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  1. (Note: The “Prelude” is what will be premiered; the “Scherzo for Piano and Orchestra” is a previously-existing work.)
    18 points
  2. Further evidence that this is the world's most slowly developing full piano concerto. Excellent news. I wouldn't be surprised if he tinkered with the scherzo as well.
    6 points
  3. I feel the opposite, I like the scherzo very much from start to finish, it sounds very fresh and energetic, and has a lot of Williams trademarks in it.
    4 points
  4. It's Like a Cat Walking on the Piano for Piano and Orchestra for Gloria Cheng and Lang Lang
    4 points
  5. 3 points
  6. A pretty ok couple of days No, I do not know why the forum turned the photos sideways
    3 points
  7. If anybody anywhere does say it out loud, probably the latter
    2 points
  8. The orchestral parts really are very typical of that era of JW action music. Parts sound straight out of Azkaban to me
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading about the Scherzo. I absolutely adore it. I love the piano parts but if you're looking for something more melodic there's a recurring theme that plays throughout the whole piece. It's one the best JW action pieces!
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. This is likely the closest we’ll ever get to a JW piano concerto! Really excited for this!
    2 points
  13. YES! Very interesting that it’s a work written expressly to be paired with the earlier Scherzo. Cant wait to hear it!
    2 points
  14. I thought it was because they're into musical theatre, showtunes, fabulous fashion and kitschy outlandish decor.
    2 points
  15. He does listen to them. Mike burns them to CDRs and hand delivers them to Jamie Richardson. Later, Jamie and JW will sit down together and listen to them at JW's house. JW will give Jamie notes that he delivers back to Mike.
    2 points
  16. There is a professional recording of the live premiere. Markus Hable used the cover for the release on the link posted by Jurassic Shark. Since this is being premiered with the Albany SO under David Alan Miller and he usually seems to record his comissions on Albany Records, I would surely hope for a recording of Prelude and Scherzo in the near future.
    1 point
  17. As far as I know, HBO Max is only available in the US. Not even Canada has it yet. But it'll start expanding to other countries this year. I received an e-mail from HBO Go the other day saying that Max arrives here in Brazil this June.
    1 point
  18. It's pretty odd to say Back to the Future: Part III, The Hateful Eight, Rango, and Brokeback Mountain all belong to the same genre too. Not sure if that proves or disproves your point, really. Especially lately, though, there are very few movies that aim to stay within any one genre, it's all about the hybrid. Doesn't mean "superhero" or "western" aren't among many valid qualifiers, they're either subverting or playing into those tropes and cliches. We could list tons of "comedy" or "drama" or "action" films that have nothing to do with each other as well. Animation is a creative medium so it's more like when people group "silent movies" or "black and white movies" together, I guess, especially once those stopped becoming historical necessities and more a style in themselves. Obviously animation is way less of a novelty than those now but still useful to categorize sometimes. Might argue "superhero" is a subgenre like a spy, mafia, or heist movie. It's a type of setup that can be done a lot of ways.
    1 point
  19. Smooth easy listening versions of film themes, arranged by a certain someone. Album from 1963. And despite its name, it actually has surprisingly few tracks written by Previn.
    1 point
  20. What a dumb name. Oh well, I'm just going to continue calling it the Sony-verse.
    1 point
  21. I finaly got my hands on the SE at a nice price (under 10$US). Ennio Morricone - Once Upon a Time in America (Special Edition)
    1 point
  22. Oi! I've just read that. I. Do. Not. Live. In. Fucking. Ireland!
    1 point
  23. Martinez, actually. If it had been Artemiev, I'd have typed SOLYARIS. I can't choose. Each score fits the dreamlike qualities of their respective films. I love both scores; I love both films.
    1 point
  24. I think "super hero flick" is as much of a genre as "western flick". Both can have a ton of wiggle room of how the basic elements are presented, but with both descriptions you kinda know what you're in for before you start, for the most part
    1 point
  25. I checked this website today to see if there are any updates, and his website is now completely gone. Looks like he forgot to pay the bill!
    1 point
  26. No, that's the one set in the late 20s, early 30s. No, I didn't.
    1 point
  27. Bicentennial Man (OST) by James Horner A nice Horner's score as always. Lot of similarities with A Beautiful Mind though.
    1 point
  28. He usually does use Tom Holkenborg these days http://filmmusicreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/vca-121.jpg
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Only in 2021 is a 58-minute album considered "short". I think it's pretty much perfect. Perhaps even a bit too long as is.
    1 point
  31. Wyatt Earp (OST) by James Newton Howard Never heard this one before and that was a shame. It is such a beautiful score although it is quite short. Luckily there is the LLL 3CD set!!!
    1 point
  32. It's a shame, I liked the score of the first episode, mostly because it brings back some themes of Jackman's own Winter Soldier score. But I believe at the very least we'll get an album (or two) of highlights
    1 point
  33. Very nice, @Bilbo, that's a good couple of - the tablecloth!
    1 point
  34. As last night was my 50th birthday 'eve' and I am a born-and-bred Belfast man, this was last night's double-bill - '71 - due to an escalation of Troubles hostilities, young soldier Jack O'Connell's unit is sent to Belfast. Unfortunately during a house search in the Republican part of the west of the city, he becomes separated from them and must attempt to make his way back to barracks ... he is aided and hindered in this by people on both sides of the 'divide'. Riveting and suspenseful action drama. Skyfall - I'll not go on at length, suffice to say it's Craig's best Bond and a series highlight.
    1 point
  35. It's because they want to suck dick and feel a dick up their arse.
    1 point
  36. I personally never believe it's real until @Jay changes his avatar. Then I know it's official.
    1 point
  37. As a fan of the Green Lantern comics, the removal of John Stewart (or any other Lantern) is pretty sad. I just hope WB didn't let Snyder use Stewart because they are actually moving forward with their plans for the Green Lantern Corps.
    1 point
  38. Threatening to quit your own project that has your name on it over creative differences. Another mark of an artiste'.
    1 point
  39. Every time this thread gets bumped I think the title has been announced...
    1 point
  40. The Crimebuster theme is a banger
    1 point
  41. It's not a great film, or even a great Star Wars film, but it's about as good a finale to the sequel trilogy as I think we could have expected. It's OBVIOUSLY a better film than TLJ, which is CLEARLY an abomination.
    1 point
  42. Gosh I haven't been here in awhile but glancing through this thread there seems to be alot of criticism over this release. Oh well, everybody's got different tastes, but I enjoyed this score for what it is. The film itself is pretty "boutique" IMHO, in that it is overlong and indulgent as a piece of cinema, but if you are a Zack Snyder fan, you will be very happy. For this reason, the score also has a very "lumbering" nature. There's probably a solid 30 minutes of slo-mo in this film, and thus you will hear lots of synth-pad swells and slow fades. The guy did this whole thing from his bedroom in 8 months so it's actually more or less what I'd expect. Having said that, I think it fits very well with the aesthetic established in the 2 previous films. I'm an Elfman fan but I was disappointed in his score to the theatrical release for the most part. I do miss his Flash theme tho. I don't think the new score tops that bit. Anyways, I took the trouble to try to match music to film narrative (an old hobby well documented on my old blog http://cuebycue.blogspot.com/ ) and this is what I came up with. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon during a pandemic! This was all from a single pass so I'm sure there will be corrections...anyways, I thought I'd share here in case someone may find this useful. The release is pretty much chronological aside from track 1. The last tracks are suites. There's repetition to be sure, but no more than I'd expect from a superhero score coming out of the Zimmer school. 1: Song to the Siren (Rose Betts) (Barry Saves Iris From Truck) (After trk 12) 2: A Hunter Gathers (Superman’s Death, Motherboxes Awaken 1:51, Themyscira Motherbox 3:46, Bruce in Iceland Mountains 5:20) 3: Migratory (Martha Leaves Smallville House) 4: Things Fall Apart (Bruce and Alfred at the Airfield) 5: Wonder Woman Defending / And What Rough Beast (Terrorists Take Hostages, WW Investigates 1:54, WW Rescue (alt) 3:24) 6: World Ending Fire (Hippolyta Visits MB, Steppenwolf attacks/Fall of the Tomb 3:13, Chase Across the Plains 5:30) 7: Middle Mass (Steppenwolf Arrives in Russia) 8: Long Division (Bruce Searches for Allies on Plane) 9: No Paradise, No Fall (Janitor Meets Parademons, Artemis’ Arrow 2:07) 10: The Center Will Not Hold, Twenty Centuries of Stony Sleep (Kryptonian Ship, Vic Speaks w Silas 0:53, Diana Reads Temple Mural 1:41, Arthur Saves Fisherman 4:30, Arthur & Vulko Undersea 5:23) 11: As Above, So Below (Steppenwolf and DeSaad) 12: No Dog, No Master (Legend of Old Gods Amassing Against Darkseid, Attack Begins 2:33, Hiding the Motherboxes 5:12) 13: Take This Kingdom by Force (Steppenwolf Interrogates Atlanteans w Spider) 14: A Splinter from the Thorn That Pricked You (Lois and Superman’s Cloak) 15: Cyborg Becoming / Human All Too Human (Vic’s Football Memories, Accident 2:57, Silas Gives Vic Tape (Powers & Good Deeds) 4:25) 16: The Path Chooses You (Bruce Confronts Barry) 17: Aquaman Returning / Carry Your Own Water (Mera at the Motherbox, Steppenwolf Attacks 1:59, Arthur Arrives 3:27, Arthur & Mera 4:40, Vic Sees Batsignal/Steppenwolf Adds 2nd MB 6:28) 18: The Provenance of Something Gathered (Batman and Friends Meet Gordon) 19: We Do This Together (Arrival in Tunnel, Battle & Flood Escape 3:24) 20: The Will to Power (Steppenwolf’s Antilife Vision, Talk on Stryker’s Island 1:35, DeSaad & Darkseid 2:13) 21: Smoke Become Fire (JL Arrival at Batcave (alt)) 22: I Teach You, the Overman (Vic Explains MB and his Origin (alt), Superman Resurrection Idea/Martha Visits Lois 3:00) 23: A Glimmer at the Door of the Living (Manhunter Leaves Lois) 24: How We Achieve Ourselves (Debate Bringing Superman Back) 25: The Sun Forever Rising (Midnight Digging Talk) 26: Underworld (Sneak Into STAR Labs Compound, Silas Sees Vic/Kryptonian ship 3:53) 27: Superman Rising, Pt. 1 / A Book of Hours (Lois In Bed, Clark Goes Into Pool 1:28) 28: Beyond Good and Evil (Barry’s Idea/Lois’ Last Visit, Vic’s Vision of Darkseid’s Future 2:20, Barry Runs 2:54) 29: Monument Builder (Clark Rises and Flies to Monument Site) 30: Monument Destroyer (Clark Feels Threatened, Vs Flash 2:26, Vs Army & Fights Towards Bruce 3:26) 31: Urgrund (Lois Appears) 32: So Begins the End (Steppenwolf vs Silas, After Steppenwolf’s Escape 2:41) 33: The House of Belonging (Clark at Smallville House) 34: Earthling (Cornfield Talk and Reunion with Martha) 35: Flight Is Our Nature (Bruce: “Something Darker”, Troop Carrier Launch 0:41) 36: Indivisible (Motherboxes Unite and Tremors Around the World) 37: And the Lion-Earth Did Roar, Pt. 1 (JL Prep for Battle, Batmobile vs Parademons 1:21) 38: And the Lion-Earth Did Roar, Pt. 2 (JL Vs Parademons, JL Confronts Steppenwolf 1:44) 39: Superman Rising, Pt. 2 / Immovable (Clark Arrives and Kicks Ass) 40: At the Speed of Force (Barry Injured, Darkseid’s Boom Tube, Barry Runs To the Past 1:30) 41: My Broken Boy (Vic Inside Motherbox Vision, MB Separation) 42: That Terrible Strength (Steppenwolf Killed, Darkseid Warned, Darkseid Plans) 43: An Eternal Reoccurrence of Change (JL Emerges Into Dawn) 44: We Slay Ourselves (Silas Tape, Arthur Leaves, Epilogues) 45: Your Own House Turned to Ashes (Arkham Missing Lex, Meeting with Deathstroke) 46: All of You Undisturbed Cities (Knightmare Dream with Joker) 47: The Art of Preserving Fire (Manhunter Leaves Bruce (alt)) 48: The Crew at Warpower (Main Theme Suite) 49: The Foundation Theme (from Zack Snyder's Justice League) (Main Theme Suite 2) 50: Batman, a Duty to Fight / To See (Batman Suite) 51: Batman, an Invocation to Heal / To Be Seen (Batman Suite 2) 52: Wonder Woman, a Call to Stand / A World Awakened (WW Suite) 53: Flash, the Space to Win / Our Legacy Is Now (Flash, JL Suite) 54: Hallelujah (Allison Crowe, End Credits)
    1 point
  43. Is that yet another Pink Panther sequel?
    1 point
  44. Thank you very much for the video! Just listening. Concert music is most demanding from a listener. This music could never be composed for a film score because it would be extremely distracting. (especially those piano parts) That's why it sounds different from his film scores. To fully appreciate this kind of music you must be somehow used or "trained" (I don't mean formally) to listening to such kind of music.. And again I don't mean that if you are, you will consider everything written a masterpiece. It's just that you'll able to judge it with a clearer mind, once you have been disposed of the "alienating" factor.
    1 point
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