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King Mark

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King Mark last won the day on July 1 2023

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    Supreme Priestmaster of JWfan
  • Location
    The Ethereal Plain of Shadows

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  1. Saw this film today. Pretty funny and entertaining. So What did Elman contribute exactly? Seems like I've missed some controversies
  2. Yeah but they talk about everything except what's really obvious. They make shit games that push "The Message" nobody wants to play and they're a massive failure. Look at the what happened recently to Concord. The game was taken off line after 2 weeks and people refunded because nobody played it. Where was the "modern audience"? I can't wait for that upcoming Tomb Raider game where Lara Croft doesn't raid tombs anymore and apologises for her colonial past.
  3. Incredibly disappointing .I have a PS5 SLIM (upgraded from a original PS5 because or Gamestop no questions asked extended warranty) and I was looking forward to upgrade to the Pro but I see absolutly no incentive. Price it WAY too high, no disk drive version is also a deal breaker. The only reason I can think of is I'm getting old so I might as well get every new improved Playstation that comes out
  4. For me the first 2 books were tedious to read for some reason. Really got better by Azcaban and from there they were page turners
  5. Forgot how to put the time stamp at 8.22
  6. ToD End Creditsa is the first that came to mind Also the last part of Kingdom of Crystal Skull end credits where there's a new version of the Raider's march playing with the old one
  7. I'm still not a fan of vinyl but I support it because it helps physical media stay alive.
  8. The commentators on NBC were all like wow and Kelly Clarkson couldn't even speak because she was crying. About 100% of the Youtube comments say something along the lines of "one of the best live performances by anyone ever"
  9. I think most people on earth know his music and hum the Star Wars theme, but can they name who he is and connect the dots that it's the same person who wrote all these iconic soundtracks? Probably not. And not that many people listen to his music on it's own like we do .
  10. I definitely heard a longer bit with choirs oh, and I'm not a huge fan of songs in general and even Celine Dion, but that performance of hers was something else...
  11. There exists a version that has the ending extended about 1 minute and is even more bombastic if that is even possible . We called it the "soccer" version because it played over the soccer broadcasts in one of the previous olympics I'm hearing the "new" version of Summon the Heroes in the NBC night time re-run. It play at the end when the athletes are carrying the torch .It's similar to the "medal ceremony" version ("Basketball version") but has choirs and stuff
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