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Lucasfilm doing a Willow Disney+ series COMING 2022

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With the money Disney has, they should build a time machine and bring 1980s Horner to the present so he can score the next version of this.


But it's cheaper to pay a "meh" composer like Balfe or Jackman to do a brand new (and boring) score.

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4 minutes ago, Jay said:


Lots of dance/musical movies. It's a curious choice indeed.


As for who will score the series, he collaborated with Brian Tyler on Crazy Rich Asians and Henry Jackman on G.I. Joe: Retaliation. Let's see if he ask one of them to score Willow.

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Instead of spending money for producing unnecessry shows like this Lucasfilm should publish on Disney+ "The young Indiana Jones Chronicles" (because I missed that at the time) and Star Wars Detours (because I am aming for a good Star Wars experience). 

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If it capture anything of the spirit of the original film, I am very much interested in this show.  Quality children's fantasy is sorely lacking in this day and age IMO.  Especially since that Dark Crystal series was cancelled.

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7 minutes ago, GerateWohl said:

Instead of spending money for producing unnecessry shows like this Lucasfilm should publish on Disney+ "The young Indiana Jones Chronicles" (because I missed that at the time) and Star Wars Detours (because I am aming for a good Star Wars experience). 


I'm sure it's coming eventually.  There are quite a few things I'm surprised don't exist on D+ - things that belong to Disney which don't seem to be tied up in other streaming deals, but nevertheless haven't been added.  In the case of YIJ, I'd suspect they probably want to get them into HD before they eventually put them up.


I don't think their focus on new content has anything to do with the speed they put up archival content.

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I am interested in this! Will be curious to see how it turns out. Happy they got Warwick back... if they hadn't I probably would barely have any interest. I mean he IS Willow. Sucks that it is unlikely Val Kilmer will be able to come back, given his unfortunate condition these days. :/ Maybe they'll sneak in a cameo somehow, but yeah... they waited too long. :/

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1 minute ago, scallenger said:

Sucks that it is unlikely Val Kilmer will be able to come back, given his unfortunate condition these days.


What condition?

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Sorry to hear it, this has passed me completely by. Good to hear that he's feeling better. In this day and age, perhaps they don't even need his voice - I'm sure they can work out some voiceover by a soundalike actor instead.

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59 minutes ago, SilverTrumpet said:

This is gonna be as bad as that pretentious Dark Crystal show, isn't it?

We can only hope that it will be as brilliant as that show, one of the best series in the last few years.

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18 minutes ago, Thor said:

We can only hope that it will be as brilliant as that show, one of the best series in the last few years.


Indeed. And, if it's as brilliant, that it gets more than one season... 

Actually, thinking about it, Dark Crystal does prove that a so-so fantasy movie from the 80s (IMO) can birth a great tv show, so could be good. 

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Sure, I agree with you -- except that I also think the 80s film is a bonafide masterpiece. I saw it for the first time just a year and a half ago, and was totally blown away.

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2 hours ago, SilverTrumpet said:

This is gonna be as bad as that pretentious Dark Crystal show, isn't it?


I honestly don't see how that show was pretentious, especially compared to other shows that have been coming out that imo are (Lovecraft Country comes to mind... it has some good ideas and themes that shines a light on America's bad history... but Jesus that show is so unfocused, confusing, and BORING otherwise... and comes off as goofy when it is actually trying to be scary... so bizarre. And yet people love it, apparently. Clearly it's the strong themes that they love, which I am all for. But come on, just because a show has good themes and messages doesn't mean the actual show itself is good. People deserve better...). Dark Crystal's show dealt with many real issues in an organic way that flowed within the story... and with f***ing puppets, no less! ;)

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Intrada's Roger Figelson did indicate recently that they were in touch with Disney over the rights for Horner's Willow (which is stuck in arppovals etc) but in another related issue he pointed that Disney was still trying to figure out with the Lucasfilm heriatge and what they could do (infering to the Young Indy series music) so I assume if Disney is getting to start work on this new Willow series it just might pave way to get them to do the Horner project first! 

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4 hours ago, PuhgreÞiviÞm said:

And I never liked Willow much anyway. 

Willow is...okay. Its got some lovely nature photography, decent performances and mildly entertaining action, but the adventure takes too long to get going and it’s all so hopelessly cloying. 80s fantasy peaked with Dragonslayer.

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Personally, I take WILLOW over DRAGONSLAYER any day of the week.


But 80s fantasy "peaked" with THE NEVERENDING STORY; that's in a class of its own. Well, that and the aforementioned THE DARK CRYSTAL.

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1 minute ago, AC1 said:

Fantasy for kids. 


It usually is. But my top list of the decade would have a few more adult-centered films on there as well.

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1 hour ago, Thor said:

Personally, I take WILLOW over DRAGONSLAYER any day of the week.


The demoting factor of Dragonslayer is definitely its nonesensical climax, where Sir Ralph Richardson gets used as a remote-control detonator straight out of a Bond film. But otherwise...its good stuff. There is little that could be improved upon the buildup to the appearance of the dragon, and it gets surprisingly violent (and a touch machiavelian with anything to do with the King) in the process, without being offputting a-la Excalibur. The grit alone puts it over the sugariness of Willow.


Haven't seen The NeverEnding Story yet, but I can't say I liked Dark Crystal.

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Watched both Neverending Story and Dark Crystal for the first time over the last two months, and I'd rank both somewhere between a yawn and a fart.


I loved Willow as a kid, but I haven't watched it past the VHS era, so who knows.

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You crazy young guys. I've seen THE NEVERENDING STORY some 10 times over the years -- both as a kid and adult. It never fails to move and awe. One of the best fantasy films ever made.

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Okay, I watched the bloody thing.


@Thor I think your nostalgia is showing, mate. Because, from what I saw, if Willow is Hobbit-lite than The NeverEnding Story is Chronicles of Naria-lite. Its even more twee than Willow, and you can see through the central conceit a mile away; and even with that conceit in mind, there are just way too many cutaways to the boy.


At its best, its a poor man's Cinerama attraction, with a nice variety of landscape and some nice effects, some of which have an admirable sense of scale to them. Its a fine children's fantasy trifle. Certainly not vapid like Legend nor macabre like Excalibur, but the best 80s fantasy film? Hardly. **1/2 out of *****

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The book is a ton better. I used to like the movie as a kid but not as much anymore.


Dark Crystal kicks ass though.

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Its an absolutely gorgeous-looking movie (naturally, being a Ridley Scott production) and the performances are just fine. But when it ended I felt like I watched...nothing. It was empty.


Its a typical Ridley Scott issue: bringing directorial A-game and top-notch production value to subpar scripts. Reading an early draft is particularly hillarious, because originally Darkness was to succesfully transform Lilly into a furry create and furnicate with her on-screen, in what can only be described as a furry-fetishist's wet dream. An executive producer wisely told the writer to cut it out, but hints of it remain in the sexual undertones of Darkness' seduction of Lilly. Yuck!

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12 minutes ago, Chen G. said:

Its a typical Ridley Scott issue: bringing directorial A-game and top-notch production value to subpar scripts. 


15 rewrites and considerably toned down so that it was suitable for kids. A seriously compromised project.

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Like I said, the earlier draft doesn't read any better than the finished film.


The decision to cut out Darkness' mating with a transformed Lilly was 100% correct. That executive should be blessed for the end of time.


Its a terrible, terrible screenplay.

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Its definitely gorgeous, although I also agree with the criticism that "the visual style was too unreal and overwhelming." Most of the scenes have something blowing through the air, be it fake snow, petalls or even glitter and it mostly looks amazing. But from memory, in one scene there are bubbles, which gets to be a bit much...

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3 minutes ago, Disco Stu said:

I enjoy it as a visual-musical feast (in the Goldsmith cut obviously)


Roaming the internet, I found out there are those who prefer the Tangerine Dream version, but that could be due to nostalgia.


I'm only familiar with the Goldsmith edition. I haven't even seen the so-called DC.


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1 hour ago, Chen G. said:

Okay, I watched the bloody thing.


@Thor I think your nostalgia is showing, mate. Because, from what I saw, if Willow is Hobbit-lite than The NeverEnding Story is Chronicles of Naria-lite.


Well, yes and no. Obviously nostalgia is involved, but if that was all there was to it, I wouldn't enjoy it as a proper film work in adult age. 


THE NEVERENDING STORY is endlessly (no pun intended) more rewarding to me than any incarnation of NARNIA (TV or film). Never read the book, though.

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