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Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (JJ Abrams 2015)


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i'm still curious about how are they going to explain the 30-40 hiatus between VII and VIII and still manage to completely ruin the expanded universe... i doubt they are going to adress the late fal of the empire (not insntantly after endor battle), the yuuzhan vong galaxy in crumbles, the rise and fall of Jacen solo, and whatever sith madness comes after that leaving the galaxy and the jedi order somewhat in ruins, much appart from the happy ending ROTJ gave us.

Between VII and VIII?

Do you mean between VI and VII?

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i'm still curious about how are they going to explain the 30-40 hiatus between VII and VIII and still manage to completely ruin the expanded universe... i doubt they are going to adress the late fal of the empire (not insntantly after endor battle), the yuuzhan vong galaxy in crumbles, the rise and fall of Jacen solo, and whatever sith madness comes after that leaving the galaxy and the jedi order somewhat in ruins, much appart from the happy ending ROTJ gave us.

I hope they are not pretending that nothing happened in the troubled galaxy for 40 years... and our loved heroes just aged in their cozy houses?

Oh my...that may happen...and they are called from retirement because a new threat comes to the galaxy... after all...as stated in AOTC the galactic republic had not had a full scale war since its foundation. Darn.

That would take 20 minutes of exposition to explain. I honestly hope they retcon it.

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This is the 7th entry in a 30+ year, mega billion dollar franchise. The film will have input from Lucas, Kennedy, Lucasfilm, Disney, etc etc that Abrams must fullow. Abrams is basically just at the helm of this mega machine. The executives will want a crowd-pleasing, summer blockbuster. Action, spectacle, and special effects will come first before story here. Anyone who thinks this will be any kind of relevatory film experience like the first Star Wars film was to so many in 1997 are just setting themselves for disappointment.

Come on, where is the optimism. Have you also converted to the ever growing JWFAN pessimists? ;)

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I think the new Star Wars films will and SHOULD ignore all previously published Extended Universe stuff. They should just tell their own story about what happens in the Galaxy 35 years after the events of the OT.

I suppose they likely have to technically fit into the Prequel Trilogy and Clone Wars tv shows and movie as well, but it'd be easy enough to tell a story that doesn't happen to have any references to all that pre-Episode 4 stuff.

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Koray...Abrahams? A young director?

The man is 47!

47 is still relatively young for a film director, but I think Koray meant "young" in the sense that Abrams is the youngest director to work with Williams, and the youngest to work on a Star Wars film. He was only 11 when Star Wars was released, so he may be more prone to nostalgia, as far as what he's going to want out of Williams's score. Hopefully not, though.

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I don't care about the film. I don't think there's anything particularly interesting to bring to the table anymore with Star Wars. And Abrahms helming the project doesn't it make it any less intriguing (like Chaac, i found Into Darkness kind if dull). I could be completely wrong of course, but in the meantime, colour me indifferent.

I am looking forward to Williams' score of course--the only reason I sometimes bother opening this thread.

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The film will have input from Lucas, Kennedy, Lucasfilm, Disney, etc etc that Abrams must fullow. Abrams is basically just at the helm of this mega machine. The executives will want a crowd-pleasing, summer blockbuster. Action, spectacle, and special effects will come first before story here.

Gee, this almost sounds like Bible prophecy..!

It's a bit of a stereotypical, almost two-dimensional view on the sequel trilogy and J.J. Abrams' role.

You REALLY know exactly how it's going to turn out? Really? Really..?

I think the film has the potential to be something special with people like Kathleen Kennedy, Michael Arndt, J.J. Abrams, etc. developing it.

It could suck, but to state things like IT WILL BE this and that is a bit absurd, on what side of the fence you are when it comes to Star Wars.

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This is the 7th entry in a 30+ year, mega billion dollar franchise. The film will have input from Lucas, Kennedy, Lucasfilm, Disney, etc etc that Abrams must fullow. Abrams is basically just at the helm of this mega machine. The executives will want a crowd-pleasing, summer blockbuster. Action, spectacle, and special effects will come first before story here. Anyone who thinks this will be any kind of relevatory film experience like the first Star Wars film was to so many in 1997 are just setting themselves for disappointment.

If Disney's acquisitions of Pixar and Marvel Studios are any indication, they leave their subsidiaries alone. Disney knows Kathleen Kennedy is a capable producer who knows how to keep productions on track and on budget. They'll have say in some things, like the release date and marketing, but they're not going to micromanage this.

Abrams pretty much answers to Kathleen, and to a smaller degree, Lucas.

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Lucas was in his early 30's when he made Star Wars.

JJ is not a new kid on the block. He's been part of the Hollywood establishment, as a producer, writer and director for a while now.

Not really. His first movie was M:i:III.

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Isn't that what Star Wars is?

There are rollercoasters and rollercoasters. Was Star Trek Into Darknes one? Because I was bored to death.

There's always enough going on in a JJ Abrams film but at the end of the ride I'm always left with a feeling of emptiness which I can only ascribe to sheer shallowness. Abrams' entertainment is so superficial that nothing sticks, not the characters, not the story, not the visuals. Everything evaporates into thin air the second it passes your eyes. Heck, maybe I'm not watching enough modern blockbusters. Hopefully there's a little more to gain from Gravity.


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Saoirse Ronan confirmed that she did go audition for a role in Episode VII, but she added "so has everyone."


She couldn't say anything else, saying the bosses would cut off her head "with a light-saber."

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i'm still curious about how are they going to explain the 30-40 hiatus between VII and VIII and still manage to completely ruin the expanded universe... i doubt they are going to adress the late fal of the empire (not insntantly after endor battle), the yuuzhan vong galaxy in crumbles, the rise and fall of Jacen solo, and whatever sith madness comes after that leaving the galaxy and the jedi order somewhat in ruins, much appart from the happy ending ROTJ gave us.

Between VII and VIII?

Do you mean between VI and VII?

Yes sorry :P

That would take 20 minutes of exposition to explain. I honestly hope they retcon it.

I think the new Star Wars films will and SHOULD ignore all previously published Extended Universe stuff. They should just tell their own story about what happens in the Galaxy 35 years after the events of the OT.

Ok, start anew. 35-40 After endor.

But are they going to say the galaxy was at peace for forty years or are they going to invent some other conflict that passed in between? Because if they are going to do that, they can well use the EU.

They probably start retired and called to arms again. Shame.

Indy did never retired...we just did not saw his adventures...

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Well of course Luke is going to be a Jedi master... But leia and han cannot be at the miliary-goverment with more than 70 years.....or can they? (if no conflict are in the galaxy) In the EU they never stopped fighting...

One thing is for sure... if they destroy the EU, they may stop re-printing the novels. So that may revalorize my complete collection of novels to unbelievable heights.

Nice to know if someday i want to get rid of them (unlikely :P)

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Does a Jedi ever retire?



Han and Leia can't be still together. She's got to be an alcoholic, cynical, single mum with Han providing alimony.

And Han is the President of the fucking United States of... the galaxy.


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Well the Star Trek books aren't all part of the same continuity with each other or the shows and films. They can now claim the Star Wars continuity, which has been kept tight for decades, is under the same conditions. Royally diverged.

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I still can't quite get "in touch" with this project.

I guess it will remain this way until release day. I felt the same about KotCS. It's the feeling of having just one movie too much in a franchise.

Mentally, I still put this into the same hazy category as Jurassic Park IV and Indiana Jones 5.

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Well the Star Trek books aren't all part of the same continuity with each other or the shows and films. They can now claim the Star Wars continuity, which has been kept tight for decades, is under the same conditions. Royally diverged.

Oh, they already created that. Star Wars Infinities label InfinitiesLogo.png


Probably all the books will go there.

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I'm 99% sure the current EU (at least the post ROTJ stuff) will be thrown out and that doesn't bother me. I'd much rather new films. I think like TCW the new fims will pay homage to the EU (Dathomir etc.) but not stick to it.

Lucas hates Mara Jade and he wrote the story treatment so...

Although she's been dead for some time

I still can't imagine him doing something that involves her story in anyway.

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The only thing from the Expanded Universe that would be essential to put in would be Kyle Katarn and possibly Mara Jade. The rest are mostly disposable.

But what would those two have to do with a story set 35 years after ROTJ? There's no reason to mention them. And if they are mentioned, that would be all it is - a passing mention for the fanboys - like the Tribbles, Mudd incident, and Nurse Chapel references in Into Darkness.

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Why would Lucas hate Mara Jade?

i dont know...

maybe he always envisioned Luke as a lone hermit... in the future and he said that, and people extrapolated he hated mara jade. the internet is like that :P

He could have told zahn to change the direction the relationship mara-luke was going just after the last command. he didnt and the relationship flourished for several years...

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I don't think Lucas had any involvement with the EU until NJO when he

to kill Anakin Solo

he may also have been involved in oking

the death of Chewie but I can't say for certain

. Over the weekend I'll try an find the Mara Jade hate. There was that Robot Chicken scetch as well. I think it is in the bonus features.

I'll dig them out over the weekend but really Lucas has never really cared for the EU too much but as taken the odd thing (the name Coruscant and the character of Aayla Secura).

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Sometimes I've imagined the prequel trilogy with Aayla Secura reinvented as the main villain throughout. You've got to find a way to stand in the charismatic shadow of Lord Vader somehow.

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She's a cool character in the Star Wars Republic comic series. Although the series it evolved into (Dark Times) is even better.

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I read about the robot chicken mara jade thing i seth green said they did cut it because they wanted all to be about mainstream starwars...

and yes, GL OKed about chewie. or so i have read.

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