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The John Williams Jurassic Park Collection from La-La Land MUSIC Discussion


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1 hour ago, filmmusic said:

I'm sure that this has been answered somewhere but:

Does this collection feature ANYTHING AT ALL that is NOT in the subsequent solo releases?

I'm thinking of selling the set.


Just different art and slightly different mastering. There's no music in the box that isn't on the individuals. I sold mine last year.

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14 hours ago, filmmusic said:

Does this collection feature ANYTHING AT ALL that is NOT in the subsequent solo releases?


No, of course not.


14 hours ago, filmmusic said:

I'm thinking of selling the set.


You should!  You could have funded the purchase of both individual releases and added extra money in your pocket.  Now that TLW is out, the prices of it must be dropping online, I'd assume.

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12 hours ago, Brando said:

The mastering for JP is the same, I remember seeing people mention that. Also, “T-Rex Rescue and Finale” doesn’t have that tiny little pop that showed up in the standalone release. 


There's a digital glitch in Journey to the Island but that's been there since the 2013 anniversary set, so it must be baked into the transfers.

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The mastering is different between the box and both reissues.


The only reason to keep the box would be if you prefer that mastering over the new mastering, you prefer the different layouts of the booklets, you have nostalgia for the set and can't let it go, or you are a true completist who wants every edition of every score, not just one good version of each score

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Oh, they're releasing a 7th version of the original two Jurassic Park scores? I'm definitely buying that! In fact, I'll purchase all of them!


That’s my position on the matter!  

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I remember when the LLL set of the Fury came out and I sold my old Varese Deluxe and regretted it.  It was definitive for its time, and had a lot of effort out into it.  Each of these releases is a bit of a little miracle and a milestone in music preservation. I can’t even believe how lucky we are to have these labels making CDs(!) with huge booklets and beautiful art designs. It feels wrong to just discard them.  

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Yea but the art design of the Varese Fury wasn't beautiful.  The LLL's art design is.  And it has more music, and better sound.  You don't need to regret selling the Varese version of The Fury.  Think of it as you made it that much easier for another fan to discover the score.

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Yes, I meant that one - this conversation is about the

8 minutes ago, Andy said:

Varese Deluxe


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Oh I don’t know. Sometimes I like stuff that’s off model if it’s weird enough, which that was. 

Moreover, the written notes are always good for a read.  There are many evenings where dedicated music listening is impossible or inconvenient, but reading old liner notes satisfies a craving and gets the synapses firing.  

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If the four extra tracks Mike's added here were on the original box, to me it would be a flawless original release. I really like the colourful packaging of the box too - it feels like it suits the first score.


I so wish that there were a way to purchase the bonus tracks digitally - it sucks that rights don't allow LLL to do that.


However, I'm vastly more likely to buy this if the extra tracks live up to expectations (particularly Ripples) as I'm not really attached to the mixing of this score like I am the first one.

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6 minutes ago, Richard Penna said:

If the four extra tracks Mike's added here were on the original box, to me it would be a flawless original release. I really like the colourful packaging of the box too - it feels like it suits the first score.


I so wish that there were a way to purchase the bonus tracks digitally - it sucks that rights don't allow LLL to do that.


However, I'm vastly more likely to buy this if the extra tracks live up to expectations (particularly Ripples) as I'm not really attached to the mixing of this score like I am the first one.

The artwork on that box - front and back - is gorgeous isn’t it. 

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I'm really curious how the teeth were removed. Cause he documents the design process so well, you'd think he'd double triple check every nook and cranny of art before he publishes it. But those promotional pieces are incredible! I love the street in the TLW one. Also, Idk if its intentional, but the palm trees on the left side is a nice touch to represent the jungle portion of the film.

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52 minutes ago, Andy said:

They do this kind of promotion really well too. 



Does Jim Titus do the photography for these as well?


Edit - Indeed he does!


4 reasons I'll always hold on to this original set: the disc art.The colors and graphics used for them are just the best (and they even suit their respective films). 


My TLW release just shipped; hope Hurricane Hilary doesn't slow it down too much!

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7 hours ago, Brando said:

I'm really curious how the teeth were removed. Cause he documents the design process so well, you'd think he'd double triple check every nook and cranny of art before he publishes it.

Even he is only human. Check the HP boxset's big common tracklist booklet front cover against the original Struzan poster - he worked so hard on the hair but left the tip of the goblin's ear cropped in on his shirt's neck! But the teeth may have been more of a technical error, maybe the wrong files were sent out where that layer was disabled accidentally.

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13 minutes ago, rough cut said:

I like the stylistic choices done for the box much more than for the individual sets.


For example:



Are you sure we are discussing "stylistic" choices here?


Reproducing a drawing of the T-Rex costs less in terms of rights fees than depicting the faces of three well-known actors or a scene from a movie.

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17 minutes ago, rough cut said:

I like the stylistic choices done for the box much more than for the individual sets.


There's no element of the JP reissue that I prefer over the box - the colours, overall feel and the mix of the set. Everything was just right in 2016. The picture of the visitor centre on the back cover also gives the set a nice bright jungle feel that the new designs don't particularly have.


I can live with the design change for TLW if the bonus tracks are worth it. Although it would be oddly tempting to put the 2016 TLW CDs in the new case and put the new CDs in the box, storing the best version of both scores in one place :P 

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I never liked the boxset front cover, prefer the classic design.


i would have used a yellow background for the new JP though. The citybin lost world is very clever. Shame they could not do something like that since it was spoilerish of the ending…

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I love the look of everything in the boxset, I love taking it out and flipping through it, it all fit together and complemented each other. These two new are a lot more simple and less special in comparison IMO. Certainly at least marginally helped with my decision not to buy them.

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47 minutes ago, Holko said:

I love the look of everything in the boxset, I love taking it out and flipping through it, it all fit together and complemented each other. These two new are a lot more simple and less special in comparison IMO. Certainly at least marginally helped with my decision not to buy them.

The booklet is so think it gets dmaged for being in the box…


I love the discs designs. But so many dinosaur icons left from the first film: gallimimus, triceratops, dilophosaurus. I dont like they use the not-skeleton stegosaurus from the second film.(yes somehow gallimimus also are represented fully bodied - but i dont care everything from the first film is classic)  Never liked much TLW dino logos.


if it had been a 6 cd set with jpiii, they could have used the 5 dinosaur logos from jp and the spinosaurus from iii…

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  • 1 year later...
On 3/12/2016 at 5:55 AM, Jay said:

YES!  The Stegosaurus is fixed!  On the OST, as the first cue in the track was ending, the second cue came in early, cutting off the end of the first cue, and to boot, the second cue had its beginning cut off or faded in in a weird way.  It was a bad album edit (like something from the analog days).  On the new set, the first cue is allowed to ring all the way out, before the second cue starts cleanly.  It sounds GREAT!  Just compare 2:11 on the OST vs 2:15 on the new set.  What a huge difference!

ALSO! Visitor In San Diego is also fixed!  On the OST, the ending of the first cue inside the track was quickly cut off to jump right into the second cue at 3:23.  On the new set, the first cue is allowed to completely finish before the second cue starts at 3:26.  Sounds perfect!!

Just pointing out a couple of somethings heard here:


2:59 - end:

5:59 - 6:09:


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