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  1. Past hour
  2. I generally love Tennessee Williams's film adaptations and this is no exception. For the record, my favorite Batman film is Batman Returns. I guess you haven't seen that one either, have you?
  3. Listened to it, influenced by that new thread. Ok, well, it's not the best John Williams, neither a style I generally like, but surely I'd love an official release for historic purposes. Shouldn't someone tell Williams that there is a bootleg out there with lousy quality, and he doesn't gain anything by vetoing this release?
  4. Idk looks better than Mandalorian at least
  5. Today
  6. Anyone have this yet and can reflect on sound quality and etc since we don't have samples still? I decided to wait until I heard feedback.
  7. Hello all, long time lurker, but had to register today to revive this thread, because I just found this and now I don't have the courage to open it :S
  8. That's certainly been a popular take, although I'm not sure it's entirely Disney’s fault, didn't The Clone Wars kind of start it? (there's plenty of memes about it being war crimes the show 😂)
  9. Nah, the entire film was finished and in the can in 1973. Universal moved it to 1974 at the last minute.
  10. "Oliver Stone's 9/11" carries a certain inflammatory political connotation, even if the film itself ended up being very safe
  11. There’s only about 12 minutes of unique music in Back to the Future anyway
  12. I wonder if the reason why Williams has an aversion to this score is if it due to personal reasons? The Sugarland Express was released on March 30, 1974, a few weeks after his first wife's death on March 3, 1974. So he may have some painful memories of the movie and its score? I dunno, I'm just speculating.
  13. I had a feeling he'd been offered it! My guesses would be that he either didn't care for the film, felt 9/11 was too heavy or too much pressure to write for, or 2005 just wore him out.
  14. Oh, I love the songs. My preferred listening experience is a playlist combining the score and songs. But that's shocking to me that 12 minutes of score is enough for you. Especially considering the fact that the full film score isn't long. It's comparable to a typical OST.
  15. TOMBSTONE I just keep the ost and sell or give away the expansion.
  16. Expansions have never ruined OSTs for me, though there are plenty of scores for which I vastly prefer the OST. Scores that become slogs in longer form and get very repetitive or don’t offer anything substantively interesting that wasn’t on the album. One great reason to include intact OST presentations with expansions. Other scores have OSTs that leave out musically significant highlights and are repetitive themselves, and the expansion gives it a little breathing room. TPM or Elfman’s POTA fit that bill for me. But most expansions are kind of a wash for me - both are fine listening presentations of the score.
  17. Completist, as in, every "I need a representation of every score"
  18. the OST has the main theme/suite essentially twice and the unlistenable 'the ferris wheel sequence' so an OST with essentially 6 tracks.
  19. I don't remember Intrada saying they tried to release it... anyone got a link? I only knew of the LLL attempt, and Intrada's to release The Rare Breed and Story of a Woman. Yavar
  20. I agree with your unpopular opinion 😜. But as I’ve said above, there are certain projects where I don’t think he could have been surpassed and his skills are much better put to those. Would i love to have heard a Jerry Star Wars or Superman score? Sure. But would he have written something better? I doubt it. And I say that as a devoted Jerry fan. Those were films where JW was just a perfect fit and used the full breadth of his talents and style.
  21. Yes. I had a CD-R boot of the complete TOD once, and it almost ruined my entire appreciation of the score. Thank God I chucked it in the trash before it was too late, and I could start listening to my gorgeous Japanese OST import again, rebuilding my love of the score. As for 1941, I can only take so much swing and march music before I go completely bonkers, so the OST presents the exact right cut-off point at 39 minutes. Even that is stretching it.
  22. I have yet to watch this movie but find it amusing that Williams has vetoed it’s release (or possibly “escape” at this point) more than once. I see the movie has good reviews on IMDb, maybe I’ll check it out since it’s the 50th anniversary this year.
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