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Star Wars Trilogy coming to DVD


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I wish they would have just made 3 2-Disc releases in Amaray cases, with similar artwork to the Ep. 1 and Ep. 2 DVD's, so I'd have some nice consistency in my collection. Too bad.

Oh well, there'll probably be a "Collector's Edition Saga Boxset" or something with all 6 films somewhere around 2006.

- Marc

:) Howard Shore - Hope Fails from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (OST)

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What a pathetic release! Only one special features disc?

And it is of course only the SE.

But of course. You wouldn't expect Lucas to show it all at once, would you? What will he have to released in 2005 with all 6 movies?

-Ross, who can only guess what Justin's birthday present will be this year.

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Of course, the big question mark amongst fans has always been whether Lucas would allow the original, unaltered original editions of the trilogy to also be released on DVD. Not possible, said Ward, who confirmed that the upcoming set will feature only the 1997 Special Edition versions of each film. "What George did in 1997," Ward explains, "was [to] make the movie he originally wanted to make."

I can now buy the Goldsmith set from Varese, since I will not be buying this dopey set.


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It doesn't say what version, but I thinek we can assume they're the SE's, right?

Don't count on it yet. There are rumours that there will be further changes to the movies.

Marian - :ola:

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I don't believe those rumors. They're probably a joke that got misinterpreted.

Just pay attention to what Lucas does. He's always tweaking. Most of his films have been fooled with in some way for their DVD release. The Phantom Menace is longer than what played in theaters. Attack of the Clones has at least one minor effect added that wasn't in theaters. Even American Grafitti has a digitally revised shot. What makes you think he's still not playing with the Star Wars films?

I'm satisfied with what I have on Laser Disc and DVD and I'll be avoiding this new set. Star Wars is dead.

Neil - who at one point may have been excited by this news, but not anymore...

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Yes, that I know. And Raiders was touched up as well. But the rumored changes were HUGE. I don't think Lucas will do those. I doubt even the Han shooting first again rumor is anything more than wishful thinking.

- Marc, who will get the SE's anyway.

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I'm sure the DVD's will look superb. And I'm a fan of the Star Wars saga, SE or no. When my original version DVDs arrive, I will be very, very happy. I'll wait until the price on the boxset goes down, and then it will be added to my collection. Enough time has been spent on bitching about the changes. I'll have both versions, and be content.

As for the changes made to Ep. 1 and 2:

The podrace grid sequence is OK, not all that long. It drags a bit in the full version on disc 2. I'm very happy with the additional scene with Shmi, because that is actually a bit of character info, and not just flashy graphix.

They pushed Anakin's luck too far, though with the extension of lap 2, where Anakin's cable detaches and his pod spins out of control. So we're supposed to believe this 9-year-old who built his own podracer, which malfunctioned at the start, malfunctioned when a protruding piece was detached, and spun unctrollably for a while, still manages to win this race? It was the will of the Force, I suppose. :roll:

The Air Taxi scene's nice. Not much more, just nice to see. FX aren't that bad either. But JarJar's line was very out of place. "Pretty hot." WTF?!?

Trish Biggar and Iain McCaig, who had cameos in the senate, are replaced by Twi'leks. Not that bad a change, as it didn't really make sense that there were two humans behind a big fat Twi'lek senator.

2 shots that were in the theatrical cut did not make the DVD version: Watto and group cheering "Sebulba", when Sebulba is introduced (this shot can, however, be found in the complete podrace grid sequence on disc 2), and an establashing shot of Palpatine's appartment that became redundant after the inclusion of the Air Taxi sequence is completely gone.

On Ep. 2, the digital "print" was used, so some things were different to the actual film print released theatrically. The only new thing I can think of is what Lucas mentioned in the commentary: the added smoke and sparks when Jango tries to take off in the Arena sequence when Mace comes running to him, and when he is trampled by that big beast. No big deal here, either.

Purists might disagree with me, but I just can't be bothered by these things. We all know Lucas keeps changing his films. If he keeps it just to these things, I'll be happy. Besides, the films look great on DVD, especially Ep. 2, and the sound is superb. If the transfers on the SW trilogy are as good as those made for Indiana Jones, I will be glad to have them on DVD.

- Marc, tired of Lucas bashing.

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I will be disappointed if you can't at least watch the original versions. However, I've seen these movies so many times that it would also be fun to see the totally souped-up versions that were rumoured. I know its false, but it would be interesting nonetheless. I don't really care if he adds computer graphics that are barely noticable, like new control panels to match the other movies more. But as for crappy animations like the new dewbacks, it just doesn't fit with the old special effects. The sarlaac beak was not too bad. The main problem I have is music editing. Whenever they have to loop music for extended scenes, it ruins the drama. As long as they don't change the editing of the film and just change the images a bit, I don't mind. The worst is the extensions in Hyperspace cue from ESB. It takes you right out of the tension of the sequence. Cool new footage of vader, but interrupts the flow.

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I will get these since they may be the only versions available, but I will always have the original in my head and Mr. Lucas cannot take that away.

Joe, proudly remembering what the original Star Wars was like, and feeling just a bit superior to those of you who don't. :ola:

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I'd rather watch the Special Edition with its unnecessary tweaks and all over the prequels (at least the first two films as of this writing) any day.

Besides, you KNOW Lucas is going to make us buy this stuff all over again once Episode III gets released on DVD. Remember that DVD petition drive that started in 1999 to have the Star Wars films released on DVD? A lot of people, including myself, said we were more than willing to buy a "no frills" version first, and if need be, a more lavish set later. It seems that Lucas is taking our word for it, that we're going to double-dip for this.

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I will not buy this. I'm very upset, but not surprised.

There is no way I will watch the climactic final 20 minutes of "ESB" knowing that the music is cut to allow some "retouching."

I'll just take very good care of my VHS copies.

Jeff -- who is still wishing that Lucas will change his mind

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The new Alien Director's Cut also makes it possible to opt for the original version. This is smart but what's more, I find it respectful towards us, the fans, the buyers. Why can't Lucas apply the same technique for the trilogy? Anyway, I signed that petition. I want the original. I'll wait till it's made available. No extra cash from me for Lucas. All fans should hold on to their money till Georgie gives in.


Alex Cremers

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I think they can't use the same technology as with the Alien Quadrilogy (or the ID4 SE), becaus it's different. The seamless branching technology that was used, is merely for inserting new scenes, whereas with the Star Wars SE trilogy, there weren't just new scenes added, but many, many shots were alterated. For this, an intricate angle system would have to be put on the disc, and it would take up a lot of space.

- Marc, who doesn't really care anymore.

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I don't plan on buying them either. It's not the fact they're the SEs, its that they're a mere 4-disc set. There should be a wealth of supplements for one of the greatest movie sagas of all time. I'm also annoyed that there are no deleted scenes. Makes me think Lucas is holding on to them to make more later after Episode III comes out.

The only way I'll buy OT Star Wars DVDs is if they have deleted scenes, isolated scores or both. And it doesn't look like either of those things are ever happening. I'll just enjoy my SE and non-SE laserdiscs in the meantime.

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Well I'll be buying them for sure. If Lucasfilm is using the Indy Box set as their model, it will be a high quality and well produced item, no matter what our kvetches about scarcity of extras or inclusion of annoying SE blunders. As for OT vs SE (and I know I'm gonna get lynched for saying this) I honestly would prefer to see SE over OT. SE just looks so much *better* and despite having some wretched scenes and musical edits, a lot of the changes struck me as for the better.

Greedo's death, Jabba's new band and the messing around with the Losing A Hand/Hyperspace cue were mistakes, for sure. But the improved Mos Eisley, crisper X-Wings, opaque snowspeeders, open-air Bespin (extreme improvement, IMHO), and Ewok Victory celebration (along with it's corresponding new musical cue) all were perfectly good and well executed changes in my mind.

And who isn't excited about the possibility of a new John Williams SW featurette (or even commentary - I've seen rumors that commentary tracks will be featured)...

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If JW has a film commentary, then I will definetly buy.

If we are lucky, maybe he'll explain why he used certain themes like Leia's during Ben's death and Yoda's during Luke's trek through Cloud City (although this can easily be explained by Yoda's foretelling of the situation), among others.

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I'm thrilled that any version of the films are coming to DVD (though its sad fans have to feel this way, as if we are crack addicts), but I'm also irked by Lucasfilm's usual Machivelian usage of fans.

Jim Ward, VP of marketing at Lucasfilm must think all fans are empty-headed idiots with wide-open wallets and short memories. Did anyone else read any of the bull he spread around today? George Lucas just happened to find a window of time to produce these DVDs that he vehemently swore would not be able to produce for release until after the prequel trilogy? He just happened to find time between the release of AOTC, the work on that DVD, pre-production, production and post-production on Episode III? Bull. Don't insult us by acting so bleeding altrustic, 'cause sainthood isn't in anyone at Lucasfilm's futures.

I wouldn't be shocked if a late 2005 release was Lucasfilm's plan all along since it positions the original trilogy as a wonderful marketing tool (and a respected one at that, in comparison to the prequel trilogy) to stir the interest in Episode III a mere 9 months later. 2006 was probably always a scam date as you can be sure that the marketing plans leading in to Episode III were not made overnight.

Also, Ward had the audacity to say that the original verisons of the film would not be coming out because, despite loving their fans (sure...) that "this is not a democracy." If fans are not insulted by this statement, then something is very wrong. Of course he's right (it's an Empire ™ after all...), but couldn't a representative of a company that was entirely made from fan's money be a bit more tactful in breaking it to their public that their wishes don't mean jack?

Of course I'll line up to buy my boxed set, but I hope Lucas milks this DVD release and the release of Episode III for all they're worth, since my wallet's direct deposit to Lucasfilm's coffers will soon be drying up.

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The podrace grid sequence is OK, not all that long. It drags a bit in the full version on disc 2. I'm very happy with the additional scene with Shmi, because that is actually a bit of character info, and not just flashy graphix.


They should have put the Eopie fart in the movie.


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If we are lucky, maybe he'll explain why he used certain themes like Leia's during Ben's death.

He already did.He said he needed a sweeping theme at that moment an Leia's Theme fit just perfectly,even if there was no thematic connection


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That "this is not a democracy" quote is gonna make me buy the boots one day soon, I'm sorry.


Alex Cremers

But you know Lucasfilm will "relent" and "give the fans what they want" after they've already sold them this version that is allegedly what Lucas always wanted to make...Mark my words. I told my friends that they'd release the DVDs this year to market Episode III and I'm telling you now you'll get originals of the OT as soon as the kitty needs to be fed at Lucasfilm.

Speaking of bootlegs, movie studios and record companies complain about piracy until they're blue in the face, yet they refuse to give consumers what they want even when consumers make it painfully clear.

When will these corporations begin to act like most companies and put the demands of their market as their primary concern? [the answer: never as long as they know we'll buy whatever they feed us...]

The best solution (and I know I'm talking in the wind since I'll buy those discs come September) is to show Lucasfilm that their business is indeed a democracy (from the business perspective) and if their bottom-line is affected, you can be damned sure the Empire would become a New Republic in no time. Of course that's never going to happen and they've probably already got the self-congratulatory PR releases about how well the Star Wars trilogy is selling on DVD already written... :roll:

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The only way I'll buy OT Star Wars DVDs is if they have deleted scenes, isolated scores or both.

Why would you need a Dolby Digital compressed isolated score, when the RCA albums are the complete scores without edits? An isolated score really makes little sense.

What I'd like to see, as a supplement, would be scenes from the movie that were either tracked or scenes where the music was totally dialled out or dropped, restored just as a bonus. I'd think it'd be neat to hear the Dianoga cue in the film for the intended scene.

That "this is not a democracy" quote is gonna make me buy the boots one day soon, I'm sorry.

Just trade for them.

Neil - who did just that

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Well the good news is (or non-bad news, I suppose) is that we all knew this was coming. For years Lucas has said the original versions will never be released on DVD. Of course, we all hoped against hope that he would change his mind, but this has not been the case...SO FAR.

As people have stated before, there is NO WAY this will be the only release of the OT on DVD. While Star Wars itself has been no stranger to multiple releases, in recent years, popular DVDs of every type have had a bare-bones version, then a Director's Cut or Special Edition release. Unlike other movies, what we will hopefully see with Star Wars is a reverse process, where the SE is released first, then the original.

I'm afraid Star Wars fans will have to endure the squeeze at least one...last...time.

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I am totally 100% with Neil on wanting the ORIGINAL THEATRICAL SW releases brought to DVD.

However, like with Mark I am will probably be stuck buying the SE releases as well.

I mean Neil what else are we supposed to do buddy? There is a ZERO % chance of us ever seeing the theatrical OT on DVD. Lucas's ego unfortunately somehow wont allow him to give us the release we want.

I mean what else are we supposed to do?

Look Neil I would gladly do something to get the theatrical OT approved but unfortunately I dont see alot of options?

I mean what is there?

Online petitions? Those never work!

A Boycott of the SE release DVD? I would do itif I thought enough people would support it. Sadly it will only be a few of us. Most people eill just buy the SE release.

A plea to Lucas better nature? DONT FRIGGIN BET ON IT!

Sorry Neil, but we are simply out of options as long as Lucas holds the rights to SW (which he will as long as he draws breath). So ya just gotta take what you can get. We definately share the same outlook but unfortunately things are as they are.

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I am totally 100% with Neil on wanting the ORIGINAL THEATRICAL SW releases brought to DVD.

Rogue, have you even seen the original versions of the films? Oh wait, you agree with me? Oh, well then that's alright. ;)

I mean Neil what else are we supposed to do buddy? There is a ZERO % chance of us ever seeing the theatrical OT on DVD.

Officially, maybe. Unofficially? I could watch them tonight if I wanted to.

I mean what else are we supposed to do?

Vote with your wallet.

So ya just gotta take what you can get. We definately share the same outlook but unfortunately things are as they are.

I don't have to take anything. Why would I buy a movie on DVD that I don't like?

Neil - who would buy this set, if the original editions were included

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I also definately wish the original editions were included.

Just for the record I have seen the original SW editions several times.

I know that there are some bootlegged versions out there but I have to wonder about the quality of these DVDs. I mean they are apparently taken off the Laserdisk cuts correct?

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I mean what else are we supposed to do?

Vote with your wallet.

I think the number of laymen/casual SW fans that will buy this set is going to be so huge, boycotting wouldn't make much of a difference. A pledge against subsequent releases would be more powerful, as those will be specifically targeted at the fan base.

A reason to hope for the non-SE would be that after Episode III, there probably won't be anymore new films. Thus, barring even MORE changes, the theatrical versions would be the only prints unreleased. We could have an edition featuring the OT from the "archives" of Lucasfilm to celebrate the 30/40th Anniversary. Even farther down the road, the OT could be released after Lucas' death, unless he leaves an iron-tight will (which is possible).

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The only way I'll buy OT Star Wars DVDs is if they have deleted scenes, isolated scores or both.

Why would you need a Dolby Digital compressed isolated score, when the RCA albums are the complete scores without edits? An isolated score really makes little sense.

What I'd like to see, as a supplement, would be scenes from the movie that were either tracked or scenes where the music was totally dialled out or dropped, restored just as a bonus. I'd think it'd be neat to hear the Dianoga cue in the film for the intended scene.

I like to watch films or excerpts of films with just the music. I can't tell you how many times I've watched my Superman DVD or certain scenes with only the music. There are very little edits in the Williams scores from the Star Wars era, so you pretty much hear the music as it was recorded blend with the film. Its a pain in the ass to try to do this with just a regular DVD and your CD player, although that doesn't stop me. I was so happy when I got the full Raiders score, which contained the "film version" of Desert Chase. I can get that to sync up with the film unlike the OST which had a few trims here and there.

I'm with you on those restored music scenes, particularly the Binary Sunset and Sail Barge Assault alternates.


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Full quote:

The DVDs, which are certain to be blockbusters, are also certain to be controversial: Despite pleas from Star Wars fanatics all over the world, these DVDs will not contain the original theatrical version of the movies. Instead, the DVDs will include the much-debated versions director Lucas released in the '90s with new digital effects and plot twists that softened the character of Han Solo - even though DVD makes it easy to offer both the original and director's cut of a movie.

It's simply a matter of an artist's right, says Jim Ward, a Lucasfilm vice president and the executive producer of the set. "We realize there's a lot of debate out there," says Ward. "But this is not a democracy. We love our fans, but this is about art and filmmaking. [George] has decided that the sole version he wants available is this one."


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I'll get it.

To me they are a supplement to the original movies, not a replacement to them.

Unfortunately, Lucas does not share that notion. As an artist, he made two (and supposedly working on three) versions. He should make all of them available.

-Chris, who would buy the original versions, the special editions, and the super special editions...

PS- It would have been SO easy to release both director's cuts and original versions. If done creatively, both on one disc! One with the bonus scenes integrated in, one without (**** the little edits for time considerations, it's a DVD for cryin' out loud). Lucas is just being a stubborn baby. I think he's protesting his own fame!

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There are very little edits in the Williams scores from the Star Wars era

You'd be amazed how many edits there actually are in some parts of Star Wars, and Empire and Jedi (especially Jedi) are pretty bad in terms of music editing.


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Yes, you can notice the edits when you time them up with the CDs.

What's worse is that the Special Editions were snipped and tucked more. Barely noticable until you play the music to it. Try this:

1. Play the unused Dianoga music with the original version.

2. Play it with the Special Edition.

You can't notice it until you do this, but it's been shortened.

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LOL This is great:

"We recognise the outcry," said Lucasfilm spokesperson, Jim Banks, "And instead of stamping on their tiny little faces, we decided to cut the fans a break and give them what they wanted."

Even more and better stuff in the full article.


- Marc

;) John Williams - Visitor To San Diego from The Lost World: Jurassic Park (OST)

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Hello Everyone, How ya Doin?

Just heard the news!

I haven't had a chance to read all of the articles/comments yet but here are my thoughts-

As much as I've been waiting for this set to come out, I had hoped Lucas would do something like what they did with the 'ET' DVD and have the original and doctored versions in one set, or at least give folks the choice as to which version they're gonna buy. I've read that Lucas wants them all to meld together but I'm afraid he's going to take it too far. I want to be able to watch the movies I grew up watching including every original effect, right down to every last Ewok. I'm all for cleaning up the print and sound, things like that but I'm a bit put off that if I want the version I know (and I'm sure will always love more) I'll have to watch my *sigh* panned and scanned trilogy Video tapes.

I think holding back the original version, if in fact thats what they're doing, is unfair.

Also, someone mentioned the IJ trilogy having changes? I don't think I noticed anything major, but I do think they changed Marion's scream just after Indy goes through the wall and she sees the snake coming out of the mummy.

Am I crazy or is that different than it used to be?

-Becky (scarybunny)

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I'm not sure about the scream, and there's only two visual changes I know of.

The snake reflection has been removed in Indy's close-up. I'm not sure about other shots, but it's gone in Indy's reaction shot. You can see the unaltered shot on disc 4, though.

Supposedly, there's also an arrow that has been removed from ToD that previously hit Indy and bounced off him. I can't confirm that, though.

I also noticed that in the opening scene of ToD you can now hear Willie's voice drift to your right speaker when she moves right in the frame. Originally, the movie was in mono, so this was unpossible. I do think it's a nice touch, though, to make the sound for the opening fitting for a musical and have not just the music, but the song coming from all around you too.

- Marc

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I remember the arrow on the VHS cassette by the way. I didn't pay any special attention when I watched the DVD however, so I can't confirm this.

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