemera, and just general kibitzing and commiserating. I fully recognize that I'm living several people's lifelong dream—because it was certainly mine—and I don't take that for granted. Nor could I have done it without help. It's amazing what joining this forum did for my life and future work those twenty years ago...
  4. Ha! I have NO memory of posting that, but it's also no surprise. I've been pursuing this (off and on) for about that long...
  5. I'm not going to lie—I was excitedly curious how quickly this news would hit JWFan! For those who don't know me, I've been writing about film music and interviewing composers (and directors and actors) professionally for the past decade. Besides the many liner notes, I also write articles and create radio stories for mainstream news outlets like the L.A. Times and NPR. I teach a film music history course at USC. And I've been a card-carrying member of this site since 2003. I won't divulge too much just yet, because it's still a little early, but I was excited to finally make it public that this book is happening. I've been working on it for three years now, and I've interviewed approximately 150 people. The big kahuna, of course, is John Williams. I plan to share the story of how that happened one day, but not yet. Thanks for your excitement! I can promise you that there are many things (stories, facts, quotes) in this book you have never heard... Tim
  6. Really beautiful film, Maurizio. You've bottled so much of the wonder and emotion that this marriage has produced. I imagine you at your editing desk like
  7. Thanks everybody! (And please keep ’em coming.)
  8. Calling on the JWFan-hive: I'm producing a radio story for NPR about how the Jurassic Park theme transcended the film and has infiltrated pop culture, and I'm trying to find examples of it being used in other settings. I'm thinking Simpsons / Family Guy / Saturday Night Live / sitcom gags, references in other movies and TV shows, viral videos / memes, etc. Can you all help me out with any notable examples? Thanks a million! Tim
  9. Looks like a certain somebody was at Sony this week...
  10. Hi again! I'm hoping some of you sleuths can help me with this. In 2012, Blu-ray.com (that esteemed bastion of journalism) published a "Making of Jurassic Park" article that quotes John from two sources that strike me as dubious. As far as I know, he only gave ONE interview to Film Score Monthly (in 2002), excepting the 1997 Craig Byrd Star Wars interview. So I don't think this can be right. Does anyone know the true source of these two quotes, or if they're even legit? Taken from https://www.blu-ray.com/news/?id=8186: On his compositions for the film, John Williams told Film Score Monthly in an interview, "I wanted to do something different for Steven. With Close Encounters, I needed to write pieces that would convey a sense of 'awe' and fascination, especially for the last half hour of the film. The music that would be needed here, especially when the group first arrives on the island and see the dinosaurs, would require something rather similar. So instead of going for a sense of fascination, I created a theme for the park itself, which could be used in several different places, and when orchestrated differently, could convey the beauty of what they were seeing at first. So when the passengers in the jeep pass by the group of dinosaurs for the first time, this is the theme I used. Instead of a sense of fascination, I believe the theme conveyed the feelings of the dinosaur researchers in the jeep and their overwhelming happiness and excitement at what they were encountering." He was also interviewed (by the press, by invitation) one day while working at the editing location about the score point with the tyrannosaurus rex. Williams said, "I needed to compose a much darker tone for many of the scenes, especially the rex, which you will notice is different from the final half hour once they are being chased inside the building. The music for the tyrannosaurus rex had to be absolutely frightening. I wanted to convey the feeling that two children would have if they encountered such a beast. Very dark, very scary. Overall, composing the music for this film has been such an enjoyable experience, and of course a pleasure to work again with Steven."
  11. Thanks everyone! I now have multiple copies of said interview. The generosity of JWfans knows no bounds.
  12. Hi all. Related to my quest: does anyone have a copy of the filmed AFI Master Class with Spielberg and JW from 2011? It looks like it's been taken down from both Vimeo and YouTube...
  13. Hello, fellow JWfans. Obsessed with JW since 1994, member on this site since 2003, and have written my fair share of articles about the man for the LA Times, NPR, and elsewhere. All of that as preamble to a request. This fall, assuming the world is still turning and the higher education system still exists, I'm going to be teaching a course at USC on... the music of John Williams. As you can imagine, I couldn't be more ecstatic. Under the shadow of the "John Williams Scoring Stage," across a path from the school where George Lucas attended, I'll get to wax on about the greatest composer of all time every week for a whole semester. I know many of you have gathered biographical info about JW over the years—old news clippings, interviews, photos, etc.—and I would love to have anything and everything I can get my hands on as I prepare for this class. This will also just scratch an itch I have as a lifelong maniac for JW, but now I have a fancy professional reason as well. Let me know if you have anything you'd be willing to share. Thanks in advance!
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