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On 02/07/2023 at 12:23 PM, Richard Penna said:

 I think that if the composer wishes, there should be two concurrent releases: an album arranged however they want, and a complete score containing everything recorded. No delays, no 'time to enjoy the experience' - the listener gets to decide when and if they want to hear more music.


this makes sense to me if the album is an entirely different thing with album/concert music created from the score instead of cues from the score.


so then we'd get best of both: the album with compositions not directly from the score, and a complete score with alternates which is a more technical thing for the stage.  for this to happen, the stuff has to be good in the first place, and the composers to have chops and be allowed to do it.

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Yes, I sort of brushed off all of the 'real world' requirements for such a thing to happen. My point was more academic that if a composer had such a desire and there were no significant financial or logistical reasons against it, what the ideal release and timings could be.


If JW were at all open to immediate expansions it would be the ideal solution, but obviously that will never happen.

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27 minutes ago, Richard Penna said:


You misspelled JPIII ;) 

Just Curious why the hype for a reissue of THE LOST WORLD?  If it does get reissued its going to be the same presentation with maybe a slight change in the programing and mastering. Right? Or Am I missing anything in particular?


The only ones to benefit are those who missed the previous box set.

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38 minutes ago, Richard Penna said:


You misspelled JPIII ;) 

I'd like both:lol:

12 minutes ago, Amer said:

Just Curious why the hype for a reissue of THE LOST WORLD?  If it does get reissued its going to be the same presentation with maybe a slight change in the programing and mastering. Right? Or Am I missing anything in particular?


The only ones to benefit are those who missed the previous box set.

For 1, I missed out on the box set and while I have a digital copy of it, a standalone copy of it with maybe some additional material would be awesome, as well as an OST remaster if anyone wants that, and for the fact that the box set is OOP and would be a chance for people to buy it. Also for individual album art:lol:

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1 hour ago, filmmusic said:

I am confused because of the different timezones.

you mean on August 1st?


For something like 5 (?) years now LLL has dropped flyers for their month's titles on the first of the month, yes.

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On 31/07/2023 at 9:05 AM, DangerMotif said:

Recently they’ve dropped the day before 


There's only been three times total where the banner dropped before the first of the month.  The rest have all been on the 1st of the month.



On 01/09/2022 at 9:23 AM, Jay said:

You can just scroll backwards through LLL's Facebook feed to see what time MV typically posts the banner



July: 12:24pm EST

June: 11:36am EST one day early (May 31)

May: 1:37pm EST ten days early (April 21)

January: 1:51pm EST



November: 12:48pm EST four days early (October 28)

October: 2:58pm EST

September: 1:16pm EST

August: 11:14am EST

July: 11:44am EST

June: 11:28am EST

May: 10:42pm EST

April: 6:37am EST

March: 2:16am EST

February: 11:17am EST

January: 2:40pm EST



November: 6:26pm EST

October: 11:14am EST

September:  1:12pm EST

August:  12:19pm EST

July:  1:18pm EST

June:  3:18pm EST

May:  11:51am EST

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I'm all for a separate release of TLW to keep it in print and available - I'd just like to see Davis score given its due first.


Although I'd echo prior comments (not in this immediate discussion) that it's a bit hard to see what they would add beyond percussion-only tracks and (shot in the dark) film mix of Ripples. I don't think either are likely as they don't fit the whole 'intended' thing that everyone craves.


Plus including the OST would bump it to 3 discs and therefore the price is going up, and someone will complain about that :) 

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5 minutes ago, Richard Penna said:

I'd just like to see Davis score given its due first.

Fair, JP/// does need an expanded issue.


30 minutes ago, Richard Penna said:

and someone will complain about that


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I’d buy a TLW reissue if Rescuing Sarah was a bit better sounding. Normally I don’t complain but something sounds off with some of the unreleased material to my ears.

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I prefer the overall sound of the box version of JP - whatever MM did when he re-exported from ProTools didn't sit right for me for a few sections. Plus the film version of JTTI is rushed - one of very few occasions where I actively prefer an alternate version.


TLW already gave us the (IMO) superior film edit of the ending and I'm not rebuying an entire score just for one extra cue.

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13 minutes ago, Richard Penna said:

TLW already gave us the (IMO) superior film edit of the ending and I'm not rebuying an entire score just for one extra cue.

Is this referring to Tranquilizer Dart and End Credits? So, When Dart ends, there's a (dialled out in film) drum roll, is this how the End Credits were planned to start? With the drum roll? I'm asking because the track Jurassic Park Theme (End Credits) is very similar, or is it the same?

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The track "Tranquilizer Dart" contains the complete cue for the end of the movie.


The track "Jurassic Park Theme (End Credits)" contains the complete recording of the concert arrangement from the first film.


The track "The Lost World" contains the new end credits music written for TLW (which doubles as the concert arrangement for the score)

The track "The Lost World (Alternate)" contains the revised opening for that, which then segues into the rest of the original cue.


I don't think Williams' exact and specific intentions for how the end credits should be edited will ever be known, and it could be possible that the end credits length was in flex at the time, so he recorded the one new piece, and the full old arrangement, and knew the music editors would make it all fit.  But I've always speculated that his intentions were that after the full "Tranquilizer Dart" cue would cover the final moments of the film, "The Lost World" would open the credits, and then "Jurassic Park Theme" would finish them out.

But the final film didn't do that.  The "Tranquilizer Dart" cue is interrupted before it has finished, with "Jurassic Park Theme" playing over the end of the film, rolling straight into the end credits.  Then an edited amalgam of stuff finishes off the credit roll (it's got the new End Credit Intro, part of the concert arrangement, and other stuff I forget).


So the track "Tranquilizer Dart and End Credits (Film Version)" is a new edit Mike made for the LLL album that sort of replicates what the film does, going from mid-way in "Tranquilizer Dart" into mid-way through "Jurassic Park Theme (End Credits)", but the transition is edited better there, than it is in the film itself.


(The drum roll you're talking about is from the "Jurassic Park Theme" track, not from "Tranquilizer Dart")

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6 hours ago, Jay said:

So the track "Tranquilizer Dart and End Credits (Film Version)" is a new edit Mike made for the LLL album that sort of replicates what the film does, going from mid-way in "Tranquilizer Dart" into mid-way through "Jurassic Park Theme (End Credits)", but the transition is edited better than the transition in the film itself.


(The drum roll you're talking about is from "Jurassic Park Theme")

Ah okay, I had figured this much but this had always confused me since it sounded the same. And you’re right about the length and original intentions, because the JP Theme is cut short and overlaps with the opening beats of “The Lost World” which then overlaps with “To the Island” and finally overlaps with “The Lost World End Credit Intro” and even that cue is cut short in the middle and the end. So I think if they strictly used Williams intentions something would’ve had to have been changed since I don’t think they would’ve fit the credits length, unless that was shorter at one point but probably not.

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How do you figure?  It's not even 8AM yet in MV's local time.  He's posted the flyers as late as like 8PM in his local time

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It's always wonderful to have another Williams expansion, but I would really wish they'd do one that hasn't had an expansion before in the future.


This score remains incredible, so I'm very happy

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Gorky Park is one of his better “urban” scores. Some synth but more 48 Hours. Wonder if there is anything more on this… thought the prior release was complete.

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6 minutes ago, Edmilson said:

Isn't Gorky Park one of Horner's 80s synth scores?

It is one of those, yes. It's a really good one though. I am chuffed because I missed two previous releases from Kritzerland and Intrada.


Horner also wrote a nice Irina's theme:





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I'm going to have to be 'that guy' and I apologise for any hypocrisy that may arise forth.


But Williams' two Jurassic scores both get expanded and then issued again, before the first score in the series not composed by him even has a hint of being presented properly?


It's great that both are now available for those who missed, but.... meh... #3 deserves to be released properly just as much :( 

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