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  1. A hint of something from Doug Adams on Twitter...
    3 points
  2. Well-said. Plus, each fade to black (or other similar technique seemingly annoucing the end of the film) also indicates the end of a particular part of the story, in my opinion. Fade to white after the Eagles save Frodo: the end of the Quest of the Ring. Fade to black after Frodo sees Sam: the end of their separate journey. The camera zooming out of Minas Tirith: the end of the story of the third film, as well as the end of the Fellowship's journey. Fade to white after the Grey Havens sequence: the end of the 4 Hobbits' journey. Final fade to black after Sam goes home: the end of the LOTR trilogy.
    3 points
  3. The ending is done perfectly. I am glad JWFan is wise enough to see this!
    2 points
  4. There are some many great things you could potentially watch and explore but you prefer to revel in the urine scale of cinema history. Sigh...
    2 points
  5. Well that's an unexpected surprise? An Indiana Jones box set produced by Mike Matessino with liner notes by @Doug Adams? Finally, we've cracked the Lucasfilm barrier and remastered Star Wars expansions for all 8 films are on their way! I love jumping to conclusions. ... especially when all manner of strict Disney NDAs would prevent Doug Adams from revealing such an announcement via a Tweet!
    2 points
  6. Heh I totally forgot. But my Earthquake playlist still stands.
    2 points
  7. Skelly

    How to contact JW

    John Williams was really mean to me when I tried to contact him. I went up to his house but didn't want to bother him at a time when he would be busy. So around 2 or 3 in the morning I started knocking on his bedroom window. He seemed very bewildered to see a dedicated fan like me! Before I could give him my list of suggestions for the next Star Wars score he grabbed a couple of batons and started hitting me with them. I still don't know what I did wrong; maybe he thought I was Michael Giacchino.
    2 points
  8. The music that plays over the text "This Chrismas" and the scene with the Crait speeders is especially sublime.
    1 point
  9. Both TPM and AOTC are borderline unwatchable. ROTS, while it has its cringe moments, is a much more enjoyable film than its predecessors.
    1 point
  10. Is that because you can't find anyone else willing to watch them with you, or because they'll laugh too hard if they do?
    1 point
  11. I think I can make out some of the text on the left: "...for instance, if we take the opening of Willie's theme and combine it with the middle section of the Raider's March, the gaps between the notes get smaller with time, symbolising how Indiana and Willie start off hating each other before gradually becoming intertwined in a relationship as Willie wins over the heart of Indiana (which, of course, is the antithesis of Mola Ram trying to rip out the heart of Indiana by force in the bridge sequence)..."
    1 point
  12. Yeaaaah, that was a good part. I love how putting his daughter's bullies in their place was like this vent for all his anger over the case that he came out of with newfound confidence. I won't be able to watch tonight's Broadchurch finale until tomorrow night, sadly.
    1 point
  13. Death of Han Solo, and generally the third act of the picture. Maybe the very last scene as well.
    1 point
  14. Yeah and Palpatine got exactly what I wish Dooku could've had. A little background just so we kind of get an idea of his motivation ("UNLIMITED POWER") but still a very mysterious character. Instead we got Grievous, the most dumb, awful wet fart of a villain in the history of science fiction.
    1 point
  15. Never had that problem with the endings (on the contrary), and like you, I think this is a stupid complaint: it seems people simply don't understand this is not just the conclusion of one 3-hour film, this is the conclusion of a 11-hour long story. A 20 minutes long ending doesn't feel like pushing it to me! And if you're invested in the story and cared about the characters, then I don't see why you'd be bothered by this "lengthy" ending: on the contrary, you should be happy so much care has been put into the conclusion to make it satisfying. The thing that always made me smile is that I had a complete opposite reaction compared to people who moaned about the multiple endings: when I first watched the film, with the first fade to white after the Eagles saved Frodo, I was like "Oh, no, they're not going to end the film here, are there? So much more stuff left to show!", and I was happy to see it continue. And after that, there was the fade to black after Frodo sees Sam, and I had the same reaction: "Oh, no, they're not going to end the film here, are there? So much more stuff left to show!". Thankfully, the film continued. And once again, with the shot zooming out of Minas Tirith, and the sweeping Shire theme statement, I was like: "Oh, no, they're not going to end the film here, are there? So much more stuff left to show!", etc. With each "fake" ending, instead of being annoyed, I was relieved!
    1 point
  16. Literally the first thing I did when I opened the page was ctrl-f and look for the word "ending." If there's anything I hate it's people complaining about "too many" endings. Don't even start with me on that stupid complaint. Luckily I only found mstrox's joke. I consider this by far the messiest of the LOTR films. It's sprawling and messy, with more questionable visual effects and performances and continuity errors. Just a mess! But it's such an emotional catharsis, and gets so much right, that I forgive it all that.
    1 point
  17. http://www.mtv.com/news/3003393/star-wars-the-last-jedi-opening-crawl/
    1 point
  18. Hello. I liked the trailer. But there's nothing really special or new being offered here it seems. I was hoping Johnson would finally break the Star Wars mould. Cool hearing the music played around with. Was it Williams?
    1 point
  19. Skelly

    How to contact JW

    It wasn't until later that I realized I should have blatted out a Star Wars tune on my trombone, just like those other guys. I felt like such a fool!
    1 point
  20. Cerebral Cortex

    How to contact JW

    See, you were way too aggressive, man. You should have gotten there early in the morning, let yourself in, and waited on his living room sofa for him to come downstairs in his bathrobe. That way you're working on his schedule and he gets his beauty sleep. Much more considerate, trust me.
    1 point
  21. Nemesis

    Relaxing Music

    If you're looking for some relaxing music I would like to recommend my channel on youtube: Enjoy
    1 point
  22. Just watched the first episode of the new MST3K....I was worried my brain would reject it on some level, but I'm happy to report that the show still works and still hilarious. Didn't take long at all to get used to the new cast, and was thrilled that they retained the old format with invention exchange, fan letters, little skits, and even something that constitutes commercial breaks. This is not a type of show that I can binge though, so I'll watch one every so often. Thank goodness this doesn't suck.
    1 point
  23. That never even occurred to me. Whatever the cartoon established, I mean. Heroes on both sides always made sense to me. If you'd paid attention to the previous movie, Palpatine orchestrated the war. So, the Jedi and Padme were in the service of the dark lord just as the separatists were. Even if unwittingly, the heroes were on both sides. The lines were blurred. There was no black and white Rebels vs. Empire. Rather, everyone was plunged into a far more interesting gray zone. But see, Star Wars can't try to be intelligent. It has to be stupid to keep appealing to a mass audience. That's where Disney Star Wars comes in.
    1 point
  24. I agree with Thor. In recent decades, the term requiem has come to mean any composition whose purpose is to memorialize the dead, with war requiems being especially common. I don't think it's inaccurate to categorize "Hymn to the Fallen" as a war requiem, personally.
    1 point
  25. Williams or not, that little flourish of Rey's main theme in the first half is absolutely gorgeous. the innocence and wonder of it really reminds me of the early statements of Luke's theme.
    1 point
  26. Why is Luke scowling on the poster? And why is it okay for him to do it, but not the President?
    1 point
  27. I'm sure they paid him handsomely for him to get up there. Enough for him to be able to buy as many leather jackets as he could possibly want.
    1 point
  28. I just finished watching TFA again (first time since Carrie Fisher's passing). The more I watch it, the more I love it. This is really the sequel any fan would expect. A very great movie. And the music... I'm ready for Episode 8!
    1 point
  29. The Professors wonderful legacy, sold out by greed and laziness! Its depressing!
    1 point
  30. Why would you watch a Star Wars Celebration event and expect anything other than a Star Wars celebration. Would you prefer they play Beethoven before the events and have various Star Trek actors give interviews?
    1 point
  31. Kathy Kennedy every day when she arrives at the office: "Who's checking JWFan?! Have we checked JWFan today?! Has Will seen the newest TV spot yet? We gotta keep our finger on the JWFan pulse, people!"
    1 point
  32. Looking at the trailer again, the harsher lighting in parts looks very retro. I dig it.
    1 point
  33. How awesome to finally see some of the most interesting dropped music in context with the film! I also agree, however, that they made the right choice in dropping it. The music is really cool on its own, but the dropped sections really don't work nearly as well in the film. Especially that unused majority of Hungry Raptor. When I originally heard it at the end of the "Making of" documentary, I honestly thought it was some cool remix someone did or something. LOL. It just didn't seem like Williams to me, due to the style change. However, I think it was Brachio who revealed to me through the sheet music before the 2013 release that it was indeed for the film's shed sequence. My immediate thought was "seriously? how did THAT ever work?". And well... sure... it hits some points well in the film, but overall to me it DOESN'T work, lol. It moves too fast for what is going on, robbing the scary intensity of the scene. Still, I do LOVE that music on its own. It's really fun!
    1 point
  34. Next thing, Sonic will start appearing in the same game as Mario!
    1 point
  35. Can we have a comment from someone who's had a little less caffeine?
    1 point
  36. There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know.
    1 point
  37. As naive as it is to even entertain as a possible outcome, I hope we never will get a saga Star Wars film without Williams.
    1 point
  38. "The Last Jedi" is singular, according to Rian Johnson Makes sense given what we heard in the trailer. ---------- I love that, from the trailer, it looks like this film will really explore the spiritual aspects, which was really missing in TFA! I love the hints of Luke creating a sort of "gray Jedi" or balanced Force user who is greater than any before him. Or, in theory, it could even mean he's turning to the dark side and taking Rey with him, or attempting to. I love the Falcon in the fluffy clouds too. That planet looks awesome even from that little glimpse. I wonder if it's Canto Bight!
    1 point
  39. LOL. The face says it all. Bam, right into camera. Is Williams waving to Puck?
    1 point
  40. Personally, I think giving any of these three films less than 10/10 is slightly ridiculous. But hey, just me.
    1 point
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