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About Once

  • Birthday 13/07/1994

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  1. Is it’s a choice between the two, I agree with you!
  2. The Berlin concerts have been my favourites of his concerts that I’ve attended, so I’m DEFINITELY going! My best friend (and fellow Williams-fanatic) turns 30 on the 5th, so it’s really a no-brainer!
  3. Source! The only reason I’m making a separate thread for this is that I really, really hope Columbus can somehow convince Williams to score this. I’d love to hear him score a whodunnit and I’m sure he could elevate the movie, like he did with Home Alone. Thoughts?
  4. The new website looks fantastic. I look forward to having the time to really browse through all the content. Even though it's not complete yet, the "Works"-pages are gonna be a great resource, I feel. I love that recording dates are included and also the easy overview of recordings of his classical work.
  5. The fact that Gunn is a writer and doesn’t keep re-editing in post would make a collaboration much more interesting than with most Hollywood directors nowadays.
  6. I like this comment from the Variety article: I wish this article was published before Oscar voting ended. It sounds like many rediscovered how great he really is.
  7. I would just love to experience Williams receiving an Oscar in my lifetime...
  8. I was 7 when I got my first soundtrack album. My aunt had noticed I kept humming the music from Harry Potter and she bought the OST for me for Christmas 2001. I was too young to be embarrassed by my taste in music, I played the soundtrack for all of my friends, haha. Me and a good mate even rehearsed a dance routine for the entire album that we made our parents watch! I still remember our choreograpy to Visit to the Zoo and Letters from Hogwarts! Kids are weird yo
  9. Williams seems to care a lot about his legacy. The idea of writing themes, suites and motifs for future composers, producers or directors to arrange/edit sounds like the last thing he'd be interested in - he would have no final say in the product. While the idea of an endless pool of JW music is appealing on a surface level it doesn't really work, does it? He needs to be involved in all parts of the process, in my opinion.
  10. Just out of curiosity, was it ever considered including the Julie Andrews-demo on this set? I don't suppose she would agree to that, though. I'm still waiting for my set to arrive and the wait is absolutely killing me! I might start with disc 3... I'm so intrigued by the songs.
  11. I hope so, rather than think so. Any opportunity for more Williams music is a "yes, please"-scenario in my book. As long as the schedule doesn't clash with a Spielberg-film, in which case I'd probably prefer he did that instead.
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