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The Official Intrada Thread

Trent B

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Yep, WW1984 is definitely Zimmer's version of Williams' Superman: The Movie. 

He couldn't or didn't want to do it in Man of Steel, but he clearly wanted to try his best with this score. And imho he nailed it.

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What is it about The Perfect Storm that has so many clamouring for an expansion? Is there much significant material that did not make the OST? I'm not that familiar with the score so probably need to look into it.

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7 minutes ago, Yavar Moradi said:

Yeah like half the score is missing


That can't be true, can it?  The OST album is 79 minutes long

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If the OST is 79 minutes and is missing half the score, does that mean that the complete score is *checks math* 158 minutes long? Almost 2 hours and 40 minutes of music? That can't be right, since the movie is only 130 minutes (2 hours 10 minutes) long.


Still, I'd estimate there's at least about 35 to 40 minutes of music missing and that's only counting what is on the movie, excluding alternates, unused material and such. 


There are several bootlegs on the internet though, that can be used while Warner doesn't go under makes amend with the labels. Which is why my biggest WB holy grail is not even TPS but rather JFK, which, again, doesn't have any bootlegs.

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3 hours ago, Edmilson said:

Still, I'd estimate there's at least about 35 to 40 minutes of music missing and that's only counting what is on the movie, excluding alternates, unused material and such.

Yeah, this is accurate. I forgot the original album was quite that long. But I do think with film versions and other alternates I wouldn’t be surprised if an expanded edition came close to filling a whole second disc.



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I hate boxed sets for the same reason. It's always a stress waiting for a package containing one of those to arrive. My Indiana Jones box has a nasty dent on the back bottom right corner (thanks SAE) and the bonus disc cardboard sleeve has a ding in the same place.

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2 hours ago, bollemanneke said:

What's the problem with digipacks? At least they don't break into pieces.


When they break, they're broken. And when stuff is spilled on them, there's no protecting plastic cover.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If what you're saying is correct, then we won't need to wait that long for The Patriot! :lovethis: Or Nixon, which would also be cool.


OTOH, I'll have to wait the entire year (maybe more) to find out what the JNH expansion will be :(

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4 hours ago, Edmilson said:

If what you're saying is correct, then we won't need to wait that long for The Patriot! :lovethis: Or Nixon, which would also be cool.


I'd adore either of these scores, but Intrada keep licensing stuff other labels could also licence. I wish they'd focus their energy on exclusive titles only they can access (ie. anything associated with Disney, like Nixon and Patriot).


I'm still predicting BOT4J from LLL in July for the 35th anniversary, so Nixon from Intrada makes perfect sense. We can assume JFK is off the table indefinitely.


But 2 out of 3 Oliver scores...



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  • 3 weeks later...

Boo, no naked links please!


Coming 1/30...remastered for those that missed it. "That's great for those that missed it."  "Where there hell is Night Breed?" "Maybe he meant Nightcomers when he said Night Breed?"  "Is he that dense that he could mix up those two titles?" "Probably."





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4 hours ago, Jay said:

Boo, no naked links please!


Coming 1/30...remastered for those that missed it. "That's great for those that missed it."  "Where there hell is Night Breed?" "Maybe he meant Nightcomers when he said Night Breed?"  "Is he that dense that he could mix up those two titles?" "Probably."






Isn’t that still a naked link? Lol

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16 hours ago, Jay said:

No, not at all.


How so? Google “naked link” and you’ll see what I mean; a naked link is when you have an exposed/visible URL as the anchor text, rather than a keyword.

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14 hours ago, TSMefford said:

Naked, as in, a link without any context


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Yes, I get that. But saying “not at all” is incorrect, since according to the common definition of the term, it is very much a naked link. My initial comment was just joking about how even though you wrote more than just the link, it was still technically a naked link. Lol, never mind.

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Yeah I dunno why you're still circling back around on this.  Everyone else knew what I meant.

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12 minutes ago, Jurassic Shark said:

isn't Jay the guy who usually points out every “mistake”?


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33 minutes ago, Holko said:

"Daisey Ridley"

Glad to see their attention to detail is still impeccable

I hope Jay won’t mind that you pointed it out first. 

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54 minutes ago, Luke Skywalker said:

I wonder… as daisy is producer of the film… if she had asked him…would williams have composed anything for the film?

Perhaps, but I don't think the indie filmmakers behind this movie would've wanted a John Williams score anyway. 

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