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Unexpected random encounters with the music of John Williams

Sunshine Reger

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Today I learned the music is by Dimitri Tiomkin, lyrics by Ned Washington, and the original ensemble was conducted by John Williams


At this point I would not be surprised if it turned out Williams had at least once jammed with the Beatles...

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1 hour ago, Fabulin said:

At this point I would not be surprised if it turned out Williams had at least once jammed with the Beatles...


Well, John Williams* did operate the camera on Yellow Submarine.

*) not ours

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Bespin said:

We had John Williams the drummer, John Williams the guitarist, and now this one.





I bet we'll see more... :D


JOHN is the most popular given name in the United States, with an estimated population of 5,298,362.


WILLIAMS is the third most frequent surname in the U.S.

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4 minutes ago, Tom said:

Dear Daisy,


In your last letter you mentioned that you really like guys who work with their hands and make things.  Coincidentally, I have recently given up composing for some "real work," as you call it.  Today we are using jackhammers. Tomorrow comes the concrete.  




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2 hours ago, Tom said:

Dear Daisy,


In your last letter you mentioned that you really like guys who work with their hands and make things.  Coincidentally, I have recently given up composing for some "real work," as you call it.  Today we are using jackhammers. Tomorrow comes the concrete.  



P.S. If you come by the construction site to visit, please be prepared for some catcalling from the guys. I don't condone it, but I'll have to join in, so they don't give me a hard time.

I thought of some tastefully suggestive jeu de mots to say:


"I'd love me a bed of daisies in my garden!"


Or, "Hey Daisy! Howsabout we play "She loves me/She loves me not—and leave out the "not"!"

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2 hours ago, BB-8 said:

Tuba concerto.

Now I'm going to imagine hearing a tuba concerto whenever I see construction cones here in Montreal—which is every day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, this sort of counts. My wife works for a store that sells oils and dips and seasonings/spices for cooking. They sell at farmers markets, to give you an idea of what kind of store this is. Anyways, they usually play 50’s music to set the vibe, but since it’s the holiday season, they’ll either play 50’s music or Christmas music. So my wife sends me a screenshot of what came on the radio, and she only used that emoji to drive me nuts haha:


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Are you sure she's just teasing? A true test would be to sit her down to listen to the entire score. ;)

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1 minute ago, Brando said:

Oh I listen to Home Alone 1&2 year round, it drives her nuts whenever I listen to it, but it really makes her mad when I play the Sanskrit Sacrifice. She hates the chanting haha

Then that emoji is well-deserved. :lol:

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28 minutes ago, Mr. Hooper said:

Then that emoji is well-deserved. :lol:

I sent her a pic of your reply and she said "I'm not listening to the entire score" and I said "I am listening to it on our drive to North Carolina next month" and she said whatever to thatROTFLMAO

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On 19/11/2023 at 12:34 AM, Mr. Hooper said:

This treat popped up in my YouTube feed, and I thought I'd share...




4 hours ago, Brando said:

Oh I listen to Home Alone 1&2 year round, it drives her nuts whenever I listen to it, but it really makes her mad when I play the Sanskrit Sacrifice. She hates the chanting haha

Somebody should set that to Kevin's booby traps in HA 2.  Let's go dark.  

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1 hour ago, karelm said:

What about this guy?


John Williams Enters La. Hoops Hall Off A Promise Kept – LSU

He shows up in my eBay searches for "John Williams autograph," along with this guy:



By the way, lots of fake JW autographs there, most being obvious to a trained eye. If you're thinking of getting one, do your homework.


1 hour ago, Tom said:

Somebody should set that to Kevin's booby traps in HA 2.  Let's go dark.  


Now you're giving @Brando ideas. His wife's not gonna like us. lol

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That reminds me, when I plug my phone in my car, my radio screen will only show so much of a track name before it cuts it off with a '...', and whenever I listen to "Kevin's Booby Traps", no joke, it cuts it off at "Kevin's Boob...". It makes me laugh every time I see itROTFLMAO

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9 minutes ago, Brando said:

It makes me laugh every time I see itROTFLMAO

It's at that point that your wife turns and is like this:



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  • 2 weeks later...

(Not sure if Instagram story links work once the story times out, so this may be gone in a few hours)



The Wiener Singverein (the choir of the Musikverein, one of the major concert choirs of Vienna) apparently has a Williams Christmas song in their programme… but why does it have to be the one that works better without the singing?

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A snippet of the Imperial March was played during tonight's Montreal Canadiens hockey game...


The French-Canadian commentator soon after said "Et une contre-attaque de l'adversaire!", meaning "And a counter-attack from the opponent!"...which tickled me because, in French, "The Empire Strikes Back" was named "L'Empire contre-attaque".


Anyway, we lost.







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  • 2 weeks later...
On 18/10/2023 at 10:56 PM, Fabulin said:

Today I learned the music is by Dimitri Tiomkin, lyrics by Ned Washington, and the original ensemble was conducted by John Williams


At this point I would not be surprised if it turned out Williams had at least once jammed with the Beatles...





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  • 2 weeks later...

Not wholly unexpected, but still: during a Belgian program called Peace on Earth, a show in which TV  stars review the year in a light-hearted way, they sometimes played Somewhere In My Memory as background during conversations. I found it unexpectedly moving.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

So as you know, I watch reruns of The Price is Right from the Bob Barker era as a guilty pleasure... No judgements, please.


Well, circa 1982, there was a recurring space-themed showcase for which they used a medley including Goldsmith's Star Trek theme followed by the disco version of the Close Encounters of the Third Kind theme.


Oh—just found it on YouTube. Everything's on YouTube!





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Japanese TV shows often use John Williams' music, but mostly Star Wars (for anything to do with space), Jurassic Park (dinosaurs) and Jaws (sharks). This week's episode of the quiz show Konya wa Nazotore used Hook for the first time that I can recall - maybe the producers were inspired by the release of the Ultimate Edition. The segment in question was regarding a fancy department store - I guess The Banquet is kind of regal.


Aside from JW, How to Train Your Dragon is used very frequently, along with some older Giacchino themes. Overall they have good taste.


On 29/05/2023 at 2:35 PM, tee_oh said:

I've been living in South Korea for 11 years, and one of the reasons I never watch Korean reality TV is because of its constant onslaught of OCD editing. 


Basically 99 percent of every a reality or variety show's runtime is filled with onscreen text accompanied by sound effects, and they constantly play 15 to 60 second clips of music, with only a few seconds void of music between each track. 


So whenever someone starts talking about a new topic, or has some kind of reaction to something, it switches to some new music. 


It's almost exclusively copywrited music from anywhere in the world, sometimes film music, sometimes pop, and sometimes classical, and primarily from western counties. I wonder if the production companies buy some kind of blanket license to allow them to use basically whatever music they want. 


I've heard John Williams pieces dozens of times, mostly Harry Potter or Star Wars, to the point where it's no longer an "unexpected random encounter" because I'm always expecting it. 


I always get irrationally angry when it's some film music I like because it's taken so out of context that it detracts from the impact of the piece. 


For example on some comedic variety show, someone does something in a determined way then the imperial March starts playing. Or when someone on a travel show walks into a European village saying "wooww it's so beautiful" and they play Hedwigs Theme, or test flight from HTTYD if they want it to sound more exciting.

Interesting that Japan is exactly the same, even down to HTTYD!
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  • 3 weeks later...

According to a recent episode of the BBC radio music quiz Counterpoint, the Carpenter’s last album includes an instrumental cover based on Star Wars and CE3K. Anyone heard this?!

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  • 3 weeks later...

This lovely performance popped up on my YouTube feed...



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