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The Official Jerry Goldsmith Thread

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17 minutes ago, filmmusic said:

I've never understood how 12 tone music is written.

I can’t understand how musicians seeing that complex score for the first time at the recording session can play it with perfect professionalism 5 minutes later.

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7 hours ago, filmmusic said:

This is one of the greatest cues ever, but I've never understood how 12 tone music is written.

Can anyone recommend any good book on that?

Obviously there's Wikipedia as a starting point... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve-tone_technique


...but as for books, I can't say I know of any offhand to recommend. I mean, my understanding is that it's essentially music based on a row of notes that uses every note in the western scale (there being 12, hence 12 tone music) and each note is only used once. Variation is introduced by changes to tempo or by inverting or reversing the order of the initial 12 notes, laying those on top of each other and so on. I think some composers end up cheating to make it work but fundamentally you are only supposed to use your original row or variations thereon. 

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19 minutes ago, Ollie said:

Perhaps a kickstarter? If it doesn’t have to overcome a bunch of legal obstacles.


It might, but I'm sure legal fees could also be covered by such a crowdfunding campaign. Let's hope somebody takes it up!



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1 hour ago, Signals said:

What's the Tristar goldsmith?

56 minutes ago, Jay said:

Gladiator or Love Field


Naw, it's gotta be Basic Instinct, going by the date and the fact that these are all clearly alphabetized. I briefly thought it might somehow be (Mr.) Baseball, another 1992 film, but that's not Tristar. And Brotherhood of the Gun (aka Hollister) was a TV movie that aired in October 1991, so doesn't quite work with the visible date either.



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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Listing to this great end title cue from the 70s. I definitely hear the three notes of the beginning of his Voyager theme.



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9 minutes ago, Damien F said:

Listing to this great end title cue from the 70s. I definitely hear the three notes of the beginning of his Voyager theme.




Well, in late 1994 Jerry thought "Wow, this will be the FOURTH Star Trek show. And this will be the THIRD Star Trek thing I've written for. And they already use my theme for another one. And I hear they're making ANOTHER movie next year and they want me for that one! Wow, there's just a SWARM of these things!"

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41 minutes ago, Damien F said:

Listing to this great end title cue from the 70s. I definitely hear the three notes of the beginning of his Voyager theme.




And the best thing about it - it's not MQA encoded!

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On 05/01/2024 at 12:05 AM, Tallguy said:


Of all the Goldsmith pieces I would ever have expected to hear on Piano, this one is not it. Very nice. Surprisingly the best bits (I think) are the more action oriented parts towards the end.

Hey! Isn't this 'Let's Get Small'?

Good, though :)

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20 minutes ago, Naïve Old Fart said:

Hey! Isn't this 'Let's Get Small'?

Good, though :)


Let's Get Small was the original LP title. State of the Art / The Charge is the tile on the LLL set (and presumably Jerry's title).

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  • 4 weeks later...

This concert sounds great. Shame it’s in Japan. Cool poster artwork too. Maybe someone can use it to turn it into alternate artwork for a Jerry compilation…





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I see that this JG concert in Japan will have perfromances of 'Poltergeist' and 'The Omen' accompanied by a live choir.





I wonder if fans will cancel going to the other Goldsmith concert in Austin, TX for next month.

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1 hour ago, Naïve Old Fart said:

The ponytail will forever be quintessential Jerry.

The ponytail is to Jerry, what the turtleneck is to JW. It's not really him, without it.

And his trademark denim shirt.



1 hour ago, Thor said:

Now THAT'S a link....

No, this is.



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3 hours ago, JTN said:



This is nightmare fuel.

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24 minutes ago, Mr. Hooper said:

This is nightmare fuel.

I'd say the same about synth-based 80s Goldsmith scores. Those weird and extremely dated synth sounds... :eh:

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1 hour ago, Mr. Hooper said:

This is nightmare fuel.

That bad, huh?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick question, I have two versions of I.Q. (close to the least likely film to feature a Jerry score ever... which is saying something) in my library. One is evidently a boot that came out before the LLL release and comes to about 50 minutes over 31 tracks (plus a couple of bonus tracks which I think are the same as the bonus tracks from the official release so I deleted them) and the other is the aforementioned LLL release (paired, as you might expect, with Seconds...).


The boot has a couple of source cues, the hilarious Cocktails for Two by Spike Jones & His City Slickers and Roses from the South by a Strauss who isn't Richard. Excluding these two tracks, the boot comes to more or less the same length as the official release but evidently the official release combines a fair number of cues and the tracks are named almost entirely differently. However, as far as I can tell, the musical content is otherwise the same... can anyone confirm or deny this?!



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On 20/05/2024 at 4:04 PM, Tom Guernsey said:

Quick question, I have two versions of I.Q. (close to the least likely film to feature a Jerry score ever... which is saying something) in my library. One is evidently a boot that came out before the LLL release and comes to about 50 minutes over 31 tracks (plus a couple of bonus tracks which I think are the same as the bonus tracks from the official release so I deleted them) and the other is the aforementioned LLL release (paired, as you might expect, with Seconds...).


The boot has a couple of source cues, the hilarious Cocktails for Two by Spike Jones & His City Slickers and Roses from the South by a Strauss who isn't Richard. Excluding these two tracks, the boot comes to more or less the same length as the official release but evidently the official release combines a fair number of cues and the tracks are named almost entirely differently. However, as far as I can tell, the musical content is otherwise the same... can anyone confirm or deny this?!



Tracked down the IQ/Seconds release booklet and can confirm that the LLL release features the complete score, plus two bonus tracks. However, it doesn't include the two source cues that were on the boot, but easy enough to track down if you feel so inclined. One of Jerry's most left field scores, but lots of slightly daft fun.

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I love this score. And it incorporates a classic children’s tune that was made popular by Mozart and it’s now one of the most well known Christmas  songs in Hungary (and I guess in many countries). 


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