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Jurassic World Rebirth (2025, Gareth Edwards / David Koepp)


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Geez they're really fast-tracking this through the pipeline! Wonder how long Koepp was working on that script before it got announced.

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I'm not particularly fussed about what happens film-wise. I haven't seen Dominion and from what I read I'm not missing much, but Gia's score works great for me standalone.


Also, Jurassic doesn't seem to me a franchise that Universal nor Williams treats as very sacrosanct in terms of letting new composers having a stab.


Time for me to be annoying again: which will happen first - Davis' score expanded or the release of JP 7?

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3 hours ago, Tom said:

One would think that by this point we would be in the Cretaceous period.   


Funny you should mention that, because aren't most of the dinosaurs in these films from the Cretaceous anyway? 🤣

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Interesting, I would've thought the deal was essentially done once it was announced he was in talks to direct.


Wonder what happened? Maybe he was uncomfortable with the fast tracked production schedule, or thought the script needed more work? I liked his work on Bullet Train but also accept it's not a particularly great film.

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12 hours ago, Not Mr. Big said:

I have a big announcement to make 

I hear that you are also not directing many other movies--so many announcements, so little time.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gareth Edwards is the new director. Interesting development since he worked with both Giacchino and Zimmer. Will he keep Giacchino on, move on to Zimmer, or use someone else?



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7 minutes ago, Edmilson said:

I think it will probably be Giacchino again. Even if he isn't Edwards main choice, Universal may still push Gia on the movie, lol.


But a Zimmer Jurassic Park score could be interesting. When the dinosaurs appear, instead of the JW Jurassic Park theme we'll hear: BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMM!!!!!


And during the suspense scenes, you will hear a clock ticking. :rock2:

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I'd probably prefer a new composer to keep things fresh, but wouldn't be upset if Gia returned.


Hope he starts from scratch and doesn't rely on existing material though. Those themes were pretty exhausted by the end of the trilogy.

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So far I didn't want to this new movie but if it's Edwards at least it will look terrific. I just hope that they get Powell or one of The Orville composers (espacially Kevin Kaska) to write the score but that's just a foolish dream

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Well, Edwards has worked with a dofferent comppser on each film, so I honestly feel that anything is possible.


He seems like a director that chooses his composers because they fit the film best.

Desplat was replaced on Rogue One because it didn't work. And he didn't continue with either of them for The Creator. 

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Powell would be fantastic, but I don't see it happening unless Williams or Spielberg lobby for it.


Giacchino did admirable work on the trilogy but it's time for fresh blood. The series needs to reinvent itself and not simply be Jurassic World 4.


Make it Jurassic Era 1 or whatever, the start of something new. Dominion left a bad taste in people's mouths; the best approach here is a clean slate. New characters, new locations, and a story worth telling.

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11 hours ago, Mephariel said:

move on to Zimmer


Pitch it as an intellectual reinvention and Zimmer will take it all for himself instead of a minion, although JWFan's reaction will be priceless... going from Williams to Zimmer on a franchise :lol: (never would it be less fashionable to admit that you enjoy a score)


I like all three of Gia's scores but I agree that it's an opportunity for a third musical reset. Powell would be #1, and preferably not Desplat.

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On one hand, Edwards has never repeated composers before. On the other, Giacchino has been so connected to this franchise for the past decade (and even before that with the videogames), I can see producers and Universal pushing him.


I don't think Edwards would be too upset though. Didn't he say good things about their collaboration on Rogue One?

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From Universal's perspective it doesn't feel like they'd be concerned about anything other than whether the composer could handle a big movie.


But did Williams have any say/influence over Gia's appointment? (largely rhetorical question) It could be that his themes are now just Universal property and Williams doesn't get involved, or could be that he still wants to approve their usage. You never know, they might ask him out of courtesy and get the usual 'no, but I recommend this guy' response.


I've wondered a lot recently whether it's just SW and Indy that are personally precious to him now (being original creations) and that other franchises have just moved on as far as he's concerned.

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1 hour ago, Richard Penna said:

I've wondered a lot recently whether it's just SW and Indy that are personally precious to him now (being original creations) and that other franchises have just moved on as far as he's concerned.


SW and Indy are definitely in different camps to Jurassic, Potter, Superman, Home Alone, even Jaws.


There's definitely a combination of factors but the ongoing (and directorial) involvement of Spielberg and Lucas would be the biggest factors at play. He seems to be less interested when they aren't involved in a major capacity.


But who knows, it's possible Williams scores JP3 if not for AI and HP1. 

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Williams is pretty unique in having started several franchises where subsequent composers are actively expected to use his themes in some form or another - Potter and Jurassic particularly. However in both of those cases he benefitted from films that needed the big fanfare approach to their scores and directors that wanted it, resulting in themes that the general public recognise. No one outside of this community would know the Lost World theme if they were hit over the head with it.

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Every single thing Williams has been involved in, that has developped into a film series or media franchise, has had other composers involved at some point. So there's only so much ownership you can have.

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Wasn’t remotely interested in this but the announcement of Edwards as director has piqued my curiosity somewhat.


The great thing about Spielberg’s original is it is entirely shot from a human perspective; not a single shot of a dinosaur is filmed from higher than eye-level. Edwards, for the most part at least, obeyed this aesthetic in his Godzilla outing so I’m intrigued to see if he will continue that approach here. 

As for the music, I would really like to hear somebody else tackle this. I think I’d even prefer Desplat over Giacchino. 

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I would love if Desplat scored this! Zimmer or Gia would also be good choices. Or might JW come out of retirement and complete the trifecta (returning for sw, indy and jurassic) :D

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56 minutes ago, Richard Penna said:

No one outside of this community would know the Lost World theme if they were hit over the head with it.

One day my brother-in-law was at my house and the theme came up in the shuffle and he recognized it, to my surprise. He watches those movies a lot though, so it might be unfair.

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I’m interested in this movie now. I have no composer prediction, Gia seems busy, Zimmer would never accept it, and Desplat may not be on good terms after he got booted from Rogue One…

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Oh wow, I hoped for Gareth Edwards to helm this but I didn't actually expect it to be the case. Great news - I feel like his Godzilla was an attempt at making Jurassic Park, but it was probably not the best fit (people just want to see the kaiju in kaiju films, Spilebergian suspense was maybe a bad call), though I still really liked it a lot.


The more exciting prospect is that Desplat might get a shot at this - assuming there was no fallout from his Rogue One exit. I suspect that really was a scheduling issue caused by executive meddling, considering the film was essentially taken out of Edwards' hands towards the end of production. If not Desplat then Britell please. Just no Giacchino; I can't stomach any more of his saccharine attempts or clumsy handling of Williams' themes.

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I certainly don’t know of any reason Powell wouldn’t do a Jurassic, unless it was heavy on human vs human violence, I guess.

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