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The Force Awakens - Score Reactions from Reviews, etc


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I love Williams. The man is a genius. A master of our times....

But his limitations have been showing for the last 15 years, and to be honest, the man is OLD - probably tired to some degree or another....And really doesn't have much left in him.

I say this because after hearing the Force Awakens score on Youtube, it occurred to me that NONE of it is very memorable. AT ALL.

Save perhaps for Rey's theme, which is barely there, the rest of the score is the same old meandering xylophone beating, horn section blaring, string section rubbing that he's been doing over the last 15 years...Much of it interchangeable. Very little of it memorable.

None of the music on the soundtrack holds any resonance. Williams tosses in motifs for previous themes - but they're brief and lack any sort of evolution whatsoever. They're just used as nostalgic statements. And then the Williams jazz begins again....and again...

His music meanders...like a drunk trying to walk home.

I will say the last best score of his was in fact Revenge of the Sith. After that, he made a meandering mess of Indiana Jones 4, and then just practically faded away. Much of his scoring after that is just plain old "whatever" - From War Horse to Lincoln to Book Thief, and now this movie.....

if I were to compare this score to any of his prior works, it would be on par with Attack of the Clones....or Indy 4. That's about it, because both scores just wander in and out of place, only to get hit by a quick motif of theme restatement to put it back in line....

I'll even say this, out of the whole of the score? The music from the Trailer was WAY better than this - and Williams didn't even score that!

I'm not saying Zimmer or related should take over - hell no. But Williams is in his 80s, man...It would benefit him to have some help - maybe Giacchino or someone else who is good at harping his style - to come up with stronger themes.

This score sounds tired. Weaksauce. Boring. It's like Williams doesn't have the passion for it anymore. And it literally shows.

Williams should seriously consider retiring...He sounds nothing like his younger self.

I love the man's work, but there comes a point in your life where you have to draw the line before you start making a fool out of yourself. And i don't want to see Williams go out like that - with a meandering whimper.

This is just my opinion, but I can't be the only one...

I understand his age limitations...But you gotta admit this score is BARELY Star Wars. Barely.


I bet this cretin listened to the YouTube rip that's slowed down by like 60% and that's why it sounds "tired."

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Y'all just need to cut these guys some slack, all they wanted was a score as memorable as "Man of Steel" or "Interstellar".

Interstellar is pretty damn good though. I haven't warmed up to Man of Steel yet.

A more apt comparison would be the inexplicably loved Game of Thrones music.

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Y'all just need to cut these guys some slack, all they wanted was a score as memorable as "Man of Steel" or "Interstellar".

This isn't the score you are looking for!


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My post was meant as sarcasm as I don't think there is anything memorable about MOS or Interstellar. I don't mind Interstellar, just don't think there is anything really memorable about the score.

Agree about GOT, should have just used that, oh well I'm use to my jokes bombing.

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My post was meant as sarcasm as I don't think there is anything memorable about MOS or Interstellar. I don't mind Interstellar, just don't think there is anything really memorable about the score.

Agree about GOT, should have just used that, oh well I'm use to my jokes bombing.

My comment was rather meant for the people who might be looking stylistically such scores as Interstellar in the wrong place. You won't find them with John Williams.

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I think a key element to listening to this score is patience. The more you listen to it, the more rewarding it comes.

But the average guy probably wants to hear it once and still get the full experience. A sign of our postmodern times. There's no time for listening to a score you didn't like more than once!

Yeah, and perhaps that is Williams miscalculation to do a score based on subtlety for a property that people want extroversion and loudness. I will still get what I want, but I don't look forward to fan bitching for years to come.

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I think a key element to listening to this score is patience. The more you listen to it, the more rewarding it becomes.

But the average guy probably wants to hear it once and still get the full experience. A sign of our postmodern times. There's no time for listening to a score you didn't like more than once!

We live in an instant gratification world. People don't want to listen to a score a dozen times to appreciate its brilliance. They want the brilliance and epicness now!

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"The score was a bust. Some rehashing of the old themes... and nothing beyond it. No great new themes in the vein of Duel of the Fates or Battle of the Heroes. No wicked bad guy theme like the Imperial March.... J.J. should have stuck with Michael Giacchino..."

Three things happened that caused this soundtrack to be so awful:

1- John Williams is 83 years old, he does not have the creative energy he once had, specially in from the late 70s to the early 90s. Also, there are only a few times you can come up with a new soundtrack for the same movie, it's his seventh Star Wars soundtrack.

2- George Lucas did a good job providing feedback and instructions for John William's soundtrack. JJ didn't do a good enough job. Honestly, if this wasn't Star Wars and if John Williams was not such an important part of it, he should've rejected the score.

3- Disney was very anxious about having the movie appeal for modern audiences (millennials), and a melodic orchestral soundtrack is considered outdated by these audiences. Think about it, name one modern soundtrack you can actually hum themes from - there are few exceptions, and it's usually a very brief theme, mostly rhythmic. Modern soundtracks are usually more rhythm based than melody based. The movie Troy had it's soundtrack rejected because it was leitmotif and melody based, and the studio was scared it would "date" the film. People today have dumbed down musically - the loudness wars and the crap pop/hip hop music spits out have turned music into a mash of loud rhythm noises. So, Disney probably said "no major themes that make the movie sound old".


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I will go so far as to say TFA might be Williams' most complex Star Wars achievement to date. The level of craftsmanship in terms of thematic construction and motivic interrelated-ness goes well beyond anything from the OT or PT.

But, as I've said elsewhere, this is Williams in beethoven-ian mode; it's not about broad, hummable new themes (even the broad hummable old themes are played more subdued and understated), although Rey's theme does indeed soar.

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2- George Lucas did a good job providing feedback and instructions for John William's soundtrack. JJ didn't do a good enough job. Honestly, if this wasn't Star Wars and if John Williams was not such an important part of it, he should've rejected the score.

Clearly, the guy who posted that doesn't know J.J. well enough.

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More negativity -

I didn't hear anything interesting or memorable in this score from an apparent master of the art, except the odd token sting from the OT! Hell, it got so bad that after I saw this episode, I had the iconic music from ESB playing in my head, over and over!

Why, John Williams... WHY? Was your heart not in this?

I agree, I personally hope they redo it before hime release

Agreed it was phoned in. Not one memorable theme other than the final scene

God, I totally forgot to mention this in the video I'm uploading right now. Williams phoned it in SO HARD that I completely forgot there was music in this movie. Nothing stood out whatsoever. Hell, TPM has "Duel of Fates" going for it.

This I enforce 100 %. I am a huge fan of his older Star Wars music, to the point I listen sometimes more to the music than watch the movies. I like especially some of the smaller parts, favorites are the Boba Fett theme, the music when they enter Bespin, and most of all, the Tydirium scene. He sucked in Richard Wagner and put him to space. But the prequel music was also good.

The new score was just bland. At times there were little movements were I thought, he pulls it of now, but no.


I loved the movie as a whole but I feel that Williams' score was lacking. He introduced many beautiful themes (Duel of the Fates is a personal fave) in episodes 1, 2 and 3 while incorporating themes from the original trilogy. Here, there were tastes of the originals' music but everything else seemed like generic action movie music. Anyone else agree?

Yea the score was really boring and mediocre

His son co-composed the soundtrack, he just isn't getting top line credit for it. I'd have hoped between them they could have done something more epic.


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"John Williams reads Mean IMDB Comments"

I'd also like to see that one reviewer meet Williams and tell him, face to face, that his music is "objectively meh".

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Whoa boy. People are really bashing this score. Whereas I think it's wonderful. Williams is probably lucky he doesn't use the Internet much because it seems the reaction to his TFA soundtrack has been highly negative. I'm kind of stunned that a terrific score -- not just any score, a Star Wars score -- is getting panned like this. I guess it just shows how musical tastes have changed a lot (in a bad way, for the most part).

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The absence of choir during the more action packed moments probably caught a lot of modern movie-goers/listeners off guard.

I think a lot of things about this score caught people off-guard.

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It's mortifying to see a score of this caliber get panned by audiences, especially in this day and age. I really hope the producers don't take the opinions of these clowns into account.

I don't think Kathleen Kennedy would ask John to change his style drastically. She might ask him to write more recognizable melodies for the sequels, though!

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It's mortifying to see a score of this caliber get panned by audiences,

Where is this happening? I've almost entirely heard only positive responses towards the music.

It seems the average moviegoers thought it was underwhelming because it didn't have any memorable/easily recognizable new theme.

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People really need to measure their expectations. Was anyone really expecting another "Imperial March" or "Duel of the Fates"? This is the first film in a trilogy and JW has laid some very solid foundations for the next two.

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