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Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (JJ Abrams 2015)


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Why? Weak bladder? Penchant for extra large Pepsis?

I could hold it in, so it's nothing to do with my bladder control. It's just that tingly discomfort that prompts me to have to go.

I know they were talking about me at my last work place when I was in and out of the dunny like every 15 minutes.

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I'm genuinely planning to drink very little for the day preceding, but take water with me into the theatre, by which time I will be parched. Taking no chances.

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I saw a interview with the female Luke Skywalker (Keira Knightley wannabe) and didn't really like her accent or voice. I wonder if it will be distracting this Wednesday.

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I'm watching 60 Minutes. The Abrams gushing just seems a bit ridiculous to me. "This generation's Steven Spielberg." Really? Did older people have a similarly jaded attitude towards Spielberg and Lucas back in the day as I do towards Abrams?

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I'm watching 60 Minutes. The Abrams gushing just seems a bit ridiculous to me. "This generation's Steven Spielberg." Really? Did older people have a similarly jaded attitude towards Spielberg and Lucas back in the day as I do towards Abrams?

Be careful JJ Abrams reads these forums
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If it turns out to be really good, then this film could indeed beat Avatar.

If it ends up being just decent, or not that great, it'll make money, but not the colossal figures many are expecting.

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I'm watching 60 Minutes. The Abrams gushing just seems a bit ridiculous to me. "This generation's Steven Spielberg." Really? Did older people have a similarly jaded attitude towards Spielberg and Lucas back in the day as I do towards Abrams?

I'm sure people have been jaded about Spielberg/Lucas since day one, but I've never really had the sense that Abrams has an exponentially huge fanbase as a film director (TV show creator, though, sure). Even film snobs respect Spielberg's virtuosity whereas Abrams doesn't really have much cinematic street cred. Forget Star Wars or Raiders, he hasn't even made his THX or Duel. I'm looking forward to Force Awakens and it looks like the pressure has stepped up his game a bit, but I'm still not sure how interesting a JJ Abrams movie on a shoestring budget would be, whereas even Spielberg's very early work is inventive on a fundamentally cinematic level.

I would probably say Nolan and Tarantino are more similar in terms of name recognition and finding that even crossover with casual filmgoers and rabid cinephiles. Jackson with Lord of the Rings is comparable too, although the thing is there's not really that director at the moment who's regularly showing younger kids what it looks like to be in command of your art. All the best filmmakers right now aren't appealing to 8 year olds, which is fine but you do kinda need that guy. I guess Nolan comes closest but his Batman flicks still skew older. Perhaps Pixar is the new Spielberg, except there's not really a figurehead there. The brand names are speaking to kids now #paranoia

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I'm watching 60 Minutes. The Abrams gushing just seems a bit ridiculous to me. "This generation's Steven Spielberg." Really? Did older people have a similarly jaded attitude towards Spielberg and Lucas back in the day as I do towards Abrams?

I don't think that's too far off, really. Think about his "generation" of directors (directors in their 40s): has anybody directed and produced as many "blockbusters" in that group? Michael Bay is the only example I can think of, and personally I feel Abrams' hit-to-miss ratio is better even after only four features.

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Why do we need to have a new Spielberg or a new Williams? Isn't it more special when they are unique? Abrams is obviously very heavily influenced by the Amblin pictures and era, but I don't think he has reached yet the level of techincal mastery that Spielberg demonstrated from the very start. I don't think in terms of direction Abrams has had his own Duel just yet, a film when you see his camera work and you go "yes, this guy's amazing". T

Of course, it's a different era now. Back when Spielberg, Coppola and Scorsese started the studio system hadn't still settled down as we know it, the executives hadn't still taken over, so there was a lot more artistic freedom from a group of people who really adored movies and wanted to pay homage to their idols while still doing their own thing. Now I don't know if Abrams could work with that much artistic freedom. Hell, I don't know if Spielberg himself can do that, despite being the giant he is he's still tied to the studio system unless he'd do an independent film. Lucas said that he'd never get his money back with the kind of small pictures he wants to do, a concept that eludes my comprehension seeing as I believe they could lose a couple of bucks to a film they're passionate about.

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It probably would border on self-endangerment for any director, brilliant or daft, to inflict too much originality or inventiveness on this monster franchise. It's nothing you can be passionate about, only afraid of.

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On Tuesday, a SW Action News staffer saw something he shouldn't have—and bought it. A 3 3/4" action figure of "Rey," a female character from The Force Awakens, was on display in a Walmart in Iowa

Wonder if that's the same Walmart the soundtrack photo came from.

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