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The Official Star Wars Expanded Score Petition Thread

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The OT would be a great start, but they need to expand all 9 obviously. 


BTW, @Drew created a petition for all 9 some years ago with close to 500 signatures: https://www.change.org/p/the-walt-disney-company-release-the-complete-soundtracks-from-the-star-wars-episodes-by-john-williams-in-lossless

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Let’s have Disney do the OT first, those are the oldest, most famous SW scores, the first one being a true landmark in film music history. If those happen and sell well, Disney may be persuaded to do the other two trilogies as well.

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Signed of course.

But a release of expanded scores from II, III, VII, VIII and IX should have a petition too.


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9 minutes ago, Edmilson said:

Let's hope we can beat those 27,000+ signatures! But unfortunately, our petition isn't sexy enough for media outlets to report on. We should've asked for the expansions and the de-canonization of the sequel trilogy. That would get some clicks!

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Alas nowadays people love to protest against something and not for something. 

That's why I think this petition is very good, because it breaks this narrative and it's not about hating something, but the love for these classic scores.

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1 hour ago, Edmilson said:


What is it that these angry pitchfork-bearing 'fans' want Disney to do, exactly?


I don't understand how someone can be so angry about the existence of a film... just don't watch it.

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35 minutes ago, Richard Penna said:


I don't understand how someone can be so angry about the existence of a film... just don't watch it.

I'll say the same thing to people who think certain movies are "problematic". Just don't watch them, and leave those who do alone.

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54 minutes ago, JTW said:

So you won’t sign this petition?

I did. And also the old one mentioned above. 

Just saying.


Anyone promoted this in the film music communities on facebook, Instagram and other social media channels?

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6 hours ago, GerateWohl said:

Anyone promoted this in the film music communities on facebook, Instagram and other social media channels?

Anyone here is in the Movie Music UK Facebook group? It's a group with a considerable amount of film music fans, including some "big" people in the fandom, like Broxton, Southall, etc.

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The OT and PT are on the same level of importance for me personally. The OT for better-sounding audio and (hopefully) less-lengthy track compilations, and the PT for the unreleased material and lossless quality.


I think the prequels would actually be much easier/cheaper given everything was recorded digitally (and on freshly-transferred, previously untouched analog tapes). I can't imagine how degraded some of the OT tapes must be by now... 

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Just now, GerateWohl said:

55 signatures.

I am sure, Disney is impressed.

Rome wasn't built in a day. Let's give it time.



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2 minutes ago, Jurassic Shark said:

In a few hundred years we'll have something that will convince Disney.

In a few hundred years there'll be no Disney any more, hopefully.

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In all honesty, how many signatures would it actually take to convince anybody of influence at Disney to actually read the petition?

Of course, I support it all the way, but I don’t think anyone at Disney gives a shit, and would only consider reading the petition if it had literally tens of millions of signatures.

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7 minutes ago, A. A. Ron said:

I shared the link on both Reddit and FSM.

Did you share it on the main Star Wars subreddit? Or other related SW subs (like ones focusing on the Original Trilogy, for example)? Sure, not everyone would sign but I'm pretty sure, with some convincing, "normies" who love SW but aren't exactly John Williams diehards might give their signatures.

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Would be great to get a big YouTube channel like "Star Wars Theory" to give it a mention. He's got 3.3 million subscribers, but the number of views can vary a lot from video to video, depending on how interesting or hot the topic of discussion is. But on a "bad day" he still gets an average of about 40,000 views.

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I like the intention and the petition is well worded. I'm just cynical about such petitions. Can the authenticity of signatures be verified? It seems like I could sign it a hundred times with 100 different gmail accounts. If so, it might as well be a list of a million random names. And I just think surely, this has already been explored by Michael etc. So it's either a work in progress or it's not happening any time soon. No one on Williams team etc hasn't realized these are releases fans want. I don't mean to sound like a partypooper!

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5 hours ago, A. A. Ron said:

I shared it to r/StarWars, r/soundtracks, and r/johnwilliams

I replied to some of the comments there. I'm shocked how much blatantly incorrect information there was, like people saying the albums are already complete or that all of the OT master tapes are missing


I have dreamed before about making a YouTube video or series about this topic both to bring light to the necessity of competent expansions as well as to educate the general public about film music and all the intricacies of the Star Wars scores. If millions of people will listen to an 8 hour retrospective of someone rambling about a videogame, surely there's an audience for something similar about star wars music. There's certainly enough content for it...

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10 minutes ago, ThePenitentMan1 said:

I'm immensely disappointed in r/starwars.

It's the general main sub, meaning it's the most wretched collection of filthy surface level casuals to be found. The ones who fragmented off like saltierthancrait or whatever would probably be more passionate.

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Well the mods took down my post in the main Star Wars sub. I’ve shared the link to r/saltierthancrait now, but I’m not optimistic any of them will sign since they’ll probably be pretty cynical about our chances of success. I’d guess we’ve got as many signatures as we’re gonna get out of Reddit.

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It’s at 100 now. 
Guys, ANYONE who signs it, earns my most sincere gratitude. All the negativity, all the pessimism and cynicism can’t take away the fact that @ThePenitentMan1and everyone who sign, at least TRIED. And I actually disagree with master Yoda in this case. 
Giving exposure, letting many people know about this situation, even without getting many signatures, is helping our goal of finally getting some of the most beloved scores ever created, in the best possible quality. You can’t achieve anything without even trying. And I’d rather choose signing a petition every single day than doing nothing but lamenting why we still don’t have remastered, complete OT or PT scores.


Thanks so much, @ThePenitentMan1for taking the time and effort to do SOMETHING about this. It matters to at least 100 people. And if it matters to just ONE person, then it was already worth making it. 

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1 hour ago, A. A. Ron said:

Well the mods took down my post in the main Star Wars sub

What was their justification for that? It doesn't seem like something that would break the rules.


But perhaps @Holko is correct, that sub has way too many casuals, for whom the Disney demasters are enough (that is, when they actually bother to listen to Star Wars music).

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