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What Is The Last Score You Listened To? (older scores)


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Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium - Alexandre Desplat/Aaron Zigman

Charming score, one of the better fantasy children's scores since 2005.

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I'm still trying to enjoy the new Cliffhanger album... I really like the title theme, but I can only stand it so many times, you know. I have the feeling that Jones never does anything with it except for putting it in the minor key; the orchestration sounds largely the same throughout the score, and the other themes are uninteresting, likewise continuously repeated in the same way over and over again, and sound like a dozen other themes written by Jones over the years (back to Excalibur at least). I think I would have done just fine with the original release.

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Burwell's True Grit: Merged OST and Promo Edition

Damn fine listen, with a wonderfully integrated adaptation of the hymn. I do find it weird though, that the FYC promo leaves off a number of cues (such as the opening that's on the CD, containing the string rendition when we see the train at the beginning of the film).

I really like the end title song too. Voice takes a little getting used to, but it's singing from the heart.

Also, most of Varese's release of The Prisoner by RGW. It's not going to turn any heads as a normal score, but in the context of a synth TV score, it's a really nice background listen.

Edit - I'm also currently 'previewing' Powell's Mars Needs Moms. It's pretty clear they temped it with Ice Age, HTTYD, Hancock, Shrek, etc, gave up on whoever they originally hired, and pulled a Raimi-Elfman on him. One of the main themes is blatantly stolen from HTTYD, and the credits suite is just about the least original piece of music he's ever written.

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Chicken Run is the only one that really stands out, and most of that is inspired from early scores by better composers.

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Star Trek V. I went until today to listen to it.

Not bad. Not bad at all. I think I would appreciate it better on a pair of decent headphones instead of these pieces of shit, and if I hadn't listened to the SFX rip copy for so long. I keep waiting for Kirk to tell me how much he wants to hear his pain.

I may move the bonus tracks from the end of d2 to the the end of d1 for my iPod, because I won't want to jump over the OST to reach them. Same with Batman. I have no problem with either LLR release including the OST on disc 2, but after listening to them to death for so long, following the expanded score with the OST in the same session is overkill.

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I think I'm being forced to listen to TRON Legacy right now by my inconsiderate roommate who often forgets to use headphones. I'm sure it works well in the film (which I haven't seen), but I'm not really enjoying it. Then again, I was annoyed at being forced to listen to "Journey to the Island" a few minutes ago, too, and that's one of my all-time favorite pieces of music...I just hate being unnecessarily deprived of the freedom to listen (or not listen) to whatever I want.


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Catch Me If You Can and Chamber of Secrets.

And, for some reason, I'm listening to classical music all afternoom and evening. Four Stravinsky ballets, Rachmaninov's second, The Planets and Penderecki's second as well. Good stuff! :)


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Last of the Mohicans - Trevor Jones

20 years later, it's still a pretty good score with a great main theme.

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I think I'm being forced to listen to TRON Legacy right now by my inconsiderate roommate who often forgets to use headphones. I'm sure it works well in the film (which I haven't seen), but I'm not really enjoying it. Then again, I was annoyed at being forced to listen to "Journey to the Island" a few minutes ago, too, and that's one of my all-time favorite pieces of music...I just hate being unnecessarily deprived of the freedom to listen (or not listen) to whatever I want.


You were "annoyed" at being "forced" to listen to J.W.?! Geez, man, what kinda Williams fan are you???!!! You should be overjoyed that his music is being played anywhere at all, these days, instead of all that baby food that we are being forced to chow down. Next time, Sunny Jim, instead of getting your jockstrap in a twist, bang on your room-mate's door with a bottle of Johnson's baby oil in your hand, and plead to your room-mate to make wild, passionate love to you in the shower. That's the kind of thanks that your room-mate should be getting for playing the music of the greatest composer who ever lived. Got it?

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You might be lucky. I wish people around me listened to stuff like that. I'm sick of "music" that lacks everything I like of music.

Oh, I know that feeling, too. :P I barely listen to anything non-orchestral, so the vast majority of the people I encounter (or live with) have very different musical tastes. Jurassic Park was a big anomaly last night. TRON...well, that's closer to what I normally hear in our apartment, but still. At least it was a film score.

You were "annoyed" at being "forced" to listen to J.W.?! Geez, man, what kinda Williams fan are you???!!! You should be overjoyed that his music is being played anywhere at all, these days, instead of all that baby food that we are being forced to chow down. Next time, Sunny Jim, instead of getting your jockstrap in a twist, bang on your room-mate's door with a bottle of Johnson's baby oil in your hand, and plead to your room-mate to make wild, passionate love to you in the shower. That's the kind of thanks that your room-mate should be getting for playing the music of the greatest composer who ever lived. Got it?


In all seriousness, I felt kind of silly being annoyed by it, but in this case, I think it's more a philosophical thing than anything else. I like having the freedom to listen to what I want, without intruding on anyone else's freedom or having anyone else intrude on mine. Jurassic Park is amazing, but if that's what I'd been wanting to listen to last night, that's what I would have been listening to. :P (And this was all happening at a desk directly adjacent to mine, BTW, not in a bedroom at the end of the hallway or something.)

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Copernicus' Star by Abel K

Really great stuff. Instantly identifiable main theme and just a fantastic orchestral score. Some of the more medieval sounding music twinges and such don't really work for me, but I'm listening on a purely musical POV.

Black Swan by Clint Mansell

Nothing better to listen to while writing a screenplay critique for the film.

The Fountain by Clint Mansell

Mars Needs Moms by John Powell

Powell on autopilot, but even that's better than a lot of the stuff out there. Love the last few tracks.

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Copernicus' Star by Abel K

Really great stuff. Instantly identifiable main theme and just a fantastic orchestral score. Some of the more medieval sounding music twinges and such don't really work for me, but I'm listening on a purely musical POV.

Black Swan by Clint Mansell

Nothing better to listen to while writing a screenplay critique for the film.

The Fountain by Clint Mansell

Mars Needs Moms by John Powell

Powell on autopilot, but even that's better than a lot of the stuff out there. Love the last few tracks.

wrong thread I believe, you wanted last scores not movies

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I think I'm being forced to listen to TRON Legacy right now by my inconsiderate roommate who often forgets to use headphones. I'm sure it works well in the film (which I haven't seen), but I'm not really enjoying it. Then again, I was annoyed at being forced to listen to "Journey to the Island" a few minutes ago, too, and that's one of my all-time favorite pieces of music...I just hate being unnecessarily deprived of the freedom to listen (or not listen) to whatever I want.


In college I had great roommates and they never really played music in the room, that was reserved for me. But, when they did, even if I liked it, I hated the fact that I wasn't in charge of the music. This reputation grew and I was always given control of the music at parties. Obviously I wasn't playing scores, but my music choices never really took off and my turn at the DJ table never lasted the entire night.

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Yeah, it just strikes me as such a simple thing: when everyone's just sitting around at home, everyone uses headphones, and then everyone gets to listen to exactly what they want to listen to! Everyone wins! :P EDIT: Hey, I guess I'm listening to TRON. Again. =/

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Pickup on South Street

Love it. Probably one of the finer film noir scores to get a proper soundtrack release. The thing is, I would love to hear a re-recording of this score just to get the depth and clarity a stereo recording can give. It sounds good in mono though, and the orchestra used isn't big. Perhaps someone like Tadlow can come in and do it...

Journey From the Fall

A superb example of why quality trumps quantity. The OST is around 20-25 minutes long, plus an 8-minute suite (not counting the bonus tracks though). But it is marvelously done, with some beautiful melodies and passion shining through. Christopher Wong dedicated the score to Goldsmith, and frankly, Goldsmith would be proud. Highly recommended.

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In all seriousness, I felt kind of silly being annoyed by it, but in this case, I think it's more a philosophical thing than anything else. I like having the freedom to listen to what I want, without intruding on anyone else's freedom or having anyone else intrude on mine. Jurassic Park is amazing, but if that's what I'd been wanting to listen to last night, that's what I would have been listening to. :P (And this was all happening at a desk directly adjacent to mine, BTW, not in a bedroom at the end of the hallway or something.)

Such is the horror of college roommates. It's especially inconsiderate when you're trying to complete work on a composition due the next day in Finale. You'll love having your own room.

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In all seriousness, I felt kind of silly being annoyed by it, but in this case, I think it's more a philosophical thing than anything else. I like having the freedom to listen to what I want, without intruding on anyone else's freedom or having anyone else intrude on mine. Jurassic Park is amazing, but if that's what I'd been wanting to listen to last night, that's what I would have been listening to. :P (And this was all happening at a desk directly adjacent to mine, BTW, not in a bedroom at the end of the hallway or something.)

Such is the horror of college roommates. It's especially inconsiderate when you're trying to complete work on a composition due the next day in Finale. You'll love having your own room.

Yeah...I haven't done a tremendous amount of composing, but I've certainly spent a lot of time working on music-related projects: editing complete soundtracks, arranging stuff by ear for piano, engraving scores in Finale, etc. And all of these, of course, require you to be able to hear what you're doing. :P So I can definitely relate. I'm not sure the end is in sight yet, since I'm most likely going to need roommates after I graduate in order to keep rent affordable, but it's all good. Life happens.

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Yeah, but all you need is your own room. Unless you have really obnoxious housemates, noise will not bother you from across an apartment.

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True. Still, I dunno...with the cost of living in southern California, and with the rather low income I'm going to have immediately after college, I probably won't even be able to afford my own room yet. :P It's all good, though...some roommates are more considerate than others, so maybe I'll luck out.


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Rosenman was very ego driven at times.

But he wrote some great music and I think he is underrated amongst the film score community.

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Of the two Rosens I prefer Rosenthal, I personally get more out of his music. I respect Rosenman's musical skills, he was a GOOD composer, but I just don't like his music.

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No matter how wrong he was about Poledouris' Robo score. I would still love to get an expanded C&C score to Robocop 2.

The last score I listened to was Elfman's overlooked "The Next Three Days" score two days ago. It's another textural score in the vein of The Kingdom and Proof of Life. I especially like the tracks "Last Three Months", "A Warning", "Breakout", and "The Truth". But I think the score overall was very well done. And proves Elfman can score more than just fantasy/comic book/adventure movies. I hope he gets more oppotunities to work with Haggis again. I really liked what he came up for this. Then again I'm an admirer of this particular style of Elfman's.

Oh and the Moby songs weren't bad either especially "Mistake" it blends in well with Elfman's score.

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