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Something Big coming Hint by Mike Matessino


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6 minutes ago, Bellosh said:

star wars, indiana jones and hook will be here eventually.

Is there an inkling out there that any of these might be in the works in the future (i.e., before the return of Halley's Comet)?

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So Hook fans only have these options?

  1. Buy an incomplete and problematic box set released over a decade ago and thus it's very expensive
  2. Download bootlegs on the internet (which are also incomplete)
  3. Stick with the incomplete OST
  4. Buy the movie on Blu Ray and try to rip the score yourself
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9 minutes ago, Mr. Hooper said:

Is there an inkling out there that any of these might be in the works in the future (i.e., before the return of Halley's Comet)?


no idea besides MM's vague comment in a podcast, don't quote me, but it was something to the fact people (in the industry or at disney) are well aware of those needing to be complete and that MM is the person for the job.  that was in reference to Star Wars though, and I don't think Indy will come before star wars


Hook will come eventually.

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11 minutes ago, Edmilson said:

So Hook fans only have these options?

  1. Buy an incomplete and problematic box set released over a decade ago and thus it's very expensive
  2. Download bootlegs on the internet (which are also incomplete)
  3. Stick with the incomplete OST
  4. Buy the movie on Blu Ray and try to rip the score yourself


is the incomplete OST even available?

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2 minutes ago, Edmilson said:
  1. Buy the movie on Blu Ray and try to rip the score yourself

I had loads of fun doing this for Maurice Jarre's score for the 12-hour miniseries 'Shogun'...and I lived with the mediocre results until Intrada's release came along.


By the way, it's sacrilege that they're now remaking the series. I just know it's going to be slick, 'modern', and soulless. But hopefully they prove me wrong.

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6 minutes ago, GerateWohl said:

Neither watched the movie nor ever listened to the music.

You must've heard this sometimesomewhere without realizing what it's from...



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Also, it's not really an "obscure" movie. Adjusted for inflation, this is probably one of the biggest movies of all time at the box office! It probably was the biggest hit from the 60s.


I've never seen it though. Not a fan of old school musicals.

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1 minute ago, Marian Schedenig said:


I don't know what exactly is happening in that picture, and whatever it is obviously makes it too late for expanded soundtrack releases. But if you mean to imply that it's billions of years in the future: It isn't. See, you can tell by the continent sections.


I meant to imply “eventually”. :)

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2 minutes ago, Marian Schedenig said:


if you mean to imply that it's billions of years in the future: It isn't. See, you can tell by the continent sections.


Yeah, it's 2060

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48 minutes ago, Edmilson said:

Also, it's not really an "obscure" movie. Adjusted for inflation, this is probably one of the biggest movies of all time at the box office! It probably was the biggest hit from the 60s.


I've never seen it though. Not a fan of old school musicals.


It's certainly not obscure, it's huge. I think pretty much every US American knows it. It's a big thing in Salzburg's tourism industry, too. The thing is that most *Austrians* haven't seen it, and most Sound of Music tour guides in Salzburg therefore are American. We Austrians are born with a natural scepticism for it. I've always assumed it's because of the (supposed) cheesy musical misrepresentation of Austria, but thinking about, the reason may just as well be a non-misrepresentation of Austria's part in the Nazi terrors. The screenplay is by Ernst Lehman, so I'll probably see it someday.

4 minutes ago, Presto said:

Yeah, it's 2060


I might manage that.

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10 minutes ago, Brando said:

Instead of resurrecting the mom, the AI's get to resurrect one soul to listen to all 9 films expansions all way thru one time. The lucky soul? Thor.

Sounds like Hell (Hel?) for @Thor

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2 hours ago, JTW said:


From this side, I can't tell if I survived the apocalypse... Hopefully I'm enjoying MM's Star Wars safe in a bunker, eating Chef Boyardee ravioli out of a can.

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49 minutes ago, Presto said:

It's probably in mid burn (the original image is called "End of the World" btw)

Then I can't think of a better way to go. 😄

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20 minutes ago, Andy said:

It’s the half completed Starkiller 2 (even BIGGER than Starkiller Base) from the already filmed Episode X. 

Count me out!! 😂

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