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Do you remember what was the first Williams scored film you ever saw?


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I'm not entirely sure but i think the first one was E.T. (if it isn't then it's Raiders, but I'm fairly sure that it is).

I maybe was 7-8 at the time and we rented the VHS.

My father had obviously seen the movie and from the talks of him, I was looking forward to it!

The funny thing is that I remember more of the movie the opening of the VHS with the warning about the original VHS with the hologram sticker!

You can see it here, starting at 1.22:

It made a huge impression on me, and hightened my anticipation of what I was about to see...

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A New Hope when I was five or five years old on VHS.

I vividly remember the duel between Obi-Wan and Vader.

The first in theaters was Phantom Menace when I was six in 1999.

The first time I enjoyed/noticed the music was two years later in Philosopher's Stone.

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Nope, I can't remember.

Could be some STAR WARS on VHS in the mid 80s. Could be CLOSE ENCOUNTERS on TV. The most likely candidate, however, is SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE, which I saw at my grandparents' place when I was, maybe, 6-7 years old. The film was on quite late, and my parents' initially declined my desperate pleas. I went to bed in a rage, crying and yelling, and eventually my parents caved in and allowed me to stay up for it. :) Of course, I had no idea who John Williams was at the time, nor did I have any relationship to film music.

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Must have been E.T., on TV, sometime in the mid 80s. I then couldn't sleep because I was afraid that E.T. might be sitting next to my bed.

I saw Hook and Jurassic Park in the theatre. I never saw Star Wars or the Indy movies until after I'd become a Williams fan (i.e. after 1994), but I think I watched CE3K several times before that.

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A long time ago... in a galaxy where we could only watch movies in cinema or on live TV... I feel old, suddently!

So it was Star Wars, but not on the big screen, surely on TV.

First movie I saw in a cinema was E.T.

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It was probably ET for me too, I saw it at the cinema apparently, but I have no memory of appreciating the music back then, although I probably did enjoy the sound of it and the melody. I'd say Superman was my first acknowledgement of movie music, although even then I didn't realise it was John Williams. It took till Jurassic Park for me to finally join the dots, when I was 16.

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I have no clue which was first, but I think I had seen at least the Star Wars and Indiana Jones trilogies, ET, Home Alone 1 and 2, Hook, and The Phantom Menace by the time the first Harry Potter rolled around, which was more or less the perfect storm. I'm pretty sure that I had already heard of John Williams and a vague idea that he had done all those scores, but that's when I started looking up his name at the library and in a way discovering for myself that it was all one guy.

I remember he also conducted the Oscars that year which was probably when I became aware of him as a person, so that winter season was kind of my introduction to the man himself.

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Star Wars (not A New Hope) on VHS. Then shortly thereafter, in my music class in elementary school in the 90s, we watch a video about film scores and John Williams music was prominently featured, especially Jaws. I got hooked at a very young age.

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The first complete Williams-scored film I saw was almost definitely ANH on a borrowed VHS tape. But before that, I had seen bits and pieces of all three existing Star Wars films on TV. And even before that, I had been exposed to music from those films as well as Raiders and Superman on compilation albums.

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Hmmm, the first one I saw in theater would have definitely been Jurassic Park. I could have seen Indiana Jones 3 in the theater in the summer of 89, but chose to see Honey I Shrunk The Kids instead!

... Actually, it's very likely I saw Home Alone in the theater, that was before JP.

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A long time ago... in a galaxy where we could only watch movies in cinema or on live TV... I feel old, suddently!

So it was Star Wars, but not on the big screen, surely on TV.

First movie I saw in a cinema was E.T.

Same here... On the cinema it was probably E.T.

But before that I think I saw Superman on the television and maybe Jaws and 1941 too.

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... Actually, it's very likely I saw Home Alone in the theater, that was before JP.

True, I actually saw that theatrically as well. That must have been my first Williams score at a cinema.

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I think Joe first heard Williams in Lost in Space.

Me too, but it was TV re-runs. And I only found out he scored it years later

In cinema it was Star Wars. And the music hit me instantly

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A few years after I saw SUPERMAN, I occasionally watched series like THE TIME TUNNEL and LAND OF THE GIANTS on our cable television (this was the mid to late 80s), again without having any clue about film music or John Williams.

So....that would count as the earliest Williams I saw the earliest! :blink:

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Film was Valley of the Dolls, don't remember the music but I remember seeing John's name. Mom had the soundtrack.

But I read at a very young age and remember Johnny Williams on Gilligan's Island and then all the Irwin Allen Shows. Very early on I realized there was a great relationship between music and visuals.

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Hook. First movie I ever remember seeing. Must've been around two years of age and watched it on VHS or TV. Star Wars and Indy couldn't have been that far behind, though I can't really place when I was first acquainted with them. It's like they were always there in some way or another.

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